If the level squish goes through Im quitting wow permanently

Sure in 2005 for a month or so

Well if you are kinda daft it is sure, there is web pages around that you can look up for the best gear however so it is no more time consuming or harder then at max level.

There is an active community in ANYTHING if you bother to TALK to people.

And here i know that you did not actually play in the past.


yes it’s terrible because of scaling and the stat squishes which ruined all items that aren’t current content :slight_smile: it has NOTHING to do with the amount of levels we have

This will totally break my game experience. Currently Im slowly progressing at leveling up characters, 7 character for each expansion and level freeze/ The idea behind was to try to continue to play old content with correct level cap. something like "project 60" and "70". 7 Characters to get all professions and all items that can be crafted. And for me personally it was very comfortable when locations were tied to character level, specially for grinding. Level squish will ruin the whole idea. Meaning that time was spent for nothing. I feel like youre (Blizzard) forcing older auditory to completely quit the game. Doing this will help you to re invent the story and erase older history of Warcraft, since young gamers don`t want to focus on lore.

Hey, what is the problem with leveling? Want to level faster - there is a paid option already in the store. Does not matter how many levels. Pay and get the highest. Oh… let me think, you don`t want to pay. You want to get everything with zero cost. Well, raise the petition so the Wow will transform to F2P model.

It s just a number why do u even care about it…:crazy_face:

So let me get that straight: you’re complaining that you put lot of effort into one char and you quit if they change it? So… quitting doesn’t mean you waste that effort as well? I bet it would. If you quit it’s the same thing, you lose the time and effort you put in that.

I gave it some thought about the lvl squish but it could turn out to be very possitive.

just think about it, if lvl 60 were max lvl, after that you can gear up through all the differant raids.

Obviously blizzard will have to polish / update most of their expansions a lot but we wil be getting alot of old raid / dungeon content what is now left somewere in a corner collecting dust mostly.

world of warcraft is a giant world if you count all the expansions and if all that extra content would be brought to the same lvl you can pick and choose what to do.

say that every expansion has there main say 3 raid tiers and this will be the same all acrose the board, so classic has his tier 1, 2, 3 with minor item lvl differance.
burning crusade will have the same thing with the same item lvl differances so you can pick today i want to do the first raid of classic and tomorow i want to do the second raid of wotlk and still feel a minor progression.

obviously this means alot of work at first for blizzard but overal i think it could be worth it, instead of only really focusing on 1/10th of the game content you can go through all the expansions and have everything at the same lvl.

all you need to do is get through 60 lvls. this way new players can easily catch up. the gear differance won’t be to great and they can experiance many different dungeon / raid content as how it used to be, instead of just out gearing the whole content and come back as a 1 man army for that transmog item.

i think most of you can see my point, new players can put the same hard work in to getting that achievement / item as the older players did back in the day.
getting new expansion will only have to bring new raid tiers in stead of lvls. maybe new special power up items. and just keep us at lvl 60s
example: heart of azeroth and its essences serving as sort of a second talent tree.

i think if the lvl squish gets put through and blizzard does uses it to it’s full potential they can get so much out of it, same goes for the players.

but if they don’t excute it right, i think they will be left with alot of dissapointed players.

Our levels is just a number. And the game as it is today won’t be any different as long as the experience needed from 1 to max of each expansion remains the same. If you just ignored the last number in your levels, it would still tell you at what stage of the leveling prosess you are.

To be honest, the number of levels doesn’t matter to those of us who are already invested in this game. The number itself has no impact on the gameplay now after the scaling was added. Even the experience gained has less impact as you only truely get more powerful after you hit max and start gearing up over the default ilvl. (Which again gets reset by the next added expansion, and it’s new max level.)

If it’s believed that people don’t start playing the game because of the sheer number of levels… I don’t care what they do.

if it was “just number” then blizzard wouldnt ever change it.

its done to cater to stupid people nothing else.

Are you trying to imply you’re smarter than people who want the level squish? I promise you that counting to 120 is not an accomplishment.

Depends on the “time to reach max level”, if that stays the same we don’t win much.

It’s been more than a decade. Expansion after expansion increased the max cap. It won’t kill you or anyone else if they squish it. You’ll keep all your max level characters and you’ll get to have more max level characters with ease. Your “Hard Effort” of leveling up characters paid off by years of you having multiple high level accounts and others not having that many. If you’re that selfish, then you may leave. And you won’t be missed.

What a shocker someone will be mad about a change in WoW.

Just imo the pros outweigh the cons in this case for me.

An arbitrary number on a screen will make you quit the game, ok then.

its not a big deal stop acting like a whiny baby.

Im not one to make these responses but, can i have your gold ?

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