If a High Elf became a Warlock


Don’t even try. It’s hopeless.

High elf and Blood elf is more a cultural difference strictly speaking. Species wise there one and the same and should a High elf for whatever reason siphon demonic energy to the point there eyes turn green there still a High elf. Same way a blood elf siphoning arcane to the point there eyes turn blue again is still a Blood elf.

Valeera sanguinar is the best example of how its a purely cultural thing, she is for all intents an Alliance blood elf. Not a High elf, a Blood elf. She went though the trials and tribulations that forged the Blood elf identity but due to circumstance ended up loyal to the alliance.

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Only in the very vaguest of terms. A Blood Elf, is what a High Elf would look like, if exposed to Fel. It is exposure. It is nothing to do with draining Fel, it is nothing to do with draining Mana from creatures, at all. The original eyecolour for the High Elves at the Allerian Stronghold was meant to be Fel-Green, due to exposure, even though they were High Elves, now they changed that as it would be ‘Too confusing’ however they left the quest text in where one of the questgivers says “No, despite my appearance, I am not a Blood Elf, I am not going to drain your mana” Now given that Alliance High Elves were kind of a known quantity, why would she have felt the need to clarify? Because she looked identical to a Blood Elf, is why. The ‘Hero’ would have known the difference!

They absolutely are.

No, Not all of them, the Allerian Expedition in Canon Lore according to the Dev’s have Fel-Green eyes, just the same as there are -Blood Elves- who have Blue eyes. Eye colour has -nothing- to do with political affiliation.

No. They are politically different in that they side with the Alliance. Blizzard have stated they are not culturally different, and are defined by what they -were- not what they -are-, they do not have, nor have had time to build…their own culture. Their Culture is Thalassian Culture, the same as the Blood Elves, and we can see that in their architecture.

Hmmmn, in most cases, only very recently, just over ten years ago, in fact no, the history has been identical, apart from those who were actually physically exiled, or committed treason by refusing to obey their King when he withdrew from the Alliance? Other than that? The History of Blood Elves and High Elves is exactly the same. I mean…how could it not be? They were -All- High Elves until Arthas’ Scourge came…

Almost right. They don’t need to siphon it, just being exposed to it, even if as a soldier fighting -against- Fel powers, is enough to get the green peepers, but you are right, politically they would still be a High Elf, just one with Fel Green eyes.

Equally, Lanesh the Steelweaver, who lived in Dalaran during the TBC years, so was never exposed to the Fel Crystals that were removed at the end of TBC, is very definitely a Blood Elf, of the Sunreavers, and yet has blue eyes. Its a political choice…it is nothing to do with eye colour.


I am not a Blood Elf

The name blood elf did not come from their green eyes , it came after they suffered a huge loss

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Let’s set the record straight for the people who insist they fed on demons/siphoned fel magic. Please refer to this post in future when people spout their drivel; its been 12 years and people still get it wrong.

_Even so, the prince’s relatively quick acceptance of dire measures (e.g., draining magic from demons) is by no means characteristic of blood elves in general. The blood elves of Outland have by now discovered Kael’thas’ agreement with Illidan, and they have for the most part become convinced of its necessity.

Most blood elves still live on Azeroth, though. Few of these elves know of Kael’thas’ pact with Illidan, and many would be horrified if they discovered it. Draining magic from small mana-bearing vermin is a far cry from draining magic from demons.

Yet, as their hunger grows, blood elves–particularly those in Outland–are becoming increasingly inured to the things they must do in order to obtain more magic._

  • The Warcraft encyclopedia.

If there is only one lesson you deign to remember from your time on Sunstrider Isle, let it be this - control your thirst for magic. It is a thirst unending, <name> - what you absorb must be controlled and released via Arcane Torrent. Failure is to become one of the Wretched… hopelessly addicted and insane.

Seek out a mana wyrm and unleash your Arcane Torrent upon it. Learn to master your power. When you have sufficiently released an Arcane Torrent, return to me.

You’ve done well, <name>. With our arcane sanctums not operating at full capacity, these power cores will go a long way in supplementing our needs.

Though most reports are unfounded, one recent incident demands further investigation. The West Sanctum, one of our primary energy sources, has suffered a terrible malfunction and rumors of Darnassian sabotage are rampant.

Mana wyrms, arcane trinkets, Arcane Sanctums. That’s where they got their magic from. Equating Kael’s Expedition to Silvermoon is like equating Arthas’ Scourge to Lordaeron.

Blood elven eye colour changed largely due to exposure to the Burning crystals which were used for both research and to sustain the gravity defying structures of Silvermoon and Eversong. There’s a quest towards the end of the Eversong experience in which a group of people attempted to purify fel magic for other uses:

Edit: There is also this tweet which is arguably up in the air seeing as the Kael novella will likely never be finished seeing as Micky has his own sci-fi warewolf series and nu-Blizzard don’t much care for fleshing stuff out any more.



All of this was pre Sunwel restauration and pre chronicles. Therefore it is outdatet.

Naturally but:

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