(IC) Searching for magical creatures and familiars!

Across Stormwind and Ironforge a few posters could be seen plastered to the stone walls and noticeboards:

Encyclopedia - Magical Creatures and Familiars
Are you in possession of or had rare encounters with magical and otherworldly creatures or familiars of the fel, arcane, elements, and so forth?
Then this is your chance to contribute to research!
My name is Tana Manawyrm, and I am writing an encyclopedia on this very topic.
The encyclopedia will take a more field-based approach, hoping to achieve better ecological validity by complimenting experiments and research with stories of real-life experiences and encounters with magical creatures and familiars from people like you!
You’ll be handsomely rewarded with being amongst the honourable mentioned contributors and receive a free copy of the finished work!
Contact me by mail, if you wish to help advance the field!
Kind Regards
Tana Manawyrm

(Feel free to contact me with the ingame mail system! Horde characters can write a mail to “Nidea”)


Lerothis have a leyfeather hippogryph for companion and is always in favor of helping Science and researches.


Ideally I’ll try to write small chapters on something like Argent Archieves or Google Docs on specific creatures. Primarily based on a mixture of lore and the exciting encounters and stories you all have to share :slight_smile:

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I’m afraid I don’t have anything to contribute directly to the topic of this thread, but I do wish to say that you have a fantastic IC surname and OOC name!


Just say the word for when! And format, granted- be it ingame (need to wait a little as sub ran out) or discord for IC-letters.

Also, thanks Obahar!

I’d of course prefer to do the RP ingame along an IC (and OOC) cup of coffee!
I do enjoy communicating using the ingame mail-system. Writing the mails as if IC letters and to keep as much of the IC communication ingame.

Looking forward to it. Do send me an ingame mail when you can :slight_smile:


Should add posters in Dalaran and the Exodar.
Those weirdos have a lot of stuff hidden in their bags.

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Dalaran is known for this stuff. Including the Magic Faire we may or may not have had a research talk given to us by a Red Panda who makes most people look dumb.

Sadly also this Panda’s owner is an OOC Horde player, so we’ll need to find another means other than in-game mail if you wanna discuss!

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Definitely! I’ll put up a few posters ICly the next few days.
I’m also quite open for the potential cross-faction RP possibilities in this.

Ah, it’s true cross-faction ingame mails is not possible. I might make a Horde alt, whom I’ll use as a “mail-character”, where the mails ICly go to Tana.

If in doubt, you can also use my discord TCGonBikes#4831, or find me (and others) at [Discord] [Mage RP] The Mage Quarter 🧙


Sure thing! I’ll hit you up on discord :slight_smile:

Hey there Tana, I think that Aurosen could be of help with your research as he covers similar topics and held a lecture on otherworldy creatures a while back in Dalaran!


A lovely concept, hopefully our paths will cross one day with my familiar in tow… if it doesn’t set everything on fire first.

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Unsatisfied with the few locations she’d put up posters thus far, Tana, with the aid of a few others, managed to put up posters elsewhere.
She ventured to Dalaran herself to put some up amongst her peers.
After conversing in lengths with a Draenei, she convinced him to take a few back to Exodar.
A few coppers to buy a beer to an already drunken sailor was enough to convince him to take one with him back to Booty Bay.

I’ve made a Horde alt with the OOC name (Nidea). Feel free to send ingame mails to that character, which ICly will go to Tana. I’d love to also have some cross-faction RP outside the usual hubs.

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Telia has a Cloud Serpent and it doesn’t take much for her to talk about little Elin. But she’s also a hordie.

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Jeraiel is most right! I’ll contact you IC’ly but I’ve been working on a similar project if you’d like to collaborate, even did a lecture on it at the Dalaran Magic Faire.

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Tana would always appreciate speaking with like-minded peers. Although the encyclopedia itself and the interviews associated with it is something she’ll pursue by herself. The idea behind it is also to provide a place, where people with familiars or perhaps exciting stories of encounters with them, can share their experiences.

Could be a mercenary with no previous experience with the magical arts of creatures, but on an expedition to Tanaris, he fell into a cave and came upon a most curious and perhaps dangerous being! A story that deserves to be told and shared ICly!

Collaborating on future lectures or perhaps field-expeditions are things Tana would love to though! Or simply an engaging conversation along with a cup of coffee :slight_smile:

oh if your in Dalaran a bunch Telia frequently visits the Quill’s melody (totally not a free bit of advertising for my friends IC shop). And i know some of the others there have unusual pets / have had interesting storylines with magical creatures.

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Although Tana does travel quite a bit, Dalaran is a place she frequents quite a bit, as she’s a mage :slight_smile:
I’ll hopefully run into a few of you there. A good place for cross-faction RP I hope!

the newer Dalaran has a market day on a Tuesday and the Quill is open on A Sunday too. Drop on by and the guys will be happy to chat. And you get free music in the bargain too. the market day is amazing as everyone’s shops are open. I try to always show up on Either Telia or my other character.

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