Yes in Argent Dawn we outnumber the horde but it still not stop the 40+ man kill squads existing there has been lots of times that even on AD you cant do nothing in Nazjatar because 40+ horde just sits in our base being a “honorable” heroes while waiting on top of the portal to kill people before their loading screen is even gone.
What i enjoy though is that at least on AD we have a fighting chance against your easy mode blizzards favorite child faction and i do enjoy every time i bury my axe on the skull of some random orc who thinks hes the next green jesus.
Just had 4 f2cking alliance in Warbeast Kraal tanking everything.
This was so disgusting I even considered changing class and had to leave the BG I did after since I was just done mentally.
I am not a coward turning wm off. Hordes also play with wm off. Reasons? if my gear is less than 400, everyone with raid gear, Azerites and essences can kill me with one hand, no matter which class I play and which class I face, I need gear to (1) endure burst damage and (2) actually do damage. Without gear I am free score to everyone. It’s suicide.
We should be free from bonuses and have actually separate gear for PvP. We should get PvE bonus from PvE. This would make people who really want to PvP to turn wm on and challenge one another who actually enjoy it. I’d say 70% current “pvpers” would abandon it completely.
We should also have alternative path for PvE and PvP to level and get reps.
And as to ganking, it happens on both sides. Alliance are not better. The reason is people want to complete PvP quests while not doing PvP. If they group up, it’s easy win, quest done wm off. Consequently, you see either ganking squads or no players to challenge.
Most shards are horde populated due to alliance vs horde pvp participation and even then maybe if i wasn’t forced to share shards with other off realmers this horde vs alliance issue wouldnt exist to begin with. Because as far as PVP goes, the pvp scene for AD from what I remember during Tol barad and WG days were fairly even.
if it wasn’t because the horde can be viewed as evil like if there was a faction that any race could join there’d be pure then i’d for sure join it i only survived hordemode because of my righteous retreat. i once got jumped by a few hordies in zuldazar but i just righteous retreated as 2vs1’s not fair while some hordies seem to think that it is.
Lol, roll horde and go to mechagon island during the weekly pvp quest there. At it’s worst it was impossible to quest there with pvp on. That wpvp quest just removes all pvp from the equation and turns enemy faction into quest mobs people do 1vs5 zergs on.
The tug-a-war between horde and alliance in nazjatar is the only time those wpvp quest have worked. If you can’t handle that fight that’s usually fairly even then… yeah. Guess that’s speaking volumes of how terrible you are.
I’m yet to encounter a player from that realm that does a 1vs1, even when gear is somewhat equal. Everyone just runs away to their allies so they can turn it into a 1vs5.
I know about horde and alliance balance. I have alliance on normal realms where I have pvp turned on. I know how it was for alliance, especially at the start of the expansion where it was impossible to go anywhere without getting zerged.
I’m laughing here that the alliance I see complaining are from Argent Dawn, the one realm where they have nothing to complain about.
I haven’t had any issues playing as alliance for a while now between, while there might be more horde, there’s still a fair amount of alliance around as well so I’m never alone. Things have been different as horde on rp realms. Only when classic came out the worst of the zerging stopped.
Tol Barad had queues that made sure to keep the numbers even.
it is really tug of war? what i saw a lot people simply go to LFG and look for alliance server - log in and win - when my group did the same it was 40 alliance and 0 horde players, when we were on our server it was 40 horde resskilling us in our city
It’s not always the case - the so called cowardice…
I’m on a RP realm (SWC EU) - when I turn Warmode On - there are loads of Alliance everywhere , and they do not avoid fights. In fact - having the weekly PVP quest for killing 25 players in Mechagon or Nazjatar is turning our warmode shard into a constant warzone - I sometimes stay and fight for the sake of it, long after completing those quests.
The only annoying aspect in my case is - the realms making our warmode shard are slightly heavier on Alliance population, which sometimes makes doing stuff in Warmode a bit tricky as Horde - but nothing you cannot fix with making a group
I must say - that I would probably quit WoW if it wasn’t for the fun offered by Warmode.
Well, good for you that you met Newbie Hordie on your way. Just a few comments to that. No matter what class I play, if there is great gear difference between you and me, you will always win. The worst case is you will just not die! On the top of that, the game is not balanced in 1v1 and Paladins are on the strong side.