If alliance stop being cowards WM would be balanced.

Easy solution: just play rogue. They start outnumbering you? Stealth amd run away. Ever since I started maiming rogue I have been having a lot more fun in wmode. My hunter was better at 1vs1, but lets be honest, wpvp is almost never 1vs1. If it was, healers and tanks wpuld roflstomp everyone.
Yea fun warmode... Not

Today tried to do WQ i see only 2 horde players so after i go out of stealth out of nowhere 8432597329 horde appears on my screen with healers and everything.

No warmode is just pure and simple horde playground where they get to enjoy faster leveling its not fun at all when other faction completely dominates with premade groups.

On idea level its fund and dandy but while you but warmode on as alliance the only class i can stomach playing is rogue and its not really fun to just wait at stealth that horde goes away or pray that some random BS demon hunter does not pop hes see through stealth crap.
15/10/2018 02:25Posted by Thaowyr
I have been playing on the same server since server launch, and I have never seen so many hordes as now. So something happend after warmode mas implemented.
In all privous expansions ally - horde ratio was very similar, but now I will see ally - horde ratio crazy unbalanced. Like 1 to 5 or even higher.

Most of alliance just opted out horde is just too pvp oriented faction too many try hard players showing their tiny epeen.

I don't mind fun pvp encounters when questing but after warmode was introduced all i see in the world is raid groups hunting single players both sides do that but as horde has more pvp players they just do it more.
I love to do world PvP, always did, but now, I must turn off warmode, because I can't even walk 100 meters without being attacked by 5 billions hordes. This is not cowardness, I just don't want to die 50 times in a row, without the smallest chance to win. I miss the old Hellfire Peninsula, Icercrown and Shattrath city wars, but this new wpvp system has no connection with those. 20 hordes killing 3 ally at the quest boss is nothing to do with the enjoyable world pvp, for neither side. Make the PvP on-off choice to be permanent from the creation of the character or even the number of pvpers in the zones, or whatever, but this clearly doesn't work well.
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choose EU
[A] vs [H] solid 50-50

take Level 111-120 (BFA playing characters)
[A] vs [H] approx 40-60

Now add the typical snowball effect that happened on nearly every pvp-server and voilĂ  there is you todayÂŽs warmode experience for [A]: "Azerite quest? No, in 6 hours I have to go to sleep" [H]: "Are there any [A] players out there? The last week i saw only 2 of them".
Imbalance is caused by LFG, and is countered with... LFG.

I know Horde players are such a big cowards they wait untill your hp is on 50% or less and they attack you. They attack you with a group of 10 too 15 because these cowards can’t handle 1 on 1. I killed many Hordes 1 on 1. But i also got killed alot. I enjoy good fights so it would be exciting who wins or die. But what happens alot? When you are fighting 1 on 1 and you almost win but also are almost dead. 1 or 2 Hordes rush in and end you. Warmode rewards are a joke you get alot of crap from the bounty kill and you get like 6 honor every kill, lol blizzard are you kidding me. I loved pvp bg but don’t do them any more. Because if i have enough conquest points i get a 345 dagger, hahaha a Dagger i am a outlaw rogue i don’t use daggers. So wpvp and pvp bg died in Bfa. This is not World of warcraft battle for azeroth. It’s Horde on Warcraft Battle for a new Horde. The entire expansion is about sylvanas and saurfang. Like it always is. Cataclysm Thrall was big hero. Mists Garrosh was bad guy. Warlords garrosh, grommash and gul’dan bad guys. Legion huge part Gul’dan bad guy. Battle for azeroth Sylvanas bad guy. Oh and wait Wrath of the Lich king? Sylvanas now used the blight on every one so even there she was bad. In some sort of way Horde are always the top story of an expansion. So Blizzard don’t tell us you do not favor the Horde. You could have made tyrande go bad. But no Horde. Atleast now i turned of warmode i can actually play wow. Without looking over my shoulders if i will be attackt by cowards 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 maybe 11 of them at the same time.

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I have nearly 400k honor kills on my account i don’t back down from fighting horde ( A dead horde is a good horde ) bot from the start of bfa it have been like 40 vs me when going out doing wq. spending 7 hrs doing ONE champion wq is no way fun. i see horde is crying about no ally in horde mode aka war mode, they should really try to do wq on ally side to see how it is.

more often than not i have a big group of horde come out of nowhere (Server phasing ) Bam i’m dead 10 to 20 vs me hahahahahhahahahahahaha so so so so fun to have horde mode on

Dwarf is life
Dwarf is love


It’s a multiplayer game, group up. You can try to solo War Mode, but as with dungeons and raids - being in a group with healers makes it easier.

I know from the groups I am in, that lots are having fun with War Mode. Seems like a mindset issue.

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i can completly relate to that. btw i hope i’m not to late for this discussion but if i am just ignore me.

Ho ho ho big boy champion. If you are so afraid about cant finding people to wPvP, then why are you not coming to alliance side and activate warmode and see it yourself how it is look like? You will finding numberless people to do wPvP, I assure you. Owwww but spending 1.5 hours for simple 4 WQ doesn’t sounds fun to play, isn’t it? I don’t know what you are thinking but we Alliance players are real humans. And we do not have 1.5 hours every day to do 4 WQ. Have a good day.

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This exactly.

Also alot of players on alliance you could argue are solo players or duoing for content at best usually when LFG isn’t involved. And when most of the PVP from “horde” this expan has been 30 vs you then its like :wave: im out

Quitter types are a liabilty in wm.

Its still 125% more fun than BG’s at least in warmode the fights are fun because there is no objectives that our muppet faction does not understand.



I pretty much attack anything that isn’t a demonhunter, 90% of the time they run away until they can outnumber me

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Yeah for some reason people are scared to do legion invasions without a lvl 120 bodyguard

Fun story, i did the overwhelming power while trying to do 1 world quest in freaking tirgarde

he had 1.4 mil hp & everytime mid-fight some horde would try to get a cheapkill on me, either they would run away once i got them below 50% or they would tryhard af to get me down with tunnelvision

Atleast i got 2000 azerite from the 25 kill wq for trying to kill 1 guy for 1 hour

Lol, argent dawn alliance crying about dying in wm. Hypocrites.

Warmode is not server related. But it is greatly faction related.

RP realms have their own wm.

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