If these Elemental changes are going live I'm about to quit

They have killed fire shamans with the semi rework already. So stormbringers will bz happy

  • Deeper decision making between talents - not sure about this there is always going to be a cookie cutter spec that is picked for most dps in the end it will be worked out and there will be no decisions you will have to make…

  • Better compatibility between builds and hero talents - hmm id say the farseer has better compatability in the current talent tree due to how flash of lightning currently works for sure losing thats going to reduce the effectiveness of the farseer talent tree by far meaning the other changes are gonna have to make up for alot of missing damage in the change…

  • Some new and improved spell effects - not everyone is going to care about visuals i personally prefer performance over any “better looking spells”

  • A more complete rotation - i mean atmo i haven’t seen the rotation change of the new ele on ptr but the current rotation for ele seems pretty easy and doesn’t have many down side apart from spamming one button and resetting cds as fast as you can - but the current rotation seems fine and ballanced

  • Robust cooldowns that matter - this is true we havent really been a cd spec at all forever - and would be nice to have some cd burst for a change rather then just a sustained dps class

Except in PvP there will be even less choice.

Not really. Basically it’s the same build except two removed talents. Forced incorporation of Stormkeeper and Mastery.

As you said. It’s nice but it’s least I care.

In PvE it’s spamming Lightning Bolts and Chain Lightnings. In PvP it contained Lava Burst, Icefury, Frost Shock and Earth Shock.

Elemental struggled with the amount of maelstrom on beta. Procs are limited to 1 per 10 sec anyway. Playing Fire Elemental with Skybreaker’s made it somehow ok because Fire Elemental increased Flame Shock tick rate. With going mastery and lack of Skybreaker’s it will be absolutely miserable.

For me it’s an irony that after moving from 100-0 gameplay in the begining of SL and going for sustain/tempo (not dampening) gameplay we are back to the same place but with forced Mastery.

Pretty much it. I get it that M+ players rate changes from their perspective because their gameplay feels like Raiden spamming 2-3 buttons Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning and Earthquake but we kinda still play Fire build and not really Lava Burst spam. Weaving Lava Bursts with Earth/Frost Shocks and Icefury. It’s quite nice and healthy gameplay compared to end of DF/SL. We actually hardcast and will play precog like every other caster.

For these who don’t know PvP build:

Pretty different than M+ or Raid build isn’t it?

These changes aren’t na upgrade in terms of gameplay besides getting the most telegraphed one shot in the game. Stormkeeper makes Power of the Maelstrom and Echo Chamber mandatory. So we will struggle with taking new talents. We will have less Maelstrom to play with (keep in mind that DRE doesn’t proc from Lava Burst anymore).

Personally, I’m all for having a full Lightning build, and in 0.5, this is now possible, just as it’s possible to play a Weaver. The truth, however, is that Fire is dead. There should be an option to choose between the old Ascendance or the new one.

Additionally, Deeply Rooted Elements (DRE), even with Aftershock, only procs 2 or 3 times in a 10-minute fight, which is very low.

Yes. This is pretty much dead talent now and I predict it being removed in the future.

I see a lot of back and forth around the fact that you don’t spam LB anymore, but none related to the multitude of power nerfs around all the talent tree.
Besides the big nerf to the mastery that came with TWW, this patch puts down a lot of skills or changes them from single target to less powerful multi target.