Ideas to fix Faction Conflict - Cross Faction Problem

Here is how to fix warcraft immersion:

Allow Humans to visit Orgrimmar and allow Orcs to visit Stormwind.

That is what Blizzard can continue through PvP-focused additions to the world. It could be something like what Games Workshop does with their large scale campaigns, where the results shape the world in the form of old world zones exchanging control. That would go down south fast however if factions are not equally balanced.

But that is where it should concentrate: War Mode and instanced PvP, while the story itself should highlight it in text that there is still tention.

This is just my opinion, but the lore in the game is much better,when your character is part of it.

It’s cannon that, your character isn’t part of the lore. So why bother, forcing the main, narrative on to your character ?
Just create a different story for the game.

If a player, wants his character to be part of the faction war, than let him build his reputation on PVP objectives.
Even though the best PVP rewards are associated with Arenas, which is dissociated from factions, the outside doors PVP is still faction based.

Create two different scenarios in each expansion.

  • War mode: based on quests that involve raiding opposing faction cities and objectives. You can hit max level, just playing war mode objectives.
    PVP gear, has versatility, stamina and CC reducing effects.
  • Normal mode: the player quests peacefully alongside the players from the opposing faction.
    PVE gear, has Haste, Mastery and Critical strike, damage increase effects, against mobs.

Raiding and dungeons are PVE mode.
Players from different factions can join together. It would bring more diversity to the groups. It’s better to have 22 races, than only 11 for each faction.
Besides, who doesn’t love, short time queues on LFD and LFR, right :wink:

The PVP version of Raiding would be: attacking major cities and killing certain characters.
PVP players, can play repeated content multiple times.
Just look at how old are the Battlegrounds: WSG, AB and AV. They are still popular today.


There is nothing wrong in there. Come and join us !

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