Icecrown Community is the new Gallywix? (RMT drama time)

It took Blizzard like a year to shut down Gallywix, I’m plenty sure the man in charge made thousands during that time.



if they get caught again they get banned? wtf

It doesn’t matter if the boosting characters or the community leaders get banned. All the gold is distributed on several bank characters that are not on those account and not in the community.

Just from the sheer gold they can start new accounts, get boosted and start the whole thing again without spending a single euro.


If they have gold they can make in no time other accounts , those guys will be back in bosting in days .
Gold is the main source of the problem . Eliminate it .

There are games with wacky currencies and in all of them it has a negative impact on the game.

If you want to curb boosting, then you have to hit the advertisers. Ban them from trade chat (don’t make any other chat for them) and only let people who are looking for boosts “advertise”.

If that is the case, sure Blizzard must have the logs of where they are sending all the gold?

Not that I think that would really make any huge differens even if they did find all the gold and banned those accounts.

Could they possibly ban their entire IP’s?

Maybe just take them to court? Should have a discuriging effect on others too if they made that stick.

best way to do this is get authorities involved, then they might think twice doing [redacted] like this again

You can’t really send anybody to jail for this. Most likely the hardest punishment for this, is permanent suspension for your account or something. There are no legal consequences if you don’t obey a game’s tos.

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i think blizz should be able to take them to court for profiting from their product,



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That’s a nice idea, but make the execution public.


Of course they’re all being good and paying their taxes, aren’t they ?

I’m sure the tax authorities in their country would be very interested in how mush real money they’re earning from this.

And if they haven’t paid the tax on this income then they can and most probably will go to jail.


Now this is a new level of saltyness. Boosters should go to jail now. What’s next? Have them tortured publicly and then behead them?
God, you anti-boosters sure are becoming more pathetic day after day.


call the IRS ;DD


It’s funny how the talk about it as if it was completely normal.


Tax evasion , in kr for mmorpg u can get 5 years in jail.


I swear anti-boosters are getting just as bad.

I’m not, and I doubt anyone here, is talking about the people doing it for gold. But in these communitys, higher up withing the hierarki, they are hardly doing it for gold.
And, speaking for myself, jail might be a tad harsh for the simple RMT. A huuuuge fine though, that really hurts their wallets. That I’m most definitly for.

For the post you linked he wasn’t really talking jail for boosting, but jail for taxevasion. If you read it again I’m sure you can see that too.


All is see is just saltyness and excuses, in my country you pay taxes only if you earn more than 8k euro per year, rounded up. I’m pretty sure it’s like that in most countries, you don’t pay taxes if you earn below a certain treshold, and I highly highly doubt that someone can earn that much per year by selling gold at that low price stated in the screenshots (50/1m)

And this is always considering that it’s true and they actually sell gold.

Yes u pay tax over 8k , but if u run business . And you earn 1 £ , most of household will lose most of benefits. Ilegal don’t mean same like I don’t need to pay tax.Grow up

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