If the level squish goes through Im quitting wow permanently

Level Squish gets an hell naw frome me.

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legacy raids take 5 times longer now than they did before the stat squash, they promised to fix it and have yet to do so.

Small numbers are meaningful and elegant, people advocating millions of health and billions of damage can freely quit. Good riddance i say.

do big numbers intemidate you ?

are you bad with math that they are scare ?

blizzard will see 1 huge numbers - hundreds of thousands of people quiting game over it.

no mmorpg on market ever did level squish . because its breaking the core concept of any rpg since beggining.

you have games with 300+ char levels. and even those never squish .

because leveling is a integral core part of any mmorpg.

this is not a moba - and should be never treated as such .

levels matter.

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hmm levels do not matter at all, content matters way more, and a level squish is needed and badly.

anyone can talk about game whit 300+ levels, but question is are they any good games, do they get any new players, par from ESO the answer is no, and ESO only gets new players becuse but hurt Wow players think it is cool to play eso now, and at same time destroying the community there, chat is full of dorks bashing wow and if anyone asks a question you get some lame answer or even flamed.

wow doesnt need 120 levels at all, could have stopped at 80 or so, and maby then give some sort of other thing to level up instead of levels, not sure what yet.

Fair enough, although not game breaking and current content is far more enjoyable and important than legacy.

Not only that but a stat squish still has gameplay side effects because it’s adjusting numbers, or all they’re doing is displaying a smaller number but keeping the for systems the same then it’ll have no big side effects.

I dont get the whining
What does it matter what the level assigned to your max level character is? Does it matter to you whether you cap out at 50 80 100 120 or 33215? The actual measure of time spent is the amount of xp required to cap out.
So whining about a lvl number makes absolutely zero sense to me.

I mean even if you are a twink. Nothing says that this would mess up twinking.
And im saying that despite the fact that i abhore twinks. Players who suck all kinds and sort of round objects so hard that they go back to a specific low level setting and over gear, just so they can own newbies, since they cant handle max level OR god forbid FAIR pvp.
You will never get a more sure fire sign a bad player than twinks.
Its basically an admission.
Yet: This change has absolutely nothing to do with twinks either. It may redistribute brackets? Sure. And what then? You gonna whine cause you need to make a new level 19 character and gear it again? Go cry me a river and drown yourself in it. For all the free kills you are getting you can more than survive doing that.
Instead be thankful that your bs “playstyle” is not removed outright.

the reason is simple.

because people worked hard and invested their time into obtianig them .

now they are felling robbed by blizzard which takes it away

if those numbers dont matter like you say why change it in first place?

unless you are hypocrite and they do matter - and you are jealous of people who put this hard work when you didnt.

You apparently didnt understand anything i said.
It takes X amount of xp to hit 120
If it takes the exact same X amount to hit level 50, level 60, level 80, 200 or 2000. What did you lose?
Nothing. Thats what you lost.
Every each single point of xp you accumulated is still there. None of your hard work and investment was removed. The only thing that changed was the number associated with the level cap.

That argument is a perpetual circle.
I have no idea why they want to change it, but i also dont care if they want to change it, because as i said: The level cap number in itself means literally nothing.
What matters is the amount of xp required to hit said level cap.

So no. I dont care either way, unless xp requirements change. Then we have something to discuss. Yes.
Until then however, all the whining about this change makes zero sense.

This blew my mind on so many levels im having a hard time to count them all…
What part of making a max level character is “hard work”?
Leveling in bfa is a joke. Past that, why the ever loving shait would i be envious of your max level character when i already have mine? In fact several of them?

This last argument literally made zero sense to me.

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People here dont reply once you tell them this, there’s no difference between getting stomped at low or high level when you dont have gear.

Don’t make me laugh please

LEvels is like weight, it shouldn’t go too high, even if kilograms hard earned.

I will tell you for me personally I WOULD NEVER join those games because why would i want to potentially spend a really long time to level 300+ levels?
Those games would never be able to get me as a paying customer unless i have friends that play it and be able to convince me it is good already if not then there is ZERO chance 0% for them to get me.

The Level cap DO matter for 1 group Potential customers who are not already invested in the game.
There is a reason why wow has 2 expansions with 5 levels in them instead of the normal 10 it is because psychologically 100 seems like a far bigger number than 90, this is Well known from retail stores to any number of sales things it is why 99.9 is SO often used it is because it Looks to the human brain lower than 100 even though it is 0.1 from 100.

You WILL BE ABLE TO TWINK with this.

Also Hard work to twink? being lucky on drops or having a bunch of gold to buy it on AH is not hard work.

So there is no reason to have a Twink in the first place is what you are saying as there is no differance in just playing a max level well and be good and stomp people there then there is to do that at low levels.

Tbh I’m inclined to say I don’t care about this. Blizz have allready changed this game so much over the years. How can it possibly get any different? Look at retail from what it was in 08’ to now, or '12 to now.

Ridiculous. Go play something else if you don’t like it. I’m sorry, but really. Nobody can stop blizzard from doing what they want.

There is, its more fun than max level. Gearing takes longer, its more research to look at what gear is the best, what enchants are best. There’s an active community. Its sort of like old wow, just that its in retail.

ofc . but people have full right to make sure their voice is loud when blizzard is making groundbreaking changes to the core aspect of mmorpg that WoW is supposed to be.

unless they openly admit they want to change WoW into dungeon/raid moba symulator .

and people are ok with it because they dont care about rpg aspects of wow. only about dungeons/raids.

The levelling ‘experience’ is so terrible, fragmented and tediously unchallenging that something needs to change.

you’re a very angry person and you are telling the night elf that he/she doesn’t “SEEM TO UNDERSTAND” something while you say that you would never join a game with 300 levels completely failing to grasp the possibility that it could be 1000 times faster than leveling to 120 or 60 in wow how hard is it “TO UNDERSTAND” that if they squish levels it’ll 99% of the time take the same amount of time to get to max level? god this community just mind boggles me honestly if someone dismisses a game such as world of warcraft just because it has ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY levels (such a huge number, really!) then maybe they should stick to kindergarten and fortnite until they can comprehend those numbers

okay bye nerd

No one cares if you’re quitting - at all. Same for all of those “I quit threads”. You are small and insignificant in the face of the millions playing this game.

For every chump that quits, 2-3 new ones come in.

A level squish is needed, 130 levels will be beyond ridiculous. No new player wants to join an MMO which has -130- levels to get until you can do the content that matters. Not to mention that the pure number 130 is ridiculous from an aesthetic point of view.

Together with the level squish we will also (99% sure) get some leveling rework in one form or another, so much was implied in the survey.