Ideas to fix Faction Conflict - Cross Faction Problem

Thus he proved I am right
But I will search the archives non the less and will post it


Will search the rest tomorrow :hearts:


But you are blocked, thus you have no power XD.


Hmm i dont feel less immersed. I feel more immersed that during a time of peace the factions are joining together to fight a common enemy.
It would be immersion breaking if we were still enemies while also having a load of external enemies.


The Void Lords in general. The army of the Light from AU Draenor which kills everyone who does not wish to join them or enslaves them. N’Zoth during BFA. Other cosmic forces. The Incarnates. Azshara. Etc njada njada. Azeroths wellbeing. There is no reason for the Alliance and Horde to be at war. Even less for the players whos sole loyalty story wise lies with Azeroth herself.

Faction war didnt make sense from Vanilla onwards where we had a multitude of world ending enemies (not to mention the Legion)


Nobody cares what you think. Faction conflict/tension is a pillar of the warcraft franchise. Nobody cares, if it’s not realistic. The game is not about realism

Ever looked into a mirror? The same would apply to you.

It hasnt been since Vanilla and said “pillar” has been demolished during WC3. PvP wasnt even part of the games launch on top of it.


Not a problem to or for me.

I don’t WANT that theme to be restored.
I want that theme torn down and burned. Cooperation is where it’s at!
There’s plenty of war to wage against other much more serious threats.

The problem is that it would further dilute the factions playerbase.
If this third faction is so much more versatile because it can play with anyone, I think most people would simply choose this one and the horde and alliance would be left with only a few fanatics.


The problem with the faction war was it donst made sense, i mean we fough muliple word threatening enemy’s, after all horde and and alliance came together to fight the big bad, and especially after legion the whole conflict don’t make sense because it was the biggest cross faction cooperation ever.

A faction war theme coud have worked but not directly after the biggest corss faction cooperation against an enemy ever.

If they had build it up on the long run, perhabst but not after the biggest invasion ever, also which shrinking the size of the horde and alliance army - so allone this woud had make no sene, starting with devestated army a total war (and that they overun the N11 that easy was BS)


just to quote garrosh be cause he had ONE point: “Times changes”

yes, but after all donst hinder them to stop thinking logic, as person, king or faction.


I thought that this is why we have War Mode in place, so those who want some old fashioned zug zug can do so there.


No it’s not, the faction “war” is an excuse for the PvP-lot to play around a bit in separate sandboxes (BGs/Arenas) so they don’t get in the way of the other players, it was a pillar back in the old “Orcs vs Humans”-days, before the idea of a “Warcraft”-themed MMORPG ever came up.

The whole faction thing should be dead and buried, “Warcraft 3” was all about coming together to beat the greater evil, as is pretty much all PvE-content (That one raid in BfA aside), the requirements of MMORPG gameplay are too restrictive to do faction war properly.

Let a few fringe groups keep fighting to have a lore excuse for PvP if we must, but move everything else towards cooperation.


Personally I think they should just lift the restriction. Have everyone be able to play and communicate with anyone in the world and in PvE. Faction still matters (a human wouldn’t be able to enter Orgrimmar, or a troll Stormwind) from a game/lore perspective but it wouldn’t matter for player interaction. Make guilds cross faction without any bnet hassle.

In PvP you can just keep the chat restriction, and mercenary mode, to keep trashtalking to opponents contained and it making sense why for example you as an Alliance player are defending Drek’Thar.

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Stay away from the Inn in Goldshire :wink:

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But also we’re not at peace with each other either. It’s kind of like the Cold War between NATO and USSR in the 20th Century. They weren’t actively fighting each other the whole time although it did heat up into actual conflict on occassions (Vietnam = MOP).

It would get somewhat tiresome if this was more like the 100 years war between England and France. Constant fighting, back and forth, ultimately ending more or less where it started.

Warcraft: Orcs & Humans from 1994. Wikipedia:
“Warcraft: Orcs & Humans is a real-time strategy game (RTS). The player takes the role of either the Human inhabitants of Azeroth, or the invading Orcs. In the single player campaign mode the player works through a series of missions, the objective of which varies, but usually involves building a small town, harvesting resources, building an army and then leading it to victory.

World of Warcraft description by Blizzard themselves:
Join thousands of mighty heroes in Azeroth, a world of magic and limitless adventure.

Here’s the difference in a single player game, like the RTS, versions 1 and 2, your main purpose throughout the campaign is to vanquish your enemy.

In the MMOG, it’s a multiplayer game where you can only complete the game objectives by joining other players and vanquish powerful enemies.
The Alliance and the Horde have been fighting the same Raid bosses, dungeon bosses, since Vanilla.
It make perfect sense, for the players, to put their differences aside and join a common cause, without involving, players of the opposite faction entering their cities.

The factions can still have their differences and storylines.
For example, I enjoyed the Zandalari storyline throughout BFA. With all the plotting schemes involving Prophet Zul and his followers. Helping Princess Talanji in making her father to come to his senses and realize he has neglected his kingdom and now he was surrounded by traitors.

For me the greatest irony is: BFA could have been a expansion, where the Horde and the Alliance have their own storylines, the story could had been focused on getting rid of that huge sword Sargeras sticked in Silithus and how both factions seek to find allies and resources in order to do it.
Than by the end Queen Azshara, would launch an attack on both islands forcing both factions to forget about the sword (for now) and focus on eliminating her threat.



Look: I’m not sure what y’all are argueing. It’s not even the main topic of my post, whether we should have a big faction war. I’m actually against a big faction war, but I don’t want horde and alliance to hold hands together. It’s cringe after seeing the story of BFA and some previous expansions… However, I’d like to see some small scale “faction conflict” like the alliance trying to reclaim lordaeron or Gilneas being conquered back.
I think faction tension/conflict is nice. You can also work parallel without being together.

Btw, most of you seem to purposefully ignore the story of wow and talk about what would have made sense after warcraft rts, which is irrelevant and everyone knows it’s irrelevant, because you’re talking about hypotheticals of what should have happened 20 years ago. The new warcraft rumble has faction conflict too, because it’s warcraft.

The main point of my post is to simply ensure that the immersion of there being tension between both faction is kept alive, and I think making cross faction play/guilds, etc. possible is fine, but a mercenary mode should apply.

Try walking into Stormwind to hold hands with Turalyon ans see how well that goes. We aren’t at peace, we simply aren’t in open full scale battle just now.

And as for Immersion, 90% of that is in your own head. If you feel like you’re at war with the Alliance then you are. If your Orc hates apples then your Orc doesn’t eat apples.
You can refuse to group with Alliance players. Any group you join that has an Alliance player in then you should hurrumpff and leave. The game is not forcing peace on you for there is no peace.

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I don’t think that has ever happened …

  • During SoO, when both factions were raiding Garrosh Hellscream, the Alliance and the Horde did it separately.
  • During Legion, when the players, were sharing the same order halls, the Alliance and the Horde, were still killing the same Raid bosses, separately.
    Gen still had a grudge over Sylvanas, for the death of his son.

Ceasefires are not peace treaties.

There’s still plenty of bad blood between the Horde and the Alliance, thanks to BFA.

BFA is similar to MoP.
Factions are at war, but now you have 2 islands, to explore instead of one.
Evil Warchief gets taken down from the position and runs away, in the end.

SL is basically an altered version of WoD.
It follows the plot line of: evil warchief going berserk and running through a portal to bring an invading army. Player character has now to chase after that character and bring him and everyone plotting with that character down.
In Garrosh’s case it was the iron Horde.
In Sylvanas case was, the Jailer and his army.

Dragonflight is similar to Legion.
The factions are on a ceasefire, followed by an adventure to a remote island and fight all the menaces there.

The first ceasefire, was achieved by Varian and Vol’Jin.

The second ceasefire was achieved by Anduin and Saurfang.

We had Legion invasion during Legion launch.
We had elementals Invasion during DF launch.

Here’s a part of Saurfang speech to Anduin, which reveals Blizzard stance on the Factions:

“We could not fill the chasm, between the Horde and Alliance, if we labored a 1000 years. You know this.”


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