Icefury, bugged

I saw another topic saying this exact thing and it got closed without any discusions.



0.6% of base mana 40 yd range


Requires Shaman

Requires level 45

Hurls frigid ice at the target, dealing (431.216% of Spell power) Frost damage and causing your next Frost Shock to deal 200% increased damage, damage 4 additional target, and generate 7 additional Maelstrom.

Where is the “damage 4 additional target” part ?
I see the next Frost Shock hitting only one(1) target.

This got changed from “the next two Frost Shock deal 300% increased damage” to what it is now with the latest “Rework”.

So basically this is a nerf, because … Blizzard.

Instead of upfront single target power to multi target … something, it just got nerfed.


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