Icecrown Community is the new Gallywix? (RMT drama time)

not sure what you just said chief, but I feel like I disagree


income tax yes, VAT no.


Joke on you but try to this sh in kr.

wait what :joy:

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Well let me challenge you. Write to Blizz how.much you earn thanks of RMT . And wait.

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If grass is green, why’s sky blue? do you think tax is a big?
i play since vanilla, and i game all raids, but sometimes i wasnt so good, but when not good, i pvp. or pve. i play both horde and allaiance, but now i prefer allaiance but why you attack me if you also allaiance?..
i play all class too, my favorite class priest but im nto a fan or rework, so i just wait now and see. but i think rmt = bad but also boosting bad but only if rmt boosting, if normal boosting = gold is ok. you agree? i think we allaiance strong together
allaiance not together = weak .
so lets be together like strong allaiance and stop boost spam. -_-


No one gives … how long u play , and what u do. Most of boosting at high rank involved RMT. There is 2 types of boosting community , this who already got caught on RMT .And this who are still not. But with time efficiency of catching RMT is easier thx of rats betwen then who sniff on each other .RMT is big business.

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Blizz is registered in us then u go under US law .

If people make money ingame US law doesn’t apply as long as they don’t live in the US. Otherwise you’d have to go by US law if you sell something on ebay.

Your income, your country of residence applies. It’s also how it works with the major remote employers

I don’t want to be rude, but… are you using Google Translate to write these posts, Zyzu? I am struggling to understand you in some parts.


No it is not. Profiting on Blizz products and that’s what we speak about RMT . Is under federal law. Ofc no one will prosecute anyone for 100£ , but hell not only your account but ip will be banned from Blizz products if RMT is involved

You got me. I cannot discuss with someone when I am struggling to understand their points because of the language barrier between us.



Also Zyzu:


I love your guild name . Kinda fit in your character . Great rp.

Does not work in EU countries .

Does not work like that at all they need to abide EU laws and other countries laws there is a huge difference between everyone laws for example Denmark and Germany for example are massively different from eachother and US under gaming laws .

Please you are insulting people and telling untruths .

Flagged for disgusting adult insult under

Obscene / Vulgar

This category includes both clear and masked language in posts, signatures, and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Are an inappropriate reference to human anatomy or bodily functions

I hope you serve a long ban if you can not keep a civil tongue in your mouth .

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It will be same as it was with their crusade against gold sellers - until they will step in and take a cut in RMT there always gonna be a new Gallywix and a new drama

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This. I’m currently waiting for NOVA to get caught and banned because they are by far the most annoying in terms of spam.


this human bean not enemy.
she be allaiance too
boosting bad . but if we fight is bad also, if we together we > boosting
:fist:t2: :fist:t2: together = strong
:potato: if no together we weak like potato
spam bad yes yes, but how stop spam if we attach allaiance friends? HMM?
so no attack others we all community, like shaman and dk but also friends

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