Icecrown Community is the new Gallywix? (RMT drama time)

According to scripe (the raid leader of Method/Echo) he did it because the RMT price was cheaper than buying tokens. And yes, he didnt get punished.

When was the last time he did it thou.

Rn, prices are way more expensive then buying tokens. XD

Scherzo No. 2

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So are you admitting on the forums that you know and have used RMT because you seem to know a lot about it if the current RMT as you say is more expensive and less gold then WOW tokens … :thinking:

No, You jusdt merely have to google world of warcraft gold and then figure that 25 usd is alot more then 13 euro for a token what for what you get?

Nyalotha world first race. They were involved with Gallywix.

Not necessarily.

I could know the average price of a certain amount of illegal drugs, it doesn’t meant I’m buying the drug. It doesn’t even mean I’m talking to people who sell the drug. But even if I were, that’s not an offence.

You don’t have to be complicit in this stuff to know how it is, it just requires a bit of research for curiosity sake.

I mean i know that boost sites were selling nyalotha mythic stuff for 750€ and other stuff. Doesnt mean i bought them (and i will deny any sort of certain activity within a humans body if one purchased such boost)

So as a contracted esporter breaking TOS, blizz somehow doesnt do anything abouht it? I do like to see more on this XD

Just google method/scripe RMT gallywix. He admitted it considering denying it was pointless given A: Blizzard had access to all of Gallywixes data and B: Screenshots existing.

Its another reason why i detest Echo.

A lot of these people live so far up their own behinds they believe they’re untouchable. Some of them who break stuff like this need a good reality check and stuff like a lifetime ban. Streamers and eSports should be setting good examples of conduct, not being given a free pass on stuff you or me would get hammered for because “celebrity”.


A lot of these people live so far up their own behinds they believe they’re untouchable. Some of them who break stuff like this need a good reality check and stuff like a lifetime ban. Streamers and eSports should be setting good examples of conduct, not being given a free pass because n stuff you or me would get hammered copper get because “celebrity”.

In other games bans happen… Blizzard has contractually done so in the past with other players too that where lesser known

But method is biggest brand in warcraft

Doesnt matter. Just because youre the big shots it should not exclude you from punishment for literally committing one of the biggest “crimes in the game”.

Lets take olympics for instance. What do you think would happen if the biggest athlete in history would get proven to be a cheater and this gets known to the public? They would strip him of all titles immediately while also in the case he were still alive bann him from ever participating again while also giving him an enormous fee

Also Method doesnt exist anymore. They tried to save their own behinds while throwing their ex gm under the bus and created Echo.

I didndt know they got disbanded XD

Different Story. Afaik all of them are as much to blame as Sco was.

Also the big shot right now is Limit given Method lost the race despite their RMT.

And what else did you believe they would do with all the in game gold?

How shocking! Trash boosting communities act like trash.

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Yes, Icecrown took people and boosting guilds from Gallywix. It was on the topic about Gallywix, they said they move to Icecrown.

Fixed it for ya. But if rumours are true, Sco is trying to reform Method - part of me wants it to fall flat but another part wants it to succeed.

I want it to succeed and echo to fall apart and scripe receiving a permanent bann from the game as he deserves it.

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Yeah, perhaps you worded it better than me. They deserve the permaban for the RMT thing, after all, you and I would get that punishment