So as a start i have 140+ hrs in game time doing archeology in prepatch 800+ troll solves 400+ dwarf solves 1700+ total solves and 2 alts where i was trying to roll first 20 rolls or so. I have only healer trinket and a shield in all those hours. Idk guys what you were thinking locking pre raid bis items behind a luck based system… Today is 20.05.2024 8.18 in my local time i wasnt able to either sleep/have a normal sleep schedule because i simply wanted to start expansion with a cool weapon aka Zin’Rokh and was simply too unlucky. I understand that this is my decision to put in those hours but guys i wanted to have fun playing your game and decided to put in the time. And it would’ve been ok and good as long as i would’ve gotten what i wanted. I dont know how you can call this completely broken power progression system working as intended. Maybe you just upping your player methrics or whatever but guys that is no way to have fun playing this game. I was enjoying clicking those yellow dots for a first 5 or so hrs but then it became huge mundane grind without any progression in sight. Last dwarf/troll rares i saw at around 50 solves. I know at least 3 more people that have gotten what they wanted in first 30-80 total solves. And 1 guys that got every possible epic 85lvl gear in just 87 total solves. I don’t know how anybody can say that this is fair and a working system. We incredibly need a bad luck protection system. I`m not asking to remove all of the grind if we know that we gonna get what we want it’s completely fine to ask player to put in hours. But not getting for what you were literally working whole week+ long is just pure desperation and dread.
Blizzard please consider waiting untill raid release will make all of those items much less desirable to have and from my point of view i put in the work without any payment back as so many others players.
And lastly english is not my first or second language so please ignore all of the grammatical mistakes.
Oh great, another Archaeology thread. Havent seen enough of these all week…
Yet you have the gall to question the thinking of others.
Stop it, get some help…
Iam shocked that people spending that amount of time on 1 item.
Truly gives you original Cata release vibes, same whining about archeology
Just dont do that, you will get better trinket/sword/staff/1 gold junk eventually either way so why bother wasting time for garbage profession?
You totally couldn’t just add this to one of the 50 other identical threads already in the forum?
I had some trouble deciding on what to main in cata. Its between pala, druid or rogue. So I decided if I get zinrok ill main pala. If i get the staff ill main balance druid. And if i get none of them ill main rogue.
So looks like Im maining rogue.
at least i make a lot of gold while grinding because i sell all the relics except troll. the more i spent farming the more Gold i get, thinking about this keeps me sane
People responding to the Thread Poster dont understand the matter. Ppl think its about the items at this point, but its not. Its about the time already invested into this huge buggy mess called archeology. Blizzard knews their customers, who min-max the s*** out of everything. They also knew that archeology was a mess 14 years ago and still is today. They should have either released those items on Cata release day or fix the RNG.
There is no way this mess is not buggy, with tremendous people being 1k in, without any epic, me included. Hell, we dont even know, what the drop likelihood on this stuff is.
Blizz doesnt give anything on their customers, they have released a totally broken prepatch, why people still think that archeology should be different and not totally buggy and broken? It was buggy from the beginning.
Players cant just stop after putting in dozens and dozens of hours into something without any reward. Its not about the item anymore, its about all the dedication at this point. I would prefer to quit the whole game at this point than to end the grind with empty hands.
Fix this mess blizzard!
And that would prevent the problem how exactly? Do you believe even for a second that Min-Maxers would not squeeze in the Archeology Grind for their BiS even then?
at least there would be only a timeframe of 1,5 weeks to do so, until raids open and people forget about archeology. but with the style of release on those items, players have around four weeks to grind the life out of the game. of course its our fault why on earth with even started this mess.
But if some dudes get their stuff within a few dozens solves, and with statements on wowhead with allegedly 1% drop probability most players thought it wouldn’t be too much of a grind.
And then they are way to deep into the s*** to just stop at that point without being overly depressed.
Sometimes you have to protect people from themselves and who does know better about their playerbase then blizz does? They design their whole pve content for those min-maxers and when it now comes to something like archeology they blatantly ignore every feedback.
It was a long time ago when I first played the Lich King. I really wanted to knock out the heroic Deathbringer’s Will on the warrior.
I went and went on raids. But every time it was won by a different player.
I’ve counted 20 times Deathbringer’s Will has dropped, but I’ve never been able to get it.
In the end, I wondered, is one thing worth spending so much time on?
Especially if the chassis of obtaining it does not depend on you.
And of course, I didn’t go to the forum and write to the developers to give it to me, because the game is not fair.
Better to fight for what you can control.
At least you saw it drop! For my hunter, I never saw DBW once during classic icc despite clearing it every week.
Source: i made it up
I would´ve liked it, if blizzard just made the lvl 85 blues for JP´s purchasable now instead of hiding them behind the lvl 85 requirement. I would´ve been decked out by now.
As to OP: I did not read this wall of text. Please add some TL:DR in the future if you insist on using zero formatting skills.
Why do people cry when they cant get 100% prebis before raiding?
Its not the end of the world, you’ll get good enough items doing dungeons to be able to raid.
I mean the entitlement of some people…
I got the sword from 16 solves hope you never get it
This prepatch made me remember exactly why I quit in early cata originally. Archeology is an abomination of profession. I can not imagine anything more unfun after first 100 solves or so. And to put a functional PvE item behind it with a tiny drop chance was a product of a sick, twisted mind. I am not even joking when I say if I met the developer reaponsible for putting PvE epics in it, I would assault them irl.
Now I am a grown up with a life, so I only did about 100 solves past 450 skill before I stopped torturing myself and just stopped logging into game. But I now have zero desire to play the actual expansion tomorrow, because knowing that the staff and sword and trinket exist just makes me not want to put any time into the game at all. The fact they exist just offends me on some primal level. It’s like if they put a Ragnaros drop level item into fishing in Vanilla that you may or may not get after fishing for a week of irl time. That would be an incredibly idiotic idea. Yet they did it in cata. For 4 items. Clown company 14 years ago and clown company now. /spit
It’s depressing hearing these stories, not that people havent found the item they wanted but the EXTREME amount of time they have put into this.
Respect yourself and your time more.
Part of me thinks its the players issue with self control (definitely a contributing factor)
But Blizz made this to be addictive and complete gamble of peoples time
This profession was not made by some furry loving gamer nerd with a super mario tattoo, it was developed by either an actual gambling game maker (slot machine etc) in collaboration with some evil psychologist, maybe they got Hannibal in to help who knows.