Wtf? … How many players are there that join for 1boss only, and then quit, because they need one item only… U cant realy do thst in m+, u soend there 30 minuts and hope you get loot, and once you get it, you hope its an upgrade, and not another finger cuz every dungeon drops them…
let’s take for example 2 players, player 1 only raids, player 2 only does m+ which player do you think has better gear faster?
since m+ is spammable of course player2
player 1 might have to fear for his/her raid spot, because he/she doesn’t get a high item level fast enough
you can pretty much do only m+ and be fine, however you can’t raid without doing m+
Mythic+ is about 3-4x faster gearing than raiding for time spent. 30 minutes in a +11 for a 60% chance at heroic loot, plus guaranteed loot chest at end of week. In raid you can spend hours wiping on one boss for 20% chance at loot.
so? even if you do fail the timer, you still get the loot AND you can try again, in raid, if you fail the raid boss, you get NOTHING but at least you can try again