If a tank dies in M+, it's a full wipe usually

Why has this turned into another “my role is hard too” thread? Do you people have nothing better to do? :joy:

Is the OP raising a valid point? I believe so, yes.

If you are talking about Fractals, at T3 onwards, there needs to be at least a tank. And there absolutely is gear progression because you need growing amounts of Agony Resistance to progress further.

I’m bigger, stronger, earn more money, capable of more love and also more intelligent than my dad. But it’s an easy win because he’s just a pile of ash in an urn on my bookshelf.

What routes?

Other than DB all other dungeons are just press W.

Or you think GB or SV has a “route” ?

Yeah, until you see him again in Heaven. Then it might not be such an easy win.

No they don’t stop talking rubbish. NW we don’t “press w” but go right. I’ve seen a variety of route in CoT. Mists you skip or not based on comp. Ara the route diverges at the end.


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Be reasonable.

Simply compare NW in SL where you could skip things. To today. Where the % requirements are such that you have to pull every pack except 1 gatekeeper at the beginning.

We used to have dungeons like Freehold, SB or Mechagon with multiple packs, multiple routes and possibilities.

Or WW versions like DB with multiple packs to choose from, giving multiple possible routes and skips, and compare that to a dungeon like… SV… A dungeon that not only is it linear, but % wise you are obliged to take practically every pack. And the ones that you could skip have invi detection.

And in Mists, the skip its a small joke. Because what all tanks do is follow some route (because % wise its random how much you get in the maze) and then finish off % by going pack by pack after the last boss. You STILL do the same route, you take the skip or not.

Its not like in SL version of Mist, where the slugs were orders of magnitude easier to kill because you could actually prevent them from casting things. But today with the spell quew changes they are as dangerous (if not more) to the pack you skip. So it makes no difference weather you skip or not. Also in SL the % requirements were much lower, so you if you pulled the skip you overcaped the %. Not today’s version of Mist.

So as you can see, the only choice the tank really has is how big does he want the packs. But that is not “route planning” at all ! Its “go W” and pull everything.

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Do me a favour, tank some. Then come back and comment.

Because you are the forefather of the group .more like a guardian .you lead while others follow

I did.

It was orders of magnitude harder to navigate through the old SB or Freehold. Or Halls of Atonement. Or Nokud Offensive. Or Mechangon.

There is nothing to navigate through SV.

The only challenge I felt in this expansion is the size of the packs and if I (or the party) could survive them.

To be fair; that is probably the only dungeon. And even there are some tricks and orders of packs or doubling ups to do.

You maybe consider the routing problem now less than it was before, and you are probably right about that, but that doesn’t take away people are still having problems with it.

My tank is my alt. I dont main a tank.

And I have always had a ton of trouble with the routes because I always forget 1 pack or 1 skip or something. And it was a problem because I had to stop and look at MDT all the time.

Not this season. Other than DB I had zero issues with routing. Just W. And the end result has always been 101% or close to it. Unlike previous seasons where if I pressed W I would have a 150% count or something like that.

For sure. In addition, I dont know all the tank mechanics so of course I also fail a lot there. Or forget to pop a wall for some tank buster… ect…

Im not saying its EZ to tank. I am only claiming that routing is not an issue. Not as it was before.

I mean… NW count was nerfed a month ago for the required % because when the season started you literally had to pull every single pack in the dungeon to get to 100%. They also moved the patrolling skeleton to the front of the stairs to make you pull him. That indicates what is blizzards design idea this season.

They dont want you to skip things. They don’t want people figuring out clever routes that zig-zags the dungeon skipping all the nasty packs and pulls only the easy ones.

But here we are. We still get people “skip? skip? skip?” in Mists. We even got people who want to invis skip a necromancer pack in NW.

Skip the 1st pack in Mist ? People talk about it with out understanding WHY its done in the first place. Its not about count. Its about being DPS efficient because you got 1 big guy with a lot of HP surrounded by mini-dudes. Its an issue in high keys, but its a non issue in anything bellow a +14.

In SL that was an issue because if you did not skip that pack, you would end up with 120% by the time you got to the last boss. In SL mist, there was no situation where you reached the last boss and had to pull 2 or 3 packs more in the little corridor to the right after the boss. Which is the case today.

Additionally, as I said to Dejarous the slugs at the end used to be a non-issue in SL. Because you could literally CC and kick everything, including their super nasty AoE. The one you cannot kick today that overlaps with poisons and diseases and causes so many deaths.

Mist is simply press W, pull everything… get to the last boss and kill it. And finish off % (because even if you pull everything you still don’t reach anywhere near 100%) go to the corridor to the left.

It doesn’t matter. There are people expecting stuff and the pressure is on the tank.

It does. There is no pressure on the tank. Just press W and you got almost 100% exact count.

Look at this run of Mist in SL:


They do 1 pack at the entrance, and skip everything up to the 2 crushers. They then skip 1 pack of 4 slugs at the beginning, 5 paroling wasps, and 1 pack in the double pull (which is triple in today’s Mists) at the junction. And they got to 100% by the time they get to the last boss.

In a dungeon like that you HAVE to skip some packs. You cant just W forward and get 160% count. You will never time it if you do.

Then I just checked in MDT what % that route would give in today’s Mists, 82%. And even if you killed ALL the slugs and wasps in the area where the last boss is, you still would not reach 100%.

And as a healer, you will also note that the slugs dont do AoE either.

So today the route is: Take ANY party. Can you invis the skip? Yes OK. Take more slugs at the end in the room after the last boss. NO? Then pull it and take less slugs. That is all the mental difficulty in routing Mists today.

And as you have seen in the video, before you had to not only skip that, you also had to skip slugs and care for patrolling wasps. And if you did not, you got 150% count and bricked the key.

So TLDR: If you know nothing of tanking, routing wise, press W and you will do fine. Maybe over count by 5%. Just don’t die and you got the route. No need for even MDT. In the past, you did that and you had a 100% chance of bricking the key because you pulled 150% of the dungeon. THAT was a world where detailed knowledge of the route was a true requirement for tanks.

I don’t do M+ but in the olden days ( before M+ ) if a tank died, I could sometimes heal & tank by dropping an earth elemental or if we had a druid they could go full bearmode or hunter/warlock pets could cope…
Now, from what I gather M+ are so unforgiving and this probably wouldn’t/couldn’t happen ?

There’s way way more going on in mists to choose. We can go in detail about all the choices but in the end that burden comes on the tanks shoulders.

Yes, routing is a thing for tanks.
When it isnt for you, great. But new tanks or potential tanks call it out as a problem.

I think the community would find a way to abuse this, I do think that some nice quality of life improvements would be

"If the tank dies and is ressed via a Soulstone, CR, or Engineering Cables, The tank has an Ability which is ONLY activated after death which allows them to AOE taunt all the mobs they were previously engaged with because how many times have you seen a tank die and then res immediately (They were soulstoned) only to then run around like a headless chicken to try and regain aggro on all the mobs while the mobs are running around 1 shotting people with melee.s.

There is plenty of buffers for the team to survive a few seconds without a tank every class has defensives they can use, can also kite the mobs, even trying to use a line of sight.

The issue is not the tank dying but more to do with people not using defensives and protecting their own skin.