If the level squish goes through Im quitting wow permanently

I understand but its a psychology thing, which isn’t just something to be overlooked.

People said the Stat squish is just lowering a number and is pointless, but it made a good impact on the game so much that they did it again, even if its temporary.

It’s much more digestible and appealing to earn your next talent in 1 more level, opposed to 7 more levels, even if it equates to the exact same playtime. It’ll make leveling from 43-44 more exciting.

Look at your same point from the opposing side, it’ll be the same time, not a gear squish, nor does it affect anything like talents, so why not go through with it? Whats to complain about?

Lower numbers have and will always be better for video games.

Thats just assumptions. The level squish will do nothing like this. It will just reduce the levels you need to get to max level, and then they’ll find excuses to remove more spells and make classes more mundane and lacking in diversity (I can make assumptions too, wow this is fun).

@jovani. I was making the comparison to LFR because thats a bad part of the game, and there were people who were opposed to it, but people were like “Oh but it will have a positive impact”. And now look at where the game is at. Is LFR solely responsible? Ofcourse not, that’d be stupid. But is it a part of the problem, yes, most definitely.

well you sure can stop playing if you want, but if you open a thread to state it, maybe you want to elaborate a bit on the reason for doing that, and your view on the lvl squish negative consequences.
otherwise it’s just one of those threads

I don’t really care about the leveling part, since leveling is just a means to reach the end game, aka current content. If they do a squish or not, it wouldn’t really bother me one way or another, but if I were to choose I would just let it be like it is now. If you want great leveling experience, go Classic ^^

LFR hugely impacts the game play in an obvious manner.

A level squish is a QoL, psychological improvement.

Ah, glad you know Blizzards intentions. Great detective work.

They thought LFR was a QoL too. “Now everyone can raid, this is great”. And it wasnt. This is exactly the same.

I won’t say 100% a level squish would make me quit, but it’s the only thing so far that’s made me seriously consider it.

Seems to me that if you want max level 60, Classic is there waiting for you.

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Yeah, I will take a serious look at the game after the squish. If its bad I will quit. I dont have high hopes. The title was kind of a hyperbole.

But yeah, classic will be great. Retail wow will probably end up withering, just like Runescape.

and why not ?

i have seen people being against dumbing down game for ages.

why cant they have 120 points to alocate into talents ?

because people dont have attention span for 120 ?

how is 60 better then 120 .

at this point why pretend - just remade wow into moba because thats what people seems to want who are pro level squish

they dont care about leveling at all.

It will be a different number omg that’s so terrible :3

i support this.

for me leveling squish kills the soul of wow as mmorpg.

you think loosing 1 talent from artifact weapon after legion in BfA was bad ?

wait for people’s reaction when they loose 60 levels on each alt they carefuly spend hours leveling.

people will go ape sh…t about this once they find it out en masse

Didnt read the thread - blindly supports every decision blizzard makes. Wow, what a suprise.

Level squish means more new people in to the game, 120 levels is A lot for new people to get in to the game, i personally know people who has not played wow even though they have liked it when testing the game at max level because the number is so high.

You wonder why 60 is better then 120 because it is half the amount of levels.
At this point in the game having that first part be 60 levels is just fluff it is just there for leveling nothing more.

What is it that makes you SO ANTI level squish? it does not actually affect you if you are playing on a max level char anyway.

they should really be open about this first not do some ninja surveys.

make a huge dev watercooler toss some ideas there what they plan to do and let then playerbase to discuss

because atm it seems like just number squish for sake of number squishing.

will it be faster leveling or as slow as now ?

will it be compelte talents rework or just the same talents that are now but every 10 levels not ever 15 .

will it be complete levelign overhould -aka which zones we level in etc etc

how it will affect old raids and milions of people who farm transmog.

without those information we shouldnt even discuss it.

And you are dumb for thinking twinking is anything special and worth to quit the game over it is not like they are taking away the option to twink they are just changing the levels.
You should play classic when it comes out play rogue you can beat a level 60 warrior as a 19 rogue.

if we are not talking about xp squish then it will be the same fiasco as with 7.3.5

do you rememer how outraged were people when they had to go through slow of 60-80 - its about psychological effect when you take 1,5 hour between levels instead 30-40 minutes.

for most of people its unberable .

but nothing is suggesting new abilities

if anything do you really this after this many years that blizzard wont use this to in fact prune even more stuff from game.

after all its gonna be just 60 levels - so why not remove like 20-30 % more abilities.

Why did you think anyone would give a f ?
Also, have you ever heard of the concept of proportion ? Shouldn’t have skipped your math classes.

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Over this thread I realize how pointless it is to even try to talk to any of these pro-level squishers. They dont even read the thread and make stupid comparisons. So far the only good argument I’ve seen is that it will bring in new players. But thats just getting hopeful.