"If Chaos is the Rule, I’m Playing By It"

I just got ninjalooted in a dungeon today, and I see players in world chat offering epic items for thousands of gold. How is this possible on a fresh realm in Classic WoW? Gold buying and selling are clearly rampant, and Blizzard’s lack of action encourages it.

We’re paying €15 a month for a fair experience, not a playground for cheaters and bots. If Blizzard won’t punish ninjalooters or gold buyers, why should I play fair? From now on, I’ll roll Need on everything and might as well buy some gold from the Chinese bots like everyone else.

Fix your game, Blizzard – or don’t expect us to play fair either.


Bots bring a lot of money to Blizzard, it’s not a problem, it’s part of their turnover, the waves of bans are also business.

Don’t hope for anything anymore, vanilla is dead and Classic is just a pale copy filled with madmen who have nothing of Vanilla’s mentality. Classic is just a “madeleine de Proust” to be enjoyed from time to time, without trying to invest in it.


Depends, if they’re selling BoE’s that they already have it is just commerce.

If they used Need/Greed system, it is not considered ninjalooting at all.

You would contribute to the problem.

Blizzard tends to react in banwaves, after a due investigation. No lightning hammer shall strike from the heavens on sometime you see directly happen that may be against the rules and/or reported thereafter.

Very hard, for example in another F2P game Valorant & League this is explained in more detail why it is so difficult:

The botting problem is prevalant in all games/MMO’s, not just WoW. If there was a solution there would be one by now.

An ex-dev that worked at Blizz:

You may suggest any methods you may think of through the ingame feedback box but it is not likely that it will be groundbreaking new suggestion.


You can fool players with these excuses and bogus explanations?
Blizzard can literally track down all the transactions in the game, see where and between whom the gold is flowing, it would be EXTREMELY easy for Blizzard to track down unusual gold exchanges between players or fraudulent transactions to the AH.
Ban the players who buy gold, not the Bots, no more demands, no more offers.

But the Bots bring too much money to Blizzard, you quote

Yes, indeed, and Blizzard is one of the “third parties”. Here’s truth.


They ban both. It’s not mutually exclusive.

Do you have actual proof or?


play a free version of the game? The evidence is before your eyes. Open them.

And regarding the players, given the popularity of the GDKP and the number of players who openly campaign for its return while everyone knows that the GDKP is the biggest “money laundering” system of the game… Perhaps some are Bans, but there is clearly a desire not to ban all players who take advantage of the RMT or buy gold.

The statement by Kaivax does not provide proof for your claim though? If you mean to suggest that they’re paying for the game, legitimately, it is known that they’re using fraudulent methods like chargebacks which incur merchant fees.

Maybe I should also add a CC portion since that keeps coming back too.

Sure, selling BoEs is part of the game, but let’s be real – we’re in the early stage of a fresh realm. Who legitimately has thousands of gold to spend on epic items this early? The only way this happens is through gold buying, bots, or exploits. There are people in global chat selling items for insane prices while being low level, and whoever is buying them must be a gold hacker too.

And let’s talk about ninjalooting. There are chests in instances where people roll before deciding who opens it, but anyone can just run up, open it, and grab the loot. That’s what happened to me – I won the roll, but a guy looted it anyway, laughed with his friends, kicked me out of the group, and I couldn’t do a thing about it. So I’m paying €15 for this experience? And I can’t even report them?

You know what? If there are no consequences, I’ll start rolling Need on everything too. Maybe after that, I’ll type in world chat, ‘WTB epic for 1700g on my level 40 warrior’ like the others who magically have thousands of gold when people are just finishing leveling their mains. It’s not possible to have this kind of gold legally on a fresh server. Just look in world chat – all the people spamming WTB aren’t even max level players, don’t have alts, or anything. It’s just disturbing.

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The low levels can be easily explained as being a bank Alt. Half of my guild has one to offset selling and disenchanting unwanted items.

The insane prices are likely there to capitalize on desperate, dishonest and dumb players willing to gain every inch of an advantage no matter how insignificant. Or just trolling.

Buddy, whoever offers a Krol Blade for 1500g should be banned – both the seller and the buyer. It’s literally obvious cheating. Same goes for any other epic I see being sold in world chat. There’s just no way so many people have this much gold yet.

People are just now finishing their mains, a few rare individuals are starting alts, and some might be farming gold – but not this much gold, not this early. I reported 27 players in 10 minutes in world chat, all WTBing low-level epics for insane amounts of gold. It’s ridiculous. Blizzard, fix this.


It is know that beta security update League of Legends clients were used to create current Vanguard bypasses that turned game into a scripters paradise on all severs but Korean. Its surreal that you are using words from developers that literally gave source code of their anti cheat to cheaters as an evidence of anything but malpractice.

Its is know that most hunter open world farm bots are using cracked version of 2019 software so they can run as many of them as their WMs can hold without paying a dime in monthly subscriptions. Its nowhere near as sophisticated as up to date hardcore bots or SoD dungeon farm/boosting bots.

Yet this small indie company Microsoft claims they sill can not detect them five years later. So what is it: Incompetence or corporate greed?


Oh so your case was about ninjalooting an apparent dungeon chest… That wasn’t clear from your OP.

Edit: I could only find this about Vanguard bypasses?

Do you have proof of these 2 quotes?

h ttps://youtu.be/He3Vk97DJYQ

Use captions or google translate. It is a rabbit hole worth diving into.

Much trickier with the second one. Afraid there is only so much i can post on this forum without involuntarily advertising botting. Lets try this one for size

h ttps://youtu.be/phfSTLtc58U

Lets just say botmakers are not exactly happy with people reverse engineering their beloved creations.

h ttps://youtu.be/Da_yftfs1ys
h ttps://youtu.be/F48tnJelYRg

Noclip is still not fixed five years later. I know people like to look down upon European servers as if they are unloved foster child of Blizzard but ive played on Defias Pillager NA and it still was a bot infested maggot lair.

All hail Madskillzzhc for delivering us from evil


First video I cannot find anything substantiated. I blame my own lack of Russian, and even with english captions it is tough to follow the story, sorry!

Second video confirms that they’re using low currency card methods and/or fraudulent methods to gain accounts, upon which they farm and then harm the economy + that Blizzard doesn’t profit from it. The banwaves are also mentioned as “quick” in spans of 2 to 3 weeks. It is true that in the meantime gold can be illegally sold by then.

In the third video an example of botting.
Same for 4th, though I saw that one already.

Now let’s return to your two quotes. For the first part:

“Is source code being leaked by developers or others?” - This has not been substantiated by the alleged video and links. Does it however, prove that even Vanguard gets challenged by cheaters? Why yes, that doesn’t surprise anyone. That supports my point earlier here:

And more in the blogpost that it is a very tough fight indeed.

In videos 2 to 4 I concede you meant that the botters are using methods to either pay with low value money in region locked currencies and/or fraudulent methods like I said a little bit earlier. However, that is a fraud crime and is also being actively fought against.

Daily anti-fraud teams from games but also financial teams are combatting such regular occurences.

The conclusion I have to draw from this is that there is nothing new you put forward that isn’t already known by authorities.

Thank you for the time that you got some sources atleast to discuss and look it over.

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Just one video is one hour long and you’ve responded within ten minutes with a post of quick recap of four videos and some generic text.

This is literally a chat bot…

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I pay for playing idc about fairness.

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