[IC] Public Service Announcement - Infested Cloaks

Well…that makes sense.

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but this is just a public service announcement to prevent you from getting lice


Instead it’s not even briefly confusing:

The brown cloak has absolutely zero relevance in canon lore - Saurfang doesn’t tell you to wear it as a sign of loyalty and it isn’t in any way touted as a symbol of a revolution. It is just a fun toy that allows you to wear a bad/low res version of Saurfang’s new getup

The IC post is a response to a group of players who have decided to use the cloak item to represent an anti-Sylvanas sentiment - like the no shoulder thing from the start of BfA, it isn’t really something that is part of the canon story (unless you’re arguing that cloaks/hoods are only obtainable via the channel of Saurfang, which I don’t think is something backed by any sort of lore source)

My character is not even specifically aware that Saurfang is alive / has no knowledge of what happened in the Swamp of Sorrows - he was just told of people wearing a certain type of cloak (an incredibly common-looking brown cloak that shouldn’t even be hard to come by) and because he is represented as being both incredibly loyal to Sylvanas and also incredibly paranoid is trying to spread a (probably untrue) rumour that talking to people in those kinds of cloaks will lead to them getting lice (which most characters aren’t fond of, I imagine)

So I reply to you:

If you want to roleplay a character that doesn’t know what a cloak/cowl is, that is your choice but my character knows what cloaks are and also has knowledge of clothing articles like shirts, hats and shoes

Kind of a weird and partisan post to make - what exactly do you suppose metagaming means?

yeah… really makes you think…


People are putting way too much effort into this lowkey antagonism of initiating some conflict RP. At least it’s not the Darkspear Rebellion started 8 months before the content patch even hit or a guild concept initiated based on some leaks from an expansion or Blizzcon presentations.


Man god forbid someone picks up on recent in game developments for role play :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::pensive::pensive::pensive:


ALSO lice have NEVER been proven to have existed in World of Warcraft (please try and find evidence to prove me wrong, I bet you WON’T). Saying that lice exist in World of Warcraft is UTTER rubbish and I’m quite honestly sick of Perroy and his loyal DOGS trying to spread their lice-headcanon nonsense to the rest of Argent Dawn.


If the early rebellion RPers run around Orgrimmar in the same brown cloak screeching anti-Sylvanas rhetoric, and Perroy reacts to that IC, that’s literally not metagaming.

He’s just reacting to their RP with his own.

If anything the ones running around yelling bloody rebellion are more metagaming…



Looks like I win again, Bearan… my old rival…


Perroy always wins…


Utterly dabbed on.


the party rocking never stops


Eh. In my honest opinion the only way an announcement of cloaks sold and infested with lice could be meta-gaming is if these came from Saurfang indirectly and they did represent something that was linked to Saurfang. (As the roleplay character has no idea of the outcome of Saurfang’s fate, or that he’s even free.)

If the cloaks are not related to a lore event that nobody should know about in character, then it’s not meta.

Perroy said this is a response to an IC group of players that began wearing cowls and cloaks to protest against Sylvanas. If I were RPing a forsaken loyalist (Which I don’t plan to at all) , I’d be thinking. “Man. These guys are stirring internal conflict. Do we really want a Garrosh 2.0 or do we want to stay more stable during the war even if it implies we’ve to lie? For the Warchief. It’ll also put the Alliance as the baddies which helps us in the war by motivating people even more!”

If anything, it’s good social mass persuasion, or rather plausible.

What I’d like to see, is how the brown-cloak-cowl people act on this. Since I play Alliance only I’ve no idea about the Saurfang questline / how it works or what you do.

Maybe the anti Sylvanas protestants will find a way to strike a crack in the announcement Perroy made and have it backlash? Who knows. Never dabbled into Horde politics, but this seems like it could be fun. (If done right)


You can already see the telltale signs of that in the thread, particularly the Alliance alt posters and particular orcs.


I might watch a YT video or do the questline on my nightborne. Thanks :slight_smile: ; I might also use some pointers from here + the [What side did you choose: Saurfang or Sylvanas] thread I’ve seen but not accessed.

It is all IC. Why is it you have to bring it into OOC and make it a problem?
Just rp…


the first call of meta gaming comes from some fem draenei in the guild blackrock diving school was she dare i say it… blue pilled?

also orcs of the red blade piping up on a perroy thread hm yeah looks like i’ve got a bingo !


All of those have the right to an opinion, my friend. So what’s it matter if they voice it on a forum post? I find it to be discussion related mostly. Opinions can be right, they can be wrong. So…

Here are my 95 reasons why the Warchief is whack, nailed to the door of Grommash Hold


because it’s not really an opinion, it’s the usual suspects inside their echo chamber dropping minor league blow outs in an attempt to cheaply 1 up eazy P


Eh. “Usual suspects”. Even if you think they’re that, I guess they still have an opinion?

But yeah, not to derail the forum post, hope the RP does go well if the interaction of the guys with the cape toy item does happen on a larger scale. (The more people, the more chances of arguments and chat cluttering.)