If these Elemental changes are going live I'm about to quit


What the hell is this?

Stop forcing this crap Mastery. Why do you ruin Ascendance?

For now it was fine. You could play Fire and Storm build. With These changes Blizzard is forcing Stormbringer, Lightning Bolts and Chain Lightnings on us. Also Icefury change is bad. I don’t like any of these changes.

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Sorry, but I like Mastery instead. I had proposed something similar for Ascendance → Elemental Shaman Rework

The whole presentation is here-> https:// ibb. co/31SZBjb

Now Ascendance is a CD that can also be used with Lightning.

I don’t care it can be used with Lightning. It ruined my playstyle completely. I might reroll a class I played for over 10 years. This rework is completely stupid and kills Fire Elemental Shaman. Not everyone likes Ele to be Chain Lightning → Earthquake bot.

Also Haste > Mastery in terms of fun and fluid gameplay.

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Don’t get me wrong.
I don’t like lightning spam either. But I don’t like lava burst spam either.

I like the playstyle that mixes the elements. If I wanted just one element I’d be a mage…

The problem isn’t the new Ascendance or Mastery. The problem is that they nerfed the raw damage of Lava Burst too much. If they increase the damage a bit they’ll both be viable. For some reason they don’t want to do that…

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And that was Fire build…

You weaved Lava Burst with other schools for Master of the Elements. Fire build was never 1 school build in opposite to Lightning build.

That Flame Shock consuming talent makes us even more vulnerable to dispel which was our weakness for few expansions. Also the removal of Skybreaker’s Fiery Demise is bad. The rework of Ascendance is even worse. Imo they should give a choice nod with two Ascendances. Otherwise I unsub this game and go play Dota 2.

This rework looks extremely unfun and kills my PvP playstyle. My biggest issue is that once it goes live I’d have to buy a new set of PvP gear from vendor with Mastery as my main stat. It’s beyond stupid.

Maybe you missed the last expansion…
You didn’t throw a single lightning bolt by mistake.

With Legion and BFA you intertwined the elements.

Erupting Lava in PvP might not be optimal but it could be in PvE.
Elemental Blast is also not optimal in PvP but that doesn’t mean they should eliminate it.

What really bothers you is that now during Ascendance you no longer spam only Lava Burst and that you have to remake your equipment during the expansion.

For the first problem (LvB spam) some like it, others don’t and so, being personal tastes, everyone has their own way of seeing things.

For the second (equipment to be remade) however, I completely agree with you. The timing for a rework was not the best.

But there are more Nature spells than Lightning Bolt. There is Earth Shock and Earthquake.

This was resolved with Windspeaker’s being gone. You had to hardcast a lot of spells. There is no Lava Burst spam per say. So this one is invalid. You don’t cast Lightning Bolts for other reason. You don’t want to be kicked on Nature as it’s most of your utility. Casting Lightning Bolts will never be a prefered option as long as it locks most of your totems and Wind Shear.

Nah you have around 22k achievs you will never quit this hamster wheel, you will complain about everything and pay for this until youre old daddy.

I will. I quit multiple times if you check my achievment history. There are seasons I didn’t touch at all.

I don’t even collect Achievments. It happens naturally if you play for a long time. Also 22 k achievments isn’t much. I had guildies who had it in MoP.

Since i bought celestial mount for €€ in wotlk from in-game shop and now they offer it in trading post free to everyone, i don’t take this game seriously anymore.

You see then it’s your fault. If you didn’t buy that mount you’d still treat the game serious.

How can I take it seriously when I have less than 4k achievements.

Achievments aren’t really important. I don’t even know the exact no. I have.

I just want to say that they changed the game in such a way (bad way) that it makes no sense for me to farm anything and sacrifice time to it. It’s just gone… No matter how many titles, achievs, gear, mounts player has … it’s just nothing without any “value” or satisfaying reward. I’m so sad about that… sorry for my expression.

But you are forced to use spenders… nature or fire, whatever your build is you will have to use them.

Yes, but now you have 3 LvB not just 2.
Before the nerf of LvB and P.Wave, Farseer was used with the fire build and it was still a LvB spam. Less than DF but still a spam.

If you really need more LvB output in PvP, it would make more sense then to ask to put Windspeaker back.

Looking more carefully at the tree, I find the position of Stormkeeper out of place.

To take Primordial Fury (neutral) and Improved Flamentongue Weapon (Fire) I have to forcefully take SK and also one of the two new talents (Fury/Herald) which are nature spells.

There are no Fire spenders.

What spam? There is no spam since Windspeaker’s got removed. And I never asked for it to be back.

No it didn’t. Maybe in your build. I don’t play SK and I play fire build.

Have you seen the new PTR talent locations?
https:// www. wowhead. com /ptr-2/talent-calc/shaman/elemental/farseer

Then I’m rerolling my SP. Thank you Blizzard for ruining my main.

How long do we have to go back and fourth on Fire/Storm builds to finally get the memo ?

Elemental shaman should ditch these concepts. That is what they should have done like 15 years ago.

Having 2 elements that work in 2 different ways is unsustainable. It would be like merging a Fire mage and a Frost mage. And try to make that work. It wont.

Each build would require a full independent set of talents to make it fun and engaging. And we only have 1 talent set to work with.

So I agree with what blizz wants to do.

Good luck with your SP. But I tell you its not the first time in 20 years that shaman goes back and fourth from Lava Burst centric builds to Lightning Bolt centric builds.

So this happened multiple times. And you are still here.

So its an over-reaction to say the least.

This is beyond stupid explanation. So we are going to kill a playstyle that exists since Legion because some M+ crybabies want to cast more Lightning Bolts. I’ve never seen a more fried take.

And who are you to say that something should be done.

Multiple specs have 2-3 builds available.

That’s not true. My spec was already ruined in Legion so I rerolled Ele and since then it’s more or less the same. Weave schools. Once they tried to push Lightning more it failed and Lava was back in BFA. It’s not back and fourth. It’s literally killing Fire Ele because few M+ players want to cast more Lightning Bolts.

As I said I quit this game multiple times and came back when it was better. You can clearly check it from my achievment history.