If people have to die then nerf Craven Stratagem already

turtle is a 3 minute cd, this is already long enough. dont forget with a charge system the 2 turtles wont cool down the same time. Hunter wont be immortal with that, they werent immortal with 2 charges of deterrence back then aswell. they feel immortal atm against some classes cause of this leggo how it is atm.

also if you compare it cause its the case with iceblock, dont also forget that turtle cant be used while you are ccd. that means you need awareness and pre turtle stuff.

Det was 3 min cd + readiness 5 min cd(if I remember correctly), and back then people had high sustain damage and could foce cds without popping burst.

If you’ll have 2 charges with 3 min cd, technically, you can reroll human and have a stop every 1 min and a half, and we’re not taking into consideration other stuff like roar of sac or partner’s peels/cds.

We have pretty high dmg going atm aswell.

Sac is only strong into ret, firemage,

You could incrase the cd then if it turns out too strong, but i dont think it will.

btw many combs have high consistant dmg and kill potential every 30 seconds.

but it may be the case for BM hunter tho cause everything is possible while moving while mm needs to cast and sv is kinda a melee specc. so tweak bm then.

Name one beside jungle which has the highest sustained dam.

There’s no other comp that can kill without cds popped, unless the enemies are afk/doing stupid mistakes.

WW/DK, Ret/Warr(also considered the jungle counter), jungle, Turbo, sp warrior, god comp, ww+balance druid.

while rmp has high kill potential every 30 seconds so i count it too as high sustain. Same with godcomb

TWD only plays around 1 min grip>blind>sweep gos, then they kite for cds back. If they sit and tank, they’ll just lose.

Play around 2 min wing/banner zug, they have lowish sustained. Mini gos with warbreaker/procwings each min, but without any cds they’re doing no pressure (especially ret, since it has to wog in between gos)

Turbo plays around 2 min ascend banner gos, and 1 min doomwinds gos, outside doomwinds they afk.

Got decent sustain due to necro pri nature + warrior with proc warbreaker, but that’s not enough. If they waste cc while not having a real go they’ll fall behind easily.

Again, this is more of a set-up comp. which heavily relies on combust to kill.

Set-up comp which relies to root beam and wws 1min gos to kill, has 0 sustained pressure, since they’ll most likely kite in between gos.

If anything, rmp is the most set-up dependent comp. it literally has 0 sustain, if they tank damage instead of kiting, they’ll lose at mana.

Good rmps have 1 min gos with dance + combust// dance + shadowblades.

Jungle has the most sustain in the whole game by how retarded venthir covenant is for both surv/bm and how tanky both hunt and ferals are.

every comb that contains a warrior, bm, sp has high consistant dmg on it. you cant tell by now if 3 min cd is too short cause noone knows what happens. but weve seen hunters dying in many cases at AWC even with the current leggo. so its basically speculation but i bet on that 3 min cd on it is enought even with 2 charges with that lego. Else its still possible to see changes.

Also the things you talk about are oneshot moments, but telling that they lack preassure between the oneshots on all these combs is just not right. all of these combs need just 1 bash/clone incap, sweep or stun + fear which is ready basically every 30 seconds, to kill something or get some cooldowns atleast

Nobady would play that, u gain a PvP Talent (survival tactic) would be the play

every hunter would play it in pvp. how can you not take 2 turtles?

maybe against some combs you would take something else, but that is only a positive thing. imagine you are not forced into 1 legendary all time

dont get me wrong, craven is an issue but it does give me life to see the disgusting combo that is afliiction warlock and spriest beaten down.

It’s far from it. There isn’t a single Affliction Warlock at 3 k rating. Guess how many BM Hunters are there.

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