[IC] Public Service Announcement - Infested Cloaks

I was referring to the greater AD server community. Confusion happens.

Just another distraction, because I made one joke. Humor never hurts-… scratch that, humor seems to set people off worse than politics. You are correct though, there is no proof they are a symbol of rebellion, so the people who you say were using them as such were without a doubt meta-gaming.

Put down the growth pot and let me reiterate - canonically “brown cloaks” are not a symbol of the rebellion. It is never referenced as that and there is no reason to believe that

I’m not sure what the growth pot reference is about? Is someone using them In character to represent being bigger? I’m not sure how this matters. The Vrykul horn is much cheaper, by the way, if you can put up with the viking helmet.

And it’s that group of players that made the error in judgement, Meta-gaming. My argument is based on their initial action. I disagree strongly with you adding on to it, but the initial deed remains what it is. I just can’t fathom the wisdom in what I see as an initiative that encourages the actual acts of rebellion with means or knowledge which could or should be seen as meta. Isn’t it fundamentally encouraging something taboo?

And who would they be? My Orc thinks Saurfang is dead. The Red blade has no proof or indication he survived the fall of Lordaeron, and any other community I’m part of or privy to (I suspect you mean the Whiteclaw communion) is about maintaining honor. Saurfang has nothing to do with it, nor is rebellious action encouraged, it’s just Honorable folks fighting the war they want to.

“search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet” - As on Google.

Lucky then it’s the initial act of using the cloaks as a symbol I’ve been calling meta-gaming. I’m just confused and worried over the wisdom in furthering and even advocating initiatives around acts of meta-gaming. It can only surely encourage it in future.

Roleplay with them, as friend or foe, but is it ultimately wise to fan the proverbial flames of something someone else is doing if it’s considered taboo?

There seems to be some confusion. I don’t know if Orgrimmar has been overrun with lice or rebels anymore. Have I fallen pray to the Forsaken propaganda train? Is down up and left right?

I don’t know.

As you so wish.

Learn what this term actually means you peon.


How is an alt identifying information, that would be name, address etc.
Youd know that though, had you read any further than the first sentence of the wikipedia article on doxing


For some more than the others

I don’t think wearing cloaks is taboo. It is not different to using any identifying bit of clothing - like the Defias Brotherhood/Syndicate using masks, and so on

It’s an IC use of what is essentially a non-descript OOC item and I think you have a problem with it only because you have a bone to pick - and even then, I don’t get why you/your pal began to post here so viciously (to the point that the latter had his posts pruned by the forum staff) - I am sure you’re aware that my guilds - at least - specifically avoid your own (where it is possible) for reasons that your GM can explain to you. There was really no risk of this roleplay coming your way


I don’t mean that, no. I’ve had plenty of satisfying / enjoyable RP with the Frozen Paw Clan and have generally high opinions of their stuff

Are you claiming that your alt pal is an orc IRL? That’s epic

I guess both. The OP is absolutely about discouraging what my character (wrongly) believes is a small act of rebellion

Ideally this will include no angry whispers / anonymous alts etc coming by, too





I’m sorry but if I say peasant the blue bois (no, not the alliance ones) will probably get angry.

If Throgann really is an orc IRL, perhaps he should start acting with more honour on the forums

[watches the orc altpost a homophobic slur] This is NOT what the Horde is about.


This here is the only quality post in this entire mess.

-Pats Womp. Good Peon-


okibab pls





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I think the term for what he’s doing is ‘much ado about nothing’ or ‘clutching at straws’.


On a more serious note, let people have fun lmao. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. First people whine there arent to many RP initiatives on the server just to moan when one is being done, especially when they hold a grudge towards the person doing it. Because you okibab definetly have something against these guys and you are doing it because you dont like them, not because their initiative makes no sense


I must say I’m disappointed to see an otherwise reasonable topic dissolve into another show of poop-tossing between certain individuals. What’s even more disappointing, however, is that some seem to be taking the chance to pick up old grudges without much cause to bring them back up to begin with. To clarify:

Given he palmed off the weird as h*ll mass reporting your guild did against us I am assuming this one will also be brushed under the carpet. Please stick to your policy as I per requested with your GM to not interact with us in the future, thank you.

I’m quite confident you are well aware that we have discussed this matter of “mass reporting” you claim my guild did some time ago, and I have clarified in full that there was nothing to indicate that anything of the sort happened. Despite the continued claims (lacking any proof whatsoever) that arise from a few certain individuals whenever it appears convenient to be brought up. As I mentioned to you the last time we spoke of this: Any claims of “mass reports” are simply false. And if you have any reason to believe otherwise, you are - once again - welcome to contact me about the matter. Since you didn’t choose to pursue the matter the last time I gave my response to you, however, I’m going to assume that you have no such reason. As such, I don’t really see why you considered it necessary to bring up such a false claim once again.

Having said that, I will also reiterate that I have not followed any requests to tell my guild to cease interacting with any specific guilds. I personally don’t believe in boycotting (parts of) communities and feel that people are perfectly capable for themselves to decide whether or not they wish to interact with others. We have had some perfectly fine interactions with other individuals from the Hand of Conquest before, and I daresay that individuals such as Okiba and Throgann (though I missed his post, so I have no idea how his name popped up in this thread) do not represent the entirety of Orcs of the Red Blade’s stance towards a guild or individual either. No single guild is one hive mind, after all. Something worth keeping in mind for some who seem to keep on insisting that my guild has some kind of crusade going for certain others (we don’t). Conversely, however, the two aforementioned have been requested to stop pursuing the matter from our end as well. Some of the comments made and discussions that followed are not acceptable in my book.

As for the discussion actually relating to the topic at hand: No, I do not consider this thread to be any form of meta-gaming myself. I actually think it’s a rather ludic take on recent in-game developments. Playful and harmless. As such, it’s sad to see such a needlessly inflammatory (from either sides) discussion coming forth from it. It will be a refreshing day when we can actually enjoy the intriguing state the Horde’s politics are currently in without any unnecessary OOC ramifications.


What part of false doxxing accussations is reasonable again?

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I did post a rather mean comment directed towards some people in particular while on a different character, which seemed to hurt a lot of people. However, I’ve deleted my comment to avoid pissing off even more people and to not be part of this.
But hey, I do apologise for the offence caused to anyone and will avoid posting such things in the future.

You may want to note that by a “reasonable topic”, I am referring to the original purpose of the topic. And perhaps you should finish reading the entirety of my post before cherry-picking certain comments as well. If you had, you would have found that I do in fact condemn the discussion that followed Okiba’s claim.

eh fair enough my B. I am way too used to people saying a topic only gets ‘nasty’ when it’s the opposing side being rude, not when it’s their own. Got ahead of myself there because of that.

Put a smile on me face, perroy


They’re entirely current grudges on my part

I believe you were linked the log in question and said something to the effect of “I can’t stop people doing that”

It isn’t actually a false claim but I guess it’s useful to claim that it is on a platform where evidence can’t be posted

As well that, there is also the forum posts + I’ve also had players in your guild send me insulting OOC whispers in game. It makes me incredibly disinterested in any interactions with your group - because every IC conflict is met almost instantly with an OOC reaction

You honestly should

It doesn’t matter what you believe really

Yeah because the Hand of Conquest is a really cool guild. That is par for course

Do you really have no control over how your guildies conduct themselves? Weird

Yet every guild should have a GM who is willing to enforce his vision - both regarding the IC aspects of the guild but also the OOC atmosphere


There is no “we” here

You apologise only because you got caught, my man. Don’t alt post again - it’s a video game forum. What exactly are you afraid of lol

np buddy

BTW if anyone’s interested in the context of my post they can contact me on Discord


I can choose to answer every little point you chose to engage in my post and keep this ball rolling forever, Perroy, but I came in here solely to clarify my/my guild’s point of view in this whole matter, since two of my members made the mistake of shooting themselves in the foot and my entire guild was dragged into the discussion by some people in the process. Even more reason not to pursue the matter if you personally admit to holding a grudge towards me and/or my guild, because experience has shown that will only lead to continued off-topicness (and, arguably, toxicity). I myself hold no such grudges towards you or your guild because, as I said, a guild consists of not one single will or individual and as such should not be judged as one. I would say that I am disappointed to see such a one-noted response from your end even though I had no intention of pursuing any hostility in my previous post, but that is your perogative if that is how you wish to profile yourself here, of course.

If you do have any claims that support your view regarding the mass reporting case, you are welcome to contact me any time, as ever before. What few snippets of screenshots I was provided the many months back that it was actually a relevant discussion, however, showed comments that were a far cry from anything that implied an attempt to mass report anyone. As for any inflammatory comments, people are always welcome to contact me and send me logs/screenshots of the incident. If I actually see proof that something is amiss, I do act upon it. As I have with this topic, for that matter.

It seems we disagree upon the way a guild should be run, and that’s fine. As stated, I do not believe in telling people who they are and are not allowed to interact with in-game. The manner upon which said interaction is done, however, -is- something I take issue with. Case in point.