If you aren't gonna do a new class for shadowland

Could you at least add specializations to already existing classes? There are a few classes that could go with another spec.

And no, simply changing the color of the effects is not a new spec… I honestly couldn’t care less if now frost dk can use fire abilities but it’s exactly the same thing.

Frost dk, is frost dk, not frost but not really.

I swear to god, if we have another expansion without talents, or some new thing at least, i will be pissed no matter what.

In legion we had no new talent but at least a new class, leggos, artifacts, etc… while they had their own problems they did add something to the rotation, many times it was very good, i remember having smoldering heart procs, it was very cool.

In bfa, instead all of that was gone and it was replaced with azerite, which we all know how it went… By the way no new talent this expansion also, so there really was no excuse like in legion. They added essences later on, but they are shared between classes, so they are not as great, but still a nice addition.

If shadowland is even less, then no matter how good the content, i will still be pissed.

Covenants are not enough, not even close to enough.


No, it’s already too complex to balance, better make the current stuff good.


Are you a dev? The answer is no.

You do not know how hard it is to balance.

Like have you seen the backlash from bfa? What do you think will happen if shadow has even less to work with?


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve read today.

It’s like saying “It’s raining” and have some random idiot coming in and saying “Who are you to say that, meteorologist?” while a drop of water falls on his head.

Game is unbalanced, deal with it.


Lol, whatever you say dude.

Spoiler, it’s not the same thing.

But you think whatever you want.

They can barely balance the current specs in bfa? I hope they don’t add anymore classes until they fix the ones we have now. Demon hunter is a massive example of stupid/broken class design


Of course it is, There are 36 spec to balance

add 10 more to get to 46 and boom, 46 different playstyle de balance, and you have to make sure they’re not all the same nor too different, nor too op nor too weak.

Open your eyes you’re a shaman and yet have nothing of a farseer.


Jesus Christ dude.

You already made a bad example, you do not know how hard it is to balance, so honestly stop pretending.

You made the comparison with a meteorologist but that is a flawed example, because when it’s raining everyone can see it, to deny it is wrong, but when it comes to balancing, you do not know how hard it actually is to number crunch, because YOU have never done it.

By the way, it’s not like you have to rebalance every single spec to bring one up to the standard of the better ones, but you make it seem like when you balance one class you have to then rebalance all the others, which is wrong.

If they were to add another class, they would have to just bring it up to level to the other classes, and then you fine tune the numbers.

So again, you do not know how hard it actually is to balance a class. We can speculate, but going just by logic, you are already wrong.

I would guess that to balance they put themselves a standard, and every spec must be more or less in that standard they don’t just go in blind.

The difference is that i do not pretend to know how hard it actually is, i am just guessing using logic.

If anything the most difficult part of the process might be to actually design the class rather than to balance it.

But i do not care really how hard it is, that is their problem, they are payed to do this.

Alright then you tell us what new class will fit shadowlands? And if you say “fire death knight” which is the most dumbest idea I’ve ever heard next to tinkers then I’m done lol


Did you even read? The answer is no, i hope this will be a message for the next people who see this forum thread.

Some people just do not care at all.

Of course you didn’t read, it would be too much to actually understand the concept.

My guess is that you just read the title, read a few words of the actual comment and then went on with your comment.

Proof that you’re the one here not knowing anything.

Bad thread, bad OP, bad subject, I’m off.




I am super disappointed there is no new class and new specs would hardly replace it for me. Same about no new professions or anything else new that would make Shadowlands feel like actual expansion than big patch.

I think we’ve come to a point where we have a bit too many races and classes. Would some be nice to have: sure, in theory. But would they make the game better? I don’t think so, it seems they can’t handle what we have now. Releasing Classic seems to have spread them out even thinner (I like both versions, so don’t whine :p).

Btw, Ryura if you want proper discussion maybe you should tone down your defensive attitude. Not everyone will agree with you, we’re not your family. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I’m gonna be very straight here.

I am not here for validation, i am here because there is something i want to say, i couldn’t care less about likes.

When i see someone saying stupid bs, and making bad comparisons just to put forth an argument that does piss me off.

With that said, i think it would absolutely make the game better.

Balance and new things are not mutually exclusive, always having the same things causes stagnation.

Which is why i brought up the argument, legion was good, bfa was worse, and i hope that shadowlands will bring something new, to the level of legion at least, but if they wanna keep going with this, let’s remove things attitude, then i will not be a part of it.

If we are gonna play this game of, i remove one thing i add another, that is not enough, i couldn’t care less if they add frostbolt to every mage spec, i want things that change the rotation for the better, like leggos and artifacts even if they had their own problems, not situational stuff that i will use once in a while.

Cosmetic stuff is fine, but it’s not enough.

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No thanks, I’d rather they improved the ones they have.


Don’t you realise you are doing about the same thing?
Throwing out something like “You don’t know how hard balancing is”.

One doesn’t have to be a dev to imagine/realise that… hell, even the developers have said it themselves in the past. There’s been a history (in every expansion) of unbalanced specs/classes. Adding more classes will just exacerbate it.

That’s not to say we can’t have any more, but they sure need to take their time with it if they want to add something meaningful than what we already have and at the same time be sure they can handle the extra workload. It’s not like WoW will keep growing in numbers. The more likely thing to happen is the team downsizing over time.


I never said they shouldn’t improve the current specs.

Also i do not pretend to know how hard it actually is to balance the specs, i can make an assumption based on logic, but ultimately i do not know for certain, but frankly, it’s not my problem. Shoekeeper.

If anything i would think that actually creating the new spec is more difficult than number crunching.

Did I say you did?

All right.