If these Elemental changes are going live I'm about to quit

The crybabies are not M+ people that want to use lightning bolt.

The crybabies are people like you that absolutely want to play 1 play-stile and every season that its not the Meta build for Elemental you come here to complain about it.

And who are you to say that Lava Burst spam is the best spec ?

Define build. AoE build / ST build ? By buffing maybe 1 or 2 skills that already exist ? Sure.

Using radically different skills with different effects and modifiers ? NONE.

For example : Warriors. You got Arms warriors. There are multiple builds you can play, but the whole spec is 100% still Mortal Strike + Overpower. Same with fury. You got Raging Blow and Rampage. And multiple builds that interact with those 2 skills.

But under no circumstance you have warriors with both Arms and Fury in the same tree. It would be inconceivable to merge them together and call “Arms” a build. And “Fury” another build.

But name any spec you want : They are all the same. You have a core 4/5 skills and multiple builds giving more weight to one or the other.

NONE of those specs are in the situation Elemental shaman is with this “Fire/Lightning” build situation where even the core base spells change. And that is a problem.

Because if you dont define what an elemental shaman IS from the start you polarize the playerbase with people like you defending Lava Burst spam, and others defending Lightning builds.

Get it now ?

It was fine but got changed because M+ crybabies wanted more Lightning Bolts.

It was never a Lava Burst spec but weaving spells to get the benefit of Master of the Elements. Just because you were not using Lightning Bolts it doesn’t mean you were not using other Nature/Frost spells.

Last expansion you had two M+ builds available. Lightning with Lightning Rod and Stormkeeper and Fire one based on Primordial, DRE and Windspeaker’s.

You’re talking some nonsenses here. The purpose of two Hero builds was to have two different playstyles and now both push you to play Stormkeeper and cast Chain Lightnings and Lightning Bolts. You literally negate the whole point you make. You’re literally clueless. Do some research before talking to me.

NO. Others explained it.

Lava Burst creates problems. S3 and S4 of DF showed us the problems it creates.

So Lava Burst got nerfed. And this is 100% warranted. You cannot deny that DF elemental of spamming 1 button over any other button, including spenders, was a “good designed build”. Because it was not.

So naturally they buffed everything else except Lava Burst.

HOWEVER… you got talents like DRE and Ascendence that are so tied to Lava Burst nobody was taking them.

So turns out Elemental in WW S1 are one of the few specs that actually do not have ANY long cool-down damage CD.

Dosent that strike you as odd ? So there. Blizzard is doing the right thing by making Ascendence and DRE “universal” so Elementals can have their 2/3 minute CD like every other spec. Regardless of the build they choose.

My man. Lightning Bolt and Lava Burst are ST builders of Maelstrom. If you dont use Lightning Bolt you must use Lava Burst because there is no other option out there.

But because Lava Burst has a guaranteed crit, it makes Crit absolutely useless for that spec. Also, a guaranteed crit makes it hit harder than your spenders.

Its S3 DF all over again. Where you were using all those “nature/frost” spells to buff… Lava Burst. :slight_smile:

I did. I gave you examples of other specs. Very specific ones too.

And you reply this nonesense ?

Like… you tried to say “other specs also have builds”. So I proved you wrong.

Now you go back to Elemental saying “well we had 4 builds” . And I will prove you wrong again :

And which one was the Meta one ? In other words, each season of DF you had ONE damage type (Lightning/Fire) that overperformed the other by a MILE.

And THEN you had ST and MT builds for that damage type.

So no. We did not have 4 builds.

We had ONE damage type that dominated (Fire/Lightning) and 2 builds (AoE/ST). Like ANY other spec (I gave examples above). And then you had other “im gonna mess arround just for fun” builds that were absolutely useless.

And WW is no different. Lightning Builds are meta now. And we have 2 builds (AoE/ST). And some people that like to mess around with Lava Burst. And THIS is not sustainable. Let me repeat it once again.

So if we were warriors, for them it would be : Each season Fury over-performed Arms or vice/versa. And ALL OTHER specs too (Fire >> Frost mage or vice-versa, BM << MM hunter or vice-versa)…

And that is healthy. But they dont have 2 radically different DPS “specs” merged into 1 talent tree.

You’re cluless. No point in talking to you.

Go play your SP and bother the Priest. I wont be missing you in these forums.

Bye !

Not only clueless but also uneducated. Learn interunction before you talk to me.

Stop replying. Just leave and play you SP.

I played Shaman when you ate out of your nose. Don’t tell me what to do kid

“kid”… funny…

Makes me laugh. Keep assuming things. You wont win on that department…

I am old enough to have played the beta of Vanilla and payed WoW in 2004 with my own money. Not my parents money.

Keep at it bro.

I will always win with you though mr 1 time boosted duelist - multichallenger.

I play PvE mainly. I messed around with PvP for fun.

What is your point ?

You really think you can win this ?

My point is you suck so please don’t talk to me.

Point taken.

But you talk to me. :slight_smile:

You said you would reroll SP.

So go ! Reroll. Go bother the Priests in their forums.

I don’t understand why you both take it so personally. It’s a game…

The playstyle in Legion was to intertwine the elements. If we analyze the logs of the time the number of LB and LvB casts were balanced.
Using Ascendance increased the number of LvB because, obviously, during the “old ascendance” only LvB were cast.

In BfA almost nothing has changed.

In Shadolands, in the last patch, something changed in favor of LvB because P.Wave (Necrolords) were dominant, but during that expansion the Sylphs were also widely used.

The problem arose with Dragonfight. Where there was the first part of the expansion where LB was spammed and the other patches where LvB was spammed instead.

If the ratio between LB and LvB are not similar but 80% of my casts are LB or LvB it means that I’m spamming a spell.

You have a short memory.

They changed Ele early BFA and it was disaster. Nobody played it. So they went back to Leigon playstyle.

It only happened due to Windspeaker’s and Season 3 set that you voted for in season 4 (partially your fault).

Issue got resolved with the removal of Windspeaker’s and with different approach to the sets. Blizzard said that TWW sets are going to be more universal and won’t force you into x playstyle.

Currently you have Fire playstyle for PvP (check my talents) and Lightning playstyle for PvE. I don’t mind it. It’s also far from “spamming Lava Bursts” in PvP at the moment. As always everything is ruined by some M+ crybabies.

Also hardcasting Lightning Bolts will never be a thing in PvP because then you’re locked on all the utility and real Shaman strength is 12 sec kick and totems. This patch ruins my playstyle and pushes me into playing 2 min. burst window with Ascendance and Stormkeeper combined that cannot be more telegraphed. I thought that last expansion we are moving towards sustain damage but it seems we are back to the entry level with season 1 DF.

Also the situation where you focus on spell X or Y is normal for other specs. If you play Shadow you either focus on spamming Void Blasts and DP on burst or on spamming Mind Flay: Insanity. The difference is that both spells are on the same school not on different like here. Same thing with Frost Mage → either Frostbolt or Ice Lance build.

I’m a little bit fed up with M+ community. They think that the game only circles around them and that other content doesn’t exist. It’s sad that Blizzard ignores others as well so cater to them. I get it they are the biggest group but other 50% of the people also play the game. PvPers are around 15%!

Because arguing with strangers in the forums for no reason at all is somehow entertaining when im just sitting in the train or in the bathroom.

You are so wrong here.

PvP tuning team is completely separate from the PvE one. So PvP has its own balance tuning.

They can perfectly say that Lava Surge now has a 50% chance in PvP and Lava Burst damage in PvP is +200% if they feel like it.

But they haven’t done it. They have gone a different way.

So go complain to the PvP forums. PvE has nothing to do with your complaints.

And 100% blizz is not catering to the PvE community. The PvP devs simply dont share your vision. Thats all.

How can you be so hidebound. Jesus I’ve never seen someone so dumb.

Tuning doesn’t mean design. Design sucks = PvP gameplay sucks. Is it to hard to understand for you clown? I Played Ele when noone played it. It’s not about the strength - good or bad. It’s about gameplay you moron.

Maybe let’s make a PvP design and then tune it for M+?

Blizzard is always catering 100% to M+ players who whenever cry for 2 days get changes. While we have to wait months. I’ve never seen such a biased guy like you.

I’m just sad the current ele build felt smooth to play (in pve) the new changes will change a lot for the current builds

at the moment ele looks like its facing some nurfs in pve content and farseer isn’t going to have as much of an uptime

from what i can tell the changes look like a nurf to pve- unless people find new builds/ they revert the interaction with stormkeeper and the overloads doing the same damage as the original bolt our damage profiles will defo take a hit

but i could be wrong at least from a pve perspective the changes arn’t great felt like we was in the best spot its been in for years that combo’d a bit of fire with lightning and having a fluid sustained dps build

from what i can tell by looking at the patch notes they gutted and destroyed half of the current spec with some slight buffs to some thing but massive nurfs to other

I was excited about ele just finished gear for pve ready for raids and excited about how its going to feel to only have the rug pulled out from under us and nurf us to the ground

Same here buddy. I levelled two shamans 1 for serious push and 2nd to mess around with my lower rated friends. I geared them both. I was practicing build and started doing really well with it. We played a lot of wargames in the guild. I had a lot of fun and was rating this expansion really high. I was hyped like never before. I created one of the biggest PvP guilds on the realm. We were about to make pre-season tournament today but after reading all of this in the morning I lost and will to do anything. I didn’t even log in to the game.

First of all I’d have to switch all gear once the changes are live to Mastery and 2nd of all most likely comps I play now will be redundand due to damage profile. I really improved last season and all of it will be wasted now.

I’m heartbroken not going to lie.

And as I said it’s not about nerf or buff for me. I played Ele in 1st season of BFA. I streamed my arenas and people came to my stream saying “why do you play this useless spec”. I still did it. This time I feel like it’s too much.

I already changed my main once - I played Enha till Legion but I didn’t like “blue rage warrior” so I switched to Ele to now experience the same thing.

i mean i love elemental and will play it regardless and they have made improvements giving us a raid buff was massive and i thought the spec played fine but i guess blizzard have other ideas of how they want the specs to play

will just have to wait and see what they turn out like i guess atmo i see them as nurfs but the meta build might change and might be a buff to pve i doubt it but i will just have to wait and see