If a tank dies in M+, it's a full wipe usually

I was joking haha.

Watch Quazzi or OneAzeroth TV. The comments there suggest many potential/new tanks believe the same thing. Anxious to try tanking or even doing it at all. It is absolutely data, what else is there? Do you only believe in game surveys or what lol.

No one says anything about low dps in low key, no one is getting one shot in low keys, healing matters a lot less in low keys. If a tank even dares to go the “wrong way” there is hell to pay. Even if you do normal/hc/timewalking dungeons “wrong” you will be kicked. Playing tank, you are a punching bag.

I never said isn’t wasn’t hard for everyone. DDs have a harder time in higher keys, in lower keys they can coast.

Tanks lead the group. That is a fact. There’s no discussion on it and it is universally accepted. Who are you following through the dungeon? Who sets the pace? Who decides the pulls? Who decides the route? It’s the tank, he leads you follow…literally.

Many find tanking hard and stressful. You have an opinion that it’s just because people find it boring, that isn’t the only or even main reason. It’s just 1 reason

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Then you need to remove roles…

I do think there is a gap in the market for a form of grouped content that is less rigid in terms of roles.
Not sure how it would work but given how many players treat M+ as an individual content done by groups rather than group content it seems like there should be some form of content that fulfills this need.

Perhaps it would be with NPC tank and Healer and it is a DPS check where interupts and mechanics avoidance that are tested.
Maybe something like Mage Tower but it allows groups.

If a tank die you should wipe, if healer doesn’t heal enough you should wipe, if DPS don’t DPS enough/CC you should die.
That’s normal game design. What is not normal though is pugs throwing tantrums because the tank died, while they (and the tank)did a million mistakes that ended up in a tank wiping.
The problem is that tank role is a rather discrete one to most people in this game, i.e you’re either alive or dead. So because of this it’s really easy to blame the tank.
tank die = wipe is normal, in fact the opposite would be alarming. But people need to stop seeing the tank as the guy handling everything and they can just go in follow and DPS. That’s not how it works. Keeping the tank alive is a group effort, not just the tank and healer’s one.
I think tank would be fine with them dying = wipe if people realised that they’re not the only one to blame. Tank anxiety exists because they’re always blamed for everything in dungeons. For this issue, it is the players mentality that has to change, not the tank design.


I can usually get the tank up but not before the boss/mobs have taken out a dps or the healer. I sometimes die in the process but it’s better than a full wipe. The penalty for a full group wipe is so harsh.

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Had a tank the other day die to the wave on the 2nd lass boss of siege. Boss then turned and punched me the healer. We had all our CR’s. The pally in there proceeds to bubble and heroically try to solo the rest of the boss without ressing anyone. (40 mill HP tyrannical 10). That ended well. :man_facepalming:

Rant ends.


Not the sharpest tool!

The point others are making is that there is usually a grace period between one player dying and a wipe when it’s a dps or healer, there is time to react and cr them. If the tank dies, usully the melees get nuked instantly and the rest soon follows - or starts some silly kite fiesta resulting in chain deaths.

Once upon a time, when a tank died, melees could still take a few hits - especially with def cds - before they died, definitely during trash but even during boss fights. Hell, you could even tank in dps spec if you outgeared some content slightly. This has become impossible (or much less possible); nowadays dungeon Elites do so much damage, one has to be a tank to survive more than one hit (and often just was is already too much).

No idea how to fix that, though - unless a tank dying would somehow “explode” and blind/daze enemies for 5secs; giving those 5 secs to other teammates to cr, which still leaves the problem of the aggro resett, which would cause melee deaths afterwards, so the “explosion” would also need to restore aggro to the tank.

Let me remind you that those people win money with clicks and fatalism. You have to take all that with a grain of salt.

And they are dedicated tanking channels. Of course they will say: Poor Tank (viewer) everything sucks for you… there… there…

Or do you really think a person that tries out tanking for the first time will do 1 dungeon, wipe and immediately google some tanking streamer ? The only people that watch that are people that are dedicated tanks and are sitting there wondering why its so hard…

People like YOU.

Well like I said. The full story is not “poor tanks that got a bad hand”. Its also hard for DDs and Healers as well. Because the season is hard.

Pretending otherwise is simply misleading people. Like what those streamers do.

Neither is the tank. So if a DD dies because of avoidable damage, and gets roasted as a result (because as you say, you have to royally mess up to die in low keys) then its the same deal for tanks. And healers.

Tanks are not special in that department. Swirlies don’t 1shot DDs… but neither do Tank busters…

That is what I wanted to say.

If they know what they are doing. ANY tank is immortal in low keys if he knows what he is doing.

So if Tanks get the “special snowflake” treatment cause “they are learning” so should the DDs. And the healer.

Why have different standards for Tanks than for DDs (and the healer) ? They also have to learn.

If you were to try DDng or Healing you would find it equally stressful.

Because this season is hard.

Guild Wars did it. Also had zero gear progression so you skills had to carry you :stuck_out_tongue:

In WoW it wouldn’t work as its built on rock paper scissor. Only way maybe it could work if you granted aura’s to ppl so DPS could take the hits as if they where tank spec.

Like take TW dungeons my level 72 rogue can tank bosses lol.

I remember doing a hc dungeon in TBC where the group died and I, as tank (prot pally), was all that was left. The boss had a thin sliver of health left.
Valiant as the effort was it proved fruitless. Back then tanks did so little damage I just couldn’t down the boss.

Different times. Today tanks do near as much damage as dps do.

hahaha, not in my experience.

Well because you have 3 dps so if 1 dies who cares, you have 1 healer but most specs, especially tanks, have good self sustain so you can salvage by the time the healer gets back up, however the tank is the only one that you cannot cover for that good. I mean if a tank dies the healer and the dps who gets the aggro need to react fast, obv it helps if the top dps is the tankiests aswell. Overall it’s salvagable if a tank dies, but yeah that is the logic behind it.

There are exceptions. It’s the same for me, my own father is only a genius.


Firstly you could be soulstoned

Blizzard should create the ability for two options

-another one which means if the player dies the warlock dies in their place…


There are two main issues that makes me not want to tank M+:

  1. Routes. They are super-nonobvious and I must research guides before going into key. I don’t like it. The solution is very simple: just make all trash to be necessary and that’s about it. I don’t want no routes.
  2. Non-obvious tank busters. While most of things are obvious, tank busters are not. Make casts slow, make their names obvious, so I can actually learn something in M+2. Again, right now one must research guides, one must install and configure some addons to be notified of those tank busters.
  3. May be even rework tank busters into reactive situations. So you need to press defensive after you’ve been hit. So it’s enough to be aware of your debuffs.

I want to play the game. I don’t want to browse various websites and deal with addons.

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Worst addition to m+

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Tank still needs to go out of their way to check routes when dps dont

Thats where the social aspect came in for me😂 i was absolutely horrible but i met some people and they dragged me through most of the T4 Fractals.