If alliance stop being cowards WM would be balanced.

13/09/2018 14:11Posted by Reddan
13/09/2018 14:09Posted by Avariya
Here's a thought then, maybe this should've been posted in the appropriate forum instead of general?
Since apparently this "only concerns" the portion that plays "Warmode".
There's a special forum for that.

Then why are you even in this thread if you can clearly see from the title that it's about Warmode.

Which is in the wrong forums l2read forums rules .
13/09/2018 13:48Posted by Ilyadris
Maybe if Horde's response to any fair 1v1 wasn't "Better open group finder and call in a raid group against this guy kicking my !@# solo" more Alliance would have WM on.

Just a thought.

That's how great wPvP moments came to be. Tarren Mill vs Southshore, you know this one?

13/09/2018 14:12Posted by Avariya
Open forum, free to post, and it to me read like a "usual whiner thread" about people not playing Warmode.

Practice what you preach - this forum is called "general" as for anything that comes to your mind. And people complaining about Horde Warmode imbalance modtly appear in general forum, this is a response to that attitude. He have right to post it there just as you have the right to respond there, although with passive-agressive responses.
We can't have warmode and erp-mode enabled at the same time.
the problem here is this;

the faction identities,

most Alliance players are PVE, their stories and environments lend themselves to protecting eachother from natural or unnatural threats.
all members of the Alliance are members just because.

more Horde players are PVP as well as PVE, their story and environment being centered on surviving the oppressive presence of the Alliance,
thus centering on the theme of countering the Alliance,

all members of the Horde are members because of the Alliance.

so OP is right;

Alliance attracts the PVErs but the Horde also attracts PVPers more-so

Blizz are trying to counter this the !@#$ way; Racials

Alliance Allied Race's Racials are brilliant in PVP for appropriate classes(Lightforged Protection Paladin death, Void Elf Priest auto-free cast, Dark Iron self-purge)
I don't have warmode on, but it has nothing to do with being a coward and everything to do with playing the game the way I enjoy it, which does not involve PvP. I have tried PvP, I've done some arenas and a fair amount of BGs (on my old main) and I did a lot of the world PvP quests in Legion on this one, though I rarely saw horde players doing them. I just don't find it enjoyable at all, so why would I risk getting engaged in something I don't like if I can completely avoid it?
Well, if you give Alliance the better racials you would see a shift. Seems like an easy solution to the problem.
Fun is always subjective.

Some people like PvP
Some people do not.

Hi, i'm Dreadgear i do not like pvp, i have my warmode off.
Jimmy on the other hand likes pvp and has warmode on, so we both got to play with people that have similar opinions what's fun and what's not.
13/09/2018 14:30Posted by Seråph
Alliance attracts the PVErs

This has not been true since end of WOD with more and more top alliance guilds faction changing to horde.
WoWpop site is a bad source to go from as it hasnt been sorted out since all servers apart from RP ones where turned to normal .
Horde has always had the top PVE and PVP guilds this is fact and has got worse .
You can not blame players for not wanting to use WM it offers a poor 10% for a bucket load of hassle .
Sick and tired see'ing the same BS about WM on general chat when there is a forum made espcially for it now to curb the whine.
i think the only real way to make warmode work is if they just made it a permanent feature switched it on for everyone with no option to disable it .. sure a lot of people would quit over it .. but having the option to disable it is there for exactly that .. disabling it its freedom of choice that kills game mechanics ..

just like player freedom to choose how to run their groups ruins the game for players who cant meet those requirements ..

too much freedom sometimes is a negative in a community.
13/09/2018 13:14Posted by Reddan
13/09/2018 13:13Posted by Tahra
Warmode isn't fun. So no.

Clear example of why the problem is faction mentality rather than number imbalance.

Clear example of someone who doesn't understand the consequences of one faction making a sport out of ganking the other.
Why would I choose to have a lesser experience, when there is a better alternative on offer?

You caused this; you should fix it.
Return the scaling. Right now my alts cannot kill rogue any more, as their dps is nerfed after all those tears of gankers on the forum.

For some reason, if Blizz ever listens to community, it chooses the opinion of the most toxic filth as a guideline.
pvp servers before sharding were 90% of the time horde dominated, with only very few exceptions, when sharding came, it meant that even the few balanced or alliance dominated realms were suddenly facing waves and waves of horde, so they turned it off too.

Why horde got so big in pvp? because certain people will pick the "winning side" making the issue worse and worse over time.
This is what killed warhammer online for example.
Having exactly the opposite problem. Try fighting horde 1v1 they all just run away, but as soon as you are fighting elite or they outnumber you they start fight.

If horde could stop being cowards WM would be balanced, I am not going to make raid every time I want to leave the city. And I dont have time to chase someone who is in PvP mode yet runs away from every battle...

WM rewards suck and still it doesnt support PvP, there should be outdoor PvP objectives like Haala or warden towers from Legion, many quests should give you credits for pvp kills (azerite mining) and Warfronts should be PvP too ... these last expansions are just killing pvp more and more ...
1 Like
We're not retreating, we're just advancing in a different direction
I'd just like to point out that the statement claiming alliance are the cause of the imbalance is false just based on pure logic.

You can't argue that not enough alliance players turn warmode on and cause the imbalance, because it is just as true to say too many horde turn warmode on and just as equally create the imbalance.

Not shooting anyone down but just wanted to point out the flaw in that argument :P
13/09/2018 13:11Posted by Reddan
In my server there are actually more alliance players according to previous expanions experience and to several databases.

The balance in warmode has nothing to do with the faction balance on your server, you should probably learn how it works.

Seeing fewer Alliance has nothing to do with cowardess. Players are generally good at determining whether the costs of something are worth the benefits. In the case of warmode most Alliance have come to the conclusion it's not worth the hassle.

Past racial imbalances have led to more PVPers playing Horde than Alliance. Add to that the recent warfront debacle, allowing them to gear every alt up to 340 way easier than Alliance players and you have a double whammy that stacks things in favour of Horde in warmode. In this case why would the average Alliance player turn it on when they are facing superior numbers and, on average, players with better gear?

This just snowballs as fewer Alliance opt into warmode and more Horde turn it on because they feel confident they won't get attacked. Let's face it most of the people with warmode on are doing it for the rewards. Very few of them want actually PVP. When you go into warmode and attack someone they are mostly terrible at PVP and will try to avoid it at all costs because they are there for the 10% and nothing more.

Anyone with a brain could see this imbalance with warmode coming from a mile away when it was announced.
*Turns Warmode on*

*A single horde player decides to start a fight*

*I'm winning the fight but the coward starts running away despite starting the whole encounter*

*The hordie returns with his friends and proceeds to !@#$%^-* me completely*

Why should i keep WM on again????? It either goes as described above or i just see a group of 5+ hordies rushing at me.
You said it yourself " there is groups of horde" When i put warmode on i was expecting some fun 1v1. Seeing how i could deal with different classes and specs . However that's never the case it's me vs 3 horde or 5 horde.

So would you care to explain to me where is the fun in that?

Or let's not forget how a rogue like yourself can melt all 3 of my chars in seconds. Only class that seems able to do that atm. But still again , where's the fun in that ?
Well, you answered your own question. You don't see many Alliance players right? Mostly Hordes. So why would Alliance player would want to come there get ganked all day long?

Let's say one of them turn on the Warmode. Well then they just get ganked and they quickly realize they can't do anything, because there is so many PVP Hordies and so little PVP Alliance. So they rather turn the Warmode off and be about their business.

I don't know how this is sucha great mystery to most people.
13/09/2018 15:25Posted by Nëstor
Well, you answered your own question. You don't see many Alliance players right? Mostly Hordes. So why would Alliance player would want to come there get ganked all day long?

Let's say one of them turn on the Warmode. Well then they just get ganked and they quickly realize they can't do anything, because there is so many PVP Hordies and so little PVP Alliance. So they rather turn the Warmode off and be about their business.

I don't know how this is sucha great mystery to most people.

Which question have I answered? I never asked a question with my initial post, I just made a statement.