Icefury still bugged


It has been reported 3 times already, but frost shock is still not damaging 4 additional targets, as it is stated in the tooltip.

Please fix tooltip or even better: make it hit 4 additional targets!

also see:

Elemental shaman icefury not hitting additional 4 targets - Frostmourne - World of Warcraft Forums

Icefury, bugged - Classes / Shaman - World of Warcraft Forums

[Elemental Shaman Bug, please fix! - Classes / Shaman - World of Warcraft Forums](http s://


+1 for visibility.

I’ve been reporting this in-game since the start of season 1.

Same here. Has been like this since the start of TWW. It’s a shame since there aren’t many different talents to chose at that level, and the utility of having extra instant cast multi-target spells when playing is rather good. Come on Blizz, how hard can it be to fix?