Idk what you guys were thinking

That´s a bit contradictory.
You by no means need the epics from archaeology. But i guess good riddance is in order.

To be fair the current state of Archeology is what it is because for Better or worse Blizzard cut off about 75% of it. Originally it was a part of a Mechanic called Path of Titans which was supposed to be an additional way for character Progression. But since it would just add another “mandatory” pick depending on role they scrapped it.

Why? Normal functioning adults assault each other with fists all the time for causing grievous offense to each other. Don’t they in your circles?

Indeed I don’t, and I have no intention of grinding for it. I am perfectly happy to get dungeon prebis and then raid weapons. But the fact they exist pisses me off beyond any reason.

Being mad about a video game mechanic, however flawed it may be, does not warrant a physical altercation.

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But that’s just, like, your opinion, man.

Yes. And since your opinion on this is so moronic, my original point still stands. That there is nothing adult about you^^

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Sure, but people knew from day one that it’s very RNG and they made that choice all on their own. No one forced you to do archeology for 2 weeks straight. ~~

And the game have MUCH bigger issues than Archeology and the players that went all in on that feeling hurt or whatever cause they didnt get their item.

"Players cant just stop after putting in dozens and dozens of hours into something without any reward. "

yes they can, and they got a reward. If they did +2k digs like OP they’d prolly earned like 300k gold from selling greys.

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Some people need to seriously get a grip of reality

Talking about assaulting employee’s because YOU CHOOSE to play a crap designed game and waste your life doing it, is about as unhinged as you can get

I lack self control and waste my time on meaningless cartoon game items = blame someone else, complete manchild.

crack open a window in your basement

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The archaeology epic items are 359, the same ilevel as normal raiding. As long as you know how to interrupt, switch target as needed and don’t stand in fire, normal mode should be easy enough.

So unless you’re going for a world first or your own server first, it isn’t really worth it to spend hundreds of hours farming those items. I’m sure some blues from dungeon will be close enough in terms of stats to start normal mode raiding.

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I’m 100% against any kind of violence in such situations. But it wasn’t really anyone’s choice they literally put us in a black room for 2 weeks with only slot machine wow how unexpected that we have had nothing better to do then to spin hoping for a win…

You could have taken a break, raised an alt or effectively anything you’d imagine but nah you chose the slot machines. Seriously don’t freaking act as if you were forced to fo anything.

And if i don’t want to level another alt or take a break? i just came back and wanted to play…

So did I and yet I didn’t choose to dedicate everything to Archeology doing mostly on side as I worked on other things.

Wow you’re so good… idk what’s a point of your messages. Defending bad decision on blizzards behalf instead of trying to do things right for sooo many people.

Oh right the “Right Thing”. You know what the right thing would be? It would be to delete the epics entirely. Weapon on par with first Raid tier had no right to be placed in a low entry, low effort activity.

Also Blizzard doing “Right thing” for so many people occasionally backfires on others. Like Upgrading Ulduar’s Item Level and then merging lockouts between Normal and Heroic Raids which made it effectively impossible to form groups for Normal ToC (which would help players gear up in preparation to ICC). Or adding current tier Currency to Alpha Titan Rune which lead to Current tier raiders gatekeeping Alphas behind GS above the dungeon’s potential drop.

Or their adamant refusal to put RDF alongside rest of the final patch features for the sake of “Social Interaction” which for smaller realms meant that you either play during peak or forget of making a party for a daily Heroic run.

But hey it’s not giving player an Epic weapon on par with 25 man raid loot that’s their worst sin, right?

It’s not anout not giving it to players. It’s placing it behind

at a drop chance low enough that not everyone can get it within reasonable timeframe.

Either make it so that everyone can have it after 8 or 20 or 50 hours of grinding guaranteed, or never add good PvE item behind side activity to begin with. Again, it’s not a cosmetic, a pet or mount are functionally identical to the one you buy with a gold you can reliably farm in x hours. PvE items are essential for core gameplay loop, killing npc monsters, and should be rewarded only from directly or indirectly doing that activity, drops, reputation, currency etc.

Edit: and yes, I am claiming, Zin’rokh and Staff of sorcerer thane, and the doll are the worst PvE related decision Blizzard did 14 years ago and repeated now. It’d much, MUCH prefer if they never existed and archeology only gave pets, toys, and rarely mounts.

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Exactly, there are much bigger issues like class balance and unfair nerfs that should be considered… Is this forum even worth of using? It seems like devs are totally ignoring this.

I would agree with your reasoning but the end solution even in your own post is to Guarantee the drop eventually. Which is essentially giving it for free at certain point as Archeology wouldn’t really interfere with most people schedule of pre raid gearing which would be using RDF to fish for drops and farm rep through Tabards. With the epics being guaranteed you’ll effectively force everyone thinking even semi seriously about raiding into content that’s ultimately still not fun. I’d rather turn those items into cosmetics like the Cloth Chest piece for Nelf Fragments effectively is. I’ll probably continue hunting for a doll when I have time/feel like I’ve done all I could for the rest since Blizzard’s obvious hatred to healers means we have to have long lasting BiS that’s a pain in the rear to get. At least you can expect to replace Zin and Staff within the T11 raids. Doll? Wait till freaking Firelands

Lul you quit because you didn’t like the new profession?

It was a major contributing factor back in retail Cata, yes. It was a 4 way split between how much I hated grinding for the staff, zg and za dungeons being mind numbingly boring and the only thing to do in 4.1, hc raids becoming too hard for me to not be an obvious anchor dragging my team down and my guild kind of giving up on 25 man raiding and having too few mage spots in 10 man teams.
Literally the same reasons I am on a verge of quitting now. I’m not done with the new zones yet tho. So maybe a little while longer.

Well yes, my preferred solution is never having PvE items in archeology at all. Only cosmetics. But if you HAVE to have them, to make everyone play your brand new pride of a profession, at least make them guaranteed eventually, like pve weapons behind rep or currency grinds were in vanilla through wrath. Guaranteed after a long grind is hardly “free”.
Even a dungeon drop at say 10% chance you can reasonably expect people to grind, running it 20 times or something.
And look, I was no fan of HoJ or the mail chest from brd arena in Vanilla, but at least it involved the core gameplay, that is, killing mobs in a group in instance.