I was referring to the greater AD server community. Confusion happens.
Just another distraction, because I made one joke. Humor never hurts-… scratch that, humor seems to set people off worse than politics. You are correct though, there is no proof they are a symbol of rebellion, so the people who you say were using them as such were without a doubt meta-gaming.
Put down the growth pot and let me reiterate - canonically “brown cloaks” are not a symbol of the rebellion. It is never referenced as that and there is no reason to believe that
I’m not sure what the growth pot reference is about? Is someone using them In character to represent being bigger? I’m not sure how this matters. The Vrykul horn is much cheaper, by the way, if you can put up with the viking helmet.
And it’s that group of players that made the error in judgement, Meta-gaming. My argument is based on their initial action. I disagree strongly with you adding on to it, but the initial deed remains what it is. I just can’t fathom the wisdom in what I see as an initiative that encourages the actual acts of rebellion with means or knowledge which could or should be seen as meta. Isn’t it fundamentally encouraging something taboo?
And who would they be? My Orc thinks Saurfang is dead. The Red blade has no proof or indication he survived the fall of Lordaeron, and any other community I’m part of or privy to (I suspect you mean the Whiteclaw communion) is about maintaining honor. Saurfang has nothing to do with it, nor is rebellious action encouraged, it’s just Honorable folks fighting the war they want to.
“search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet” - As on Google.
Lucky then it’s the initial act of using the cloaks as a symbol I’ve been calling meta-gaming. I’m just confused and worried over the wisdom in furthering and even advocating initiatives around acts of meta-gaming. It can only surely encourage it in future.
Roleplay with them, as friend or foe, but is it ultimately wise to fan the proverbial flames of something someone else is doing if it’s considered taboo?
There seems to be some confusion. I don’t know if Orgrimmar has been overrun with lice or rebels anymore. Have I fallen pray to the Forsaken propaganda train? Is down up and left right?
I don’t know.
As you so wish.