If the level squish goes through Im quitting wow permanently

Classic was successfull no doubt, but you’re forgetting all the other factors that might be playing a role in why the original game had more subscribers than the current game.

We’ll see what model works the best currently, when classic goes live in August. Before that, you can only claim that “classic was good for it’s time”. Subscription count is based on availabiliy on the market. The market is much more competative today, than it was when WoW went live originally.

This is intersting though.

Classic had less customization, which is one of the things I have a feeling might put me off when it goes live again. I will most certainly try it, but lack of transmog and class/race options might get the better of me. Other things I actually do miss from classic, like the class spesific quests. They were great and I miss them.

I agree. But this is mostly speculation. We will see when it relaunches in August. Hopefully it kicks off and wow will revert to its roots.

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I do think that it might be good for WoW that you get both models side by side. It might help them pull out aspects from classic, and make it better for retail in the future. I am looking forward to seeing the games side by side.

(Heck, it is likely that this is the reason why they eventually decided to give us “classic servers” in the end after all - There could be much to learn from it!)

Or, I am just too optimistic about it.

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Hey, here’s for being optimistic about a game we both enjoy. +1

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Maybe one day you’ll realize this is not World of Twinkcraft.

Maybe one day you’ll get the bigger message and start posting on your main.

So Dante is mad after all :thinking:

Name checks out.

That is the name, thanks for noticing :wink:

Because with nothing will change i meant that nothing major will change instead of a 20 twink u will have a level 10 twink.

i’d be happy with a level squish - 120+ levels is far too much for a game that actively encourages Alts to experience the story fully

Since we don`t have servers for each expansion yet, this is not a good moment for squish. Here is an example. When I want to play BC content I know that I should check zones with no more than lvl 70 to find quests and lore, the same is for dungeons and raids. In case of squish it will be harder to navigate through WoW timeline. I like to level characters and stop at each expansion level cap, trying to complete all quests+professions and achievements not using “cheat” lvl 120 character oneshoting everything. After the sqiush this part of gameplay will be lost for me. I pay for the ability to play like this, not for the “new content consumption”. Probably will go to classic completely to play slow and explore the world of warcraft the way I want.

Why not squish the levels?
They kind of already did. We have 6 levels.

Level 1-60 is all one scaling unit, 60-80 another (TBC+WLK). Then 80-90 (Cata+MoP). WoD, Legion and BfA are still in their solo xpac levels, but still scaling within. Might as well be Scale 1-6 rather than lvls 1-120.


Thats not squishing the levels, thats scaling the world. Different stuff.

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True, I guess. Feels like 6 giant levels though.
But I also guess the big question is if they want to reduse the time it takes to level. Which I’m not so sure they want to do any more than they already do each expansion. Also I think 120 lvls looks a lot more daunting than 6 :wink:

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they didnt even fix the stat squash yet. i cant think of a single scenario where this on top of a broken stat squash wont completely break the game for months.

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In what regards did the stat squish “break” the game for months?

What wrong with the stat squish haven’t had any problems with it.

A twinker?

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


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