Which == copy paste routes from Mythic Guru.
I know they do this because I research routes myself. And they are built for specific comps, with specific classes, specific overall DPS (aka. timing of CDs), ect…
The amount of tanks that are unaware that the size of the pull depends on the availability of CDs of your party is baffling. They dont even have Omni-CD installed.
And then dont be ridiculous. Other than DB and SB the rest of the dungeons are just press W when it comes to routes. I mean common… what is the route in say… Stone Vault?
That is why tanks dont “lead” anything.
The difference between 3 DDs that know what they are doing is also night and day. As a healer, in some dungeons I can literally AFK and cast ligning bolts all day because nobody receives any damage.
And that is why on top of kicks and stuns, doing 1.3M overall DOES make a really impactful difference. I can feel it as a healer, and so can tanks. Especially in bosses where CD management is a thing, so if you can skip certain phases things become orders of magnitude easier.
Eg: 2nd boss of Boralus. The first AoE you pop CDs. But its “easy” because all you have to do is turret heal. But the 2nd AoE, its with swirlies and you have to do it on the move. If DD DPS is high, then you skip that phase and it turns the boss from a challange to a meme.
And that is 100% the DDs. And I could say the same about the impact of a “good” Heal.
All in all, M+ is a teamwork thing. You cannot say which roll has it worse, because its the wrong way to look at it. Every roll has a job to do. Every roll is equally important.
And to be honest, if we stop pretending like DDs dont have a job to do… maybe we can stop pretending like its the tanks/healers job to cover for that. DDs DO have a job to do, and good DD is really impactful on the key.
Maybe then when people realize that the responsibility to the team is equally shared people will stop whining about healing and tanking.