Ideas to fix Faction Conflict - Cross Faction Problem

Problem: Cross faction grouping currently is messing with the “warcraft immersion” of the alliance and horde being against eachother

Agreeable Solution: Take the mercenary mode of PvP and apply it to all PvE content as well. This way, it seems reasonable for alliance players to work with the horde as mercenaries under contract. I know it doesn’t change anything mechanically, but I think maybe it could restore some sense of the “alliance vs horde” theme in the game.

Controversial solution: They could add mercenaries as a third mercenary/pirate/rogue faction, which are neutral to the others and anyone can join. It would then be required to be part of the mercenary faction to engage in cross faction grouping. This one might be a little bit too far though, but the idea of it seems cool to me.


We are not at war with each other at the moment. I’m not sure how that’s breaking your immersion.


From the end of Warcraft 3 to this day, the Alliance had 0 reason to have a war against the Horde, and the Horde had 0 reason to broke the peace Thrall and others fought hard to achieve to save their people fro mextinction and have a future




I played through big parts of both BFA campaigns (horde and alliance), and there is no way it makes any sense for horde and alliance to group with eachother naturally. I know though that for gameplay reasons this is really important. That’s why I wanna suggest a mercenary mode, so future faction wars could be something reasonable.

Way back in Mists there were storylines where we tentatively started co-operating with the opposite faction.

Then came BFA with its “RAWR Azerite, war, no reason just trust me war!!!” storyline which was a bit of a set back for common sense and story telling.

Then it sorta went quiet again.

So no, its not messing with immersion. As usual you’re so far off the mark you didn’t even put your finger on the right map.


33-34 was BfA
Dragonflight is 40
We are 6-7 years from what happened
To fight pointless wars after several end of the world scenarios and almost a decade of peace what wouldn’t make sense

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And I have played the entirety of both BfA campaigns including the War of Thorns pre-patch event. That war had absolutely no reason to start on the first place, all it did was make both factions look like absolute idiots. The Horde for going along with Sylvanas’ bat$#17 reasoning to start, following trough with her 5D chest plans that somehow always fail and the Alliance that kinda forgot they had space ship that can nuke stuff from orbit, helped the horde by killing an evil vapire dude that was planing to betray them, deciding to always fall back when they were on the edge of victory because reasons…

And lets not ignore the fact that the makority of this war was faught on 2 neutral islands that eventualy joined their respective sides. I mean one would think that a war between Horde and Alliance would be waged on EK and Kalimdor.

Oh and lets not forget about the fact that the faction war expansion pretty much only spend 1 patch focusing on the war.
8.0- war campaign spent mainly antagonizing the neutral race that might join the oposite faction + titans created an arteficial old god.
8.1- actual fighting between the factions.
8.2- Oh no fish queen is doing something, also mechagnomes, also also old sad orc is old and sad.
8.3- The black empire itself has invaded the vale, but we got a side storybtobwrap up the main ploth of the expansion that went something like this - Alliance joins up with not so evil horde to defeat evil horde->Alliance decide to let old sad orc to 1v1 Sylvanas->war ends because Sylvanas gets a brain aneurysm and is mean to the horde.

Also it doesn’t make sence for a few races to want to work with the opposite faction, however it didnt make sence for some races to join the war in the first place so all we can deduct from this is that the races on themselves have 0 say in the matter and do whatever the faction does, and seeing that the Horde conceded the war, it makes perfect sence why we are working togheter. Hell we even had to join forces to clean up the mess the horde let happen in the shadowlands.


Also: after one adoon in which all worked together against the legion, cross faction with class order hall, the Horde start again a War and all of Horde member followed blindly into it, like they forget completely the ordeal with Garrosh.
The Horde fall in the same patter again and again like they learn nothing.
And I can understand Horde player here who were upset because they are the boogeyman again.
Also for the alliance who only react to things and being at the shorter end if the story and being sabotage lore whise like mention above the broken Vindicaar and the were totally surprised by the plague and not prepared.
Also as they have the uper hand with the fleet- which was the sole reason why we went to kul tiras they took that with deus ex Ashzara and the hole in the ocean.
Only to have the alliance beaten that they can say the had only troos left for one finals assault, that the whole climax is a close call for the alliance.

And after all the Horde get again unpunished after all they did, and did nothing to prevent further aggressor for the future, just say:“do not again!” and leaves the scene.


What exactly don’t you agree with regarding mercenary mode? I don’t argue to abolish x-faction guilds, etc.

Mercenary mode would just enable faction themed content

I completely agree.

Exactly, and this is why I said that the Horde ended looking like idiots. The whole reason for the war was essentially fear mongering against the most peaceful king ever. Like in all honesty prior the events of BfA and SL I was expecting for Anduin to abdicate the throne and elect a democratic council, I wasvgeneraly surprised when the horde ended up doing it instead.

And lets face it, the whole faction war was good when it lasted but it was mishandled pretty much from the get go. If this could have ever worked we should have had Alliance and Horde gaining and losing ground as a focus in each expansion instead of unithing against the big bad every time, things like the argent tournament should have been the exception and not the outlier. But Blizzard were too afraid to let plauers on either faction lose, hell they are too afraid of telling a player they made the wrong choice even now with the whole wrathion vs sabellion copout.
And its way too late to change this. If the Alliance lose people will point out that we let the horde go twice instead of dismantling them, and if the horde lose people will point out that the horde never wins (literally the only time they won was the first war). Its a lose lose either way and Blizzard have written themselves into a corner.


That faction themed content doesnt make sence anymore and would end up damaging the factions even more.

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The faction conflict has been messing with the warcraft immersion since it’s inception.

No one other than the players have been arbitrarily blocked from communicating or cooperate with any race they want.


The ironic thing is that anyone who reads my suggestion properly would realise that it would enable way more cross faction play, while also opening up potential faction content…

I feel like people here have an idea of what someone else asked or what the opposite is of what they want, and then you people project your mind on my character -.- My idea would also allow to play the dazar’alor raid cross faction for example…

No dude I read your suggestion and am telling you why it wont work narratively.

Let me ask you this, what exactly is appealing to you about a faction war? Is it faction pride? Opposite faction hate? Something else entirely?
I will patiently wait with making my point until you answer.


Sorry, but you have no clue narratively. The warcraft orcs vs humans theme is natural and iconic for the franchise. You can write whatever walls of text about your head canon and Blizzard narrator roasting, but everyone knows the truth.

I actually don’t want a BFA 2.0. I just don’t want horde and alliance to be allied. There should be constant friction. That makes it metal. A war doesn’t mean that the game should revolve around it as well.

Brave words from semeone who not long ago admited on this very forum he knows basically nothing of the narrative and the lore… :eyes:


Actually, no reason to engage with trolling and lies. Just block and gucci

It was iconic for 2 games- WC1 and WC2. WC3 focused on a lot more races and ended up with the majority of them working togheter to stop a great evil. After that we got WoW that has had 9 expansions so far, from those 9 only 2 focused on a faction war. From all 13 editions to the watcraft franchise only 4 have been about “orcs vs humans”. So much for that “always has been” statement huh?


It was in one of Erevien’s threads when you don’t even had an avatar just a name - the discussion was about the Horde and its history
I will gladly quote it to you, tho’ possible, like many other, it was demolished :thinking:
But the first rule of internet: the Forum never forgets


You’re blocked nobody cares. Go talk to someone else who cares