New Interview about Tyrande and Sylvanas

Well…as little credit as i give their word, usually they rely on vague statements to keep from straight up lying to the players face.
This is exceptionally specific to be a lie too.

Specially when you have Morgan adding to it stuff like:

Morgan added what I felt was the most interesting view I’ve heard from any developer when it comes to Sylvanas: “With the Sylvanas aspect, there are two sides here: People in the Saurfang / Baine camp and the people who are with Sylvanas.”

They could be lying mind you, but its not as set in stone as you seem to imply.

A return to the lore-accurate portrayal of mana addicts would be long overdue……and gives an excuse for the Army of the Light to go overkill.

My dear sweet Kaldorei - you should know that only the Nightborne are true mana addicts.

Blood Elves are apprentices in the art of such. Nah, they’d turn to Fel and Light-draining which is far more interesting than “For the Light” said Liadrin."

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My eyes flash a dangerous red as I prepare to whack you with the lore book.

But I kind of agree, the Sunwell going void and becoming a gateway for whatever cosmic big bad next expansion would be amusing. Mostly because it will prove Rommath right (again).

You had the green eyes, friend. Not me, I have beautiful silver eyes :slight_smile:

It would give an extremely interesting position and increase blood elf, void elf and draenei by extension, lore for the better.

Omei wa… Shinderu…

I think it would be interesting development for sure, it’d be funny to see people on these forums cheering despite the fact that high elves would also be a casualty.

Though i’m unsure how they would do it without void ex machina, I don’t think a Drathir 2.0 would work again.

Indirectly, which would be interesting as Vereesa and Co. would possibly feel the Sunwell’s loss

Unless M’uru’s spark was claimed by the Draenei and then destroyed, meaning the Sunwell was shut off, permanently.

I’d argue against a “void well” because that’s just being silly.

“I think she had her moment where we told some of her story and she got her revenge for the Night Elves. I don’t think we’re exploring her story too much more in Nazjatar though.” Shani said.

LOL we already got our revenge, Tyrande moonblasting a few dozen Hordes = Vengeance for the World tree and thousands that perished as well the mediocre writing we had endured over expansions and the butchering of characters.

With Rise of Azshara, the emphasis is on Sylvanas and Azshara herself. They are the focus. There’s just so much happening.”

Oh my god do these people listen to themselves, who has ties with Azshara and Sylvanas now more than Tyrande? who hates them both? who has endured and suffered because of them? Tyrande is directly linked to Azshara and Sylvanas, this is probably one of the biggest missed opportunity in lore !

Conclusion: Night Elven players should stop playing, let this game die, the writers and developers are clearly amateurs who are incapable of writing anything coherent.


Just like last time young children/the elderly/lame will die off too. It would be a pretty dark mark on the Alliance’s track record.

At least then I wont have to read posts which read like the run off from a septic tank.


You’re delusional if you think that the Night Elves alone could make the game die. They aren’t even the most played race. Humans are :smile:.


I’d have to agree with arch-troll fat female daelin.

Human and Blood Elf players max-exiting would cause concern.

Your turn will come, blood elf race who do not deserve the golden eyes.


I laugh while Lor’themar makes a token appearance every two expansions. Can’t get your lore butchered if you rarely get any.


You don’t proofread your own posts then???


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et tu Nerathion?

My eyes flash a powerful shade of red…


i’m sorry im just a bit angery after the news…

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Your a San’layn! Kill it…burn it with…whatever you kill walking corpses with…!!! I don’t know, I’m still adjusting to this world. Back in my day, we had no walking corpses walking the streets.

I’m waiting patiently for when he’ll open negotiations with King Wrynn, just as he did in the past. Perhaps the King in his wisdom that transcends his years will consider a ceasefire with the Blood Elves.