Idk what you guys were thinking

Yep it was so cool to finally play my class while leveling :slight_smile: . Hopefully blizzard will listen

Soul Preserver… Sorry I had to. The worst Grind I ever had to do because normal CoS is not something you’ll expect people to run. CoS already is lengthy dung with no way of speeding it up in between of forced Waves and escorting Arthas and getting a party of 4 people who won’t get anything from it was just unreasonable. Ended up having to gear up in mix of Naxx and EoC stuff to finally solo it and even then it took 20-30 minuter per run. And the thing was eternal BiS solving the biggest mana Drain on Holydins

Yes, that one was a travesty, I agree. Run it myself a number of times for guild palas with increasing levels of disgust.
I did like the sidereal system they did in later wrath tho. That is exactly what I think is an example of fair “you’ll get it eventually” system for PvE gearing outside of raid drops. And frankly, I’d prefer it in raids also, say one guaranteed item for currency accumulated over 5 raids or thereabouts.

Im 120 hrs with 500 troll solves and 300 dwarf and no epics.

People being gatekeepy is really annoying because three of my friends got it in the first 100 solves. They are busted and having such a fun time having a really strong weapon early.

Then theres people like us that have put hundreds of hours to try and get it and got nothing. So many people have the weapons already, theres always at least 1-3 with them in random HCs. They aren’t special anymore since half of the 85s have it.

Basically 25% of players got lucky and got it in 100 solves and the other 25 % got it in normal RNG within 200-300 solves. The remaining 25% people are 500-1000 without it and the other 25 % avoided it because they didn’t want to do it. So basically most people who farmed them with some effort got them and a minority of people got uber shafted and don’t have anything in 500 solves.

Basically most people without the weapons got bad RNG and probably put in x 5-20 the effort of everyone else for no reward.

I’m sick of people with the weapon saying like aww keep it rare. Like you are actually only saying that because you got the super rare lucky RNG AND it’s not a special item anymore because everyone who wasn’t unlucky got it and it loses its worth very quickly. Just let people 500+ solves get it. Someone who got it in 50 solves complaining about that should be ignored, at some point people will get unaturally lucky so its nice to have some protection from the extreme cases.

1-(1-0.005)^500 = 92% of players got it in 500 solves. Why not help the super unlucky 5-10% of players?

I’m saying that because the activity itself is just a slot machine. It’s not a dungeon that requires some player input. It’s not a World Boss, not a World Quest. It’s level of entry is effectively non existent and there’s zero competition to go against (unlike say Rare Mobs).

And the reward is equivalent or in some cases even better than some of the Heroic Raid Rewards which you can get up to 3 per week and will only go to up to 3 players in 25 man group.

They shouldn’t be a PvE BiS. At best that stuff should be cosmetic.

Why not get rid of the whole grind?

What possible good can come from 150-450 hours of archeology other than goign mad and leaving the game in disgust for good.

I was nuts enough just to level archeology on retail till max. I was not nuts enough tog et insulted and treated like a gambling addict trying to get every artifact. That is insane. Just like those mount hunters that do 2634 dungeon runs to get one single mount. Are they insane? I mean where is the respect for the player?

Apparently it is in the next expansion. The expansion that has three levels of gathering mats and RNG built into gathering. I bet the time gating is still in there so any talk of them “respecting” the players’ time is otu the window.

There are people crying who did it week in and week out for the entire expansion and still did not get it. And this is ok? It is not.

I just got it today with nearly 500 troll solves and around 120 hours. I agree they should buff the drop chance so you can get it in 200-300 solves and if you go over it start increasing the rate you can get it. I think that puts it at around 50-80hr grind that seems reasonable instead of 200+ hours for some.

There is a big difference in end-game bis and pre-bis though.

Everyone cant get their bis.
Not every ret/dk/fury warr got shadowmourne, not every caster will get Dragonwrath either. And that is okay, its not the end of the world. You got second bis, you’ll still do okay dmg.

Would it be fun to get full bis? Ofc it would, and i understand the frustration. But this game isnt built for everyone to get full bis. Things might change though, as we saw in Wotlk, they might add a vendor that sells endgame trinkets.

We also see what happens to those who get full bis, they tend to stop playing (the pve players do atleast). They got no reason to play anymore, there is no incentive to log in. Since most players want to be rewarded with their time spent.
(Obviously this doesnt mean everyone, but most of us have seen it happen on multiple occasions i’d say)

People like BiS so you can compete on logs. No matter how much people cry about parsing, its really the only thing that keeps the game alive.

If I get near BiS of Full BiS, its really fun coming to a raid and hard carrying because your damage or seeing your logs get better every week because of Self improvement.

Its horrible when you cant get a core item because it makes you unable to compete. Gear is so strong on WoW, someone doing a wrong rotation in 372 gear does more dps than optimal rotation in 346 gear. Thats why gate keeping a lot of strong items is lame. Let people who work for their gear get it.

FF14 has RnG protection in their Raids. If you kill a Boss x8 you can buy one of thier items from a vendor. This basically means aslong as you do it 10-12 times you are gaurenteed BiS even if you don’t win an item. I think thats quite a modern system but I don’t see any raiders complaining about it in that game because no matter who you are, you’ll get a bad streak of luck and it sucks. RnG protection is the Devs respecting your time investment and making sure effort is always rewarded more so than luck.

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