Icecrown Community is the new Gallywix? (RMT drama time)

Everyone would have gotten a suspension or flat out perma bann (as one should). And the reason i want it to fall it apart is because echo happens to be a bunch of hypocrites.

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The fact they were/are/whatever the biggest brand is exactly why the hammer should be brought down. It means they’re more visible, more well known, and probably emulated by players.

And then you give them a free pass on RMT stuff.

it’s basically akin to saying “yeah that’s actually alright tho” but it isn’t, because if a no-one joe does it, down comes the hammer.

I’ve always maintained the price of the perks of being famous is that you have to shoulder the burden of the expectation of being a model for standards given you’re in “the public eye”. You can’t on the one hand hand go “I want people to look at me, look up to me, judge me because that’s how I make my money” and on the other go “except when I do this stuff over here however”, that’s not how it works. If you want the rewards from it, you must shoulder the costs too. In this case they’re not even large “costs”, it’s literally “don’t do stuff that is ToS violating” which isn’t a huge deal. Yet here we are.

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They can also add a fine to to scripe. He was under contract.

No idea whats written in their contract so cant comment on that

I know this might not be on topic but was there ever found a connection between these people who hack other peoples accounts and those “boost” communities?
I’d really wish we could once see a big excavation of all these hackers, and then have a Netflix documentary on their deranged psychology

If you’re a ccontraccted eventer, which is what Method was, its finable due to there status as a performer.

You see it in alot of games. Its no different then a breacch of contract in real sport and I can tell you that contracts for esport sponsered by big companies (Main game devs for instance) usually do not take lightly.

Blizzard doesnt take lightly when it happens in SC2 but in wow it somehow does.

It still depends whats in the contract. Method at the end of the day is an EU Team not an US and so it does very much depend whats written in it.

If there wasnt a part in it that says they have to abide all rules that also cover RMT then they cant be charged in that regard. Something that is included in sport contracts for instance in regards of steroids etc.

Yup, double standards everywhere.

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