If you aren't gonna do a new class for shadowland

Whoa someone had their cornflakes pissed into…

Personally I would rather see them vastly improve the races and classes they already have, and yes. That would mean sacrificing at least 2 Allied races which are more or less reskins of existing races with some racials thrown in to convince people they are different.

But I am very much in the minority and therefore I will be ignored. But such is life in a democratic society where the majority wins.

And I love my Frost DK thank you. Yes. That means dual wielding. You my now figuratively lynch me for heresy against 2 handed Frosties.


I think they should add the choice, i personally also like dual wielding frost.

I do not think they will though.

Again if they get the number crunching right they could do it, but unlike a completely new spec this is the same spec but with a different weapon, so for them it would be more time efficient to just make a new one.

They should just delete Demon hunters. Problem/s solved.

WHy come to the Forums to talk about an issue,idea you have when you are not even going to slightly respect someone elses opinion. Makes no sense


I can respect an opinion, but when someone is talking bs, than i take issue with that.

But honestly this doesn’t even matter.

Out of curiosity, which classes need a 4th spec?

Personally, i think shaman could go with a 4th spec, a tanking spec revolving around earth, i don’t play tanks though, but it’s the most logical to go with.

Other than that, maybe they could make a 4th spec for hunter for people who liked the old survival, right now these are the 2 specs that i can think of.

Some people are suggesting a 3rd dh spec, could be good, i read something about a ranged dh spec, but it would probably be very similar to warlock, unless they pull off something amazing.

Maybe they could do something with glaives, javelins created with fel magic etc… Since they are already things we have in the game, they could just expand on it, like a high mobility caster spec.

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I think we are not getting a new class because we are getting a new levelling system and personally I prefer that. They need to sort the classes out as they are currently, as well.


Playing devils advocate - balancing shouldn’t be that hard for a game studio with 15 years mmo experience behind them? …

That said I’m ok with no new class. I’m a firm believer if your main or favourite class has a great fun gameplay / rotation and reasonable balance everything else is secondary. MoP was a real good moment for that!

I think Ion admitted in one of the videos he did, that they have pruned too far and want to bring more back so that’s good right?

Just need to deliver a shadowlands beta early and listen to feedback!

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They need to balance existing stuff first before adding new things. What’s the point of adding more and more unbalanced things instead of fixing the current ones instead? You were spoiled by them adding a new class every 2 expansions, they never said that it’s a rule.

Where is the line then? Are we just gonna accept that something that they could do up till a few expansions ago now they can’t anymore?

This is a slippery slope of low expectations, they are paid to do this, if they can’t balance and add new things at the same time, then there is a problem, and they need to fix it, but it’s not my problem, it’s their.

Fact is that people are already pissed at bfa, if shadowlands also does badly then it’s pretty close to game over.

Is it too much to expect them to add new classes or specs every 2 expansions? Something that they managed to do up to this point?

I think the whole “there is no class that fits shadowlands” is just an excuse, it’s a piss poor excuse to do less.

When does it end? Does it end when we have a new class or spec every 3 expansions? Basically if you don’t call people out on something they will do less and less, at some point, things will change significantly, and i would say for the worse in this case.

No, adding back a few abilities that were pruned is not equivalent to a completely new spec and new abilities, especially since these abilities so far are mostly situational. I would be fine if they were adding back abilities that actually had a big impact on the rotations, but so far i haven’t seen many of those, just flavor stuff, they need to create new ones, or bring back abilities that have an impact, they have a large selection of those so there is no excuse. Personally i think something like talents or similar would be the best option, since many complained about the lack of talents in the last 2 expansion.

There are artifacts, leggos, trinkets, you name it… And this is just past abilities.

They could even make some of the pvp talents baseline, since some are extremely cool.

Conversely I think that adding a new class (or new specs) every 2 expansions is just as much a slippery slope. It ends up being needless dilution of current class- and specpool.

Make the existing pool more fun, I think the new expansion-specific content and tweaking of classes should be enough to justify the making of the exp.

Whether they actually deliver on making classes/specs fun again, that’s another matter entirely, also very subjective…

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I for one would much rather have the current classes balanced before even thinking about adding more specs/classes to balance also. Atm, certain classes are inferior to the point that people won’t even invite them to groups.

I’m tired of seeing rogue stacks, resto druids and the same tanks over and over in MDI.

I’m tired of queueing into RMX every single game in 3’s.

I’m tired of people abusing Guardian in 3’s

I’m tired of fighting DH/Rdruid every 2nd game in 2’s.

The lack of diversity currently in the game is clear and we should all hope for that issue to be fixed before creating more turmoil. I personally can’t remember the last time i saw an enha shaman, a feral druid, an affliction lock, a marksmanship hunter or a balance druid. These classes are so gutted in PvP, they’re literally unplayable.

Nobody wants to play from a disadvantage and nobody wants to play with class/spec combinations that put them at a disadvantage. This combined with the communities new outlook on metagame and which classes are best/superior and you have a clear catalyst for disaster.

As a fury warrior, it is virtually impossible to get invited to any key above 15. Finding arena teams and good healers is also virtually impossible, seeing as every good healer is almost exclusively looking to play RMX.

Tell us again how we need a new class, when the imbalance in the game is the way it is.

That being said, one thing I can agree with is that we’ve lost too many abilities. Artifact abilities should’ve never been removed/put as talent options, they should’ve just stayed baseline.

TL;DR: No new classes or specs until current classes have been fixed.

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What frost dk is fine identity wise as is for now. They are bringers of cold and it is pretty well done.

Frost dk feels colder than frost mage.

That is mostly a problem of toolkit rather than damage, or healing.

And also player perception, that also matters, people tend to exaggerate how bad or good a class is, this is just a general thing.

Sure some classes really suck in certain situations, but for the most part they are usually ok.

Enhancement with good support can do good damage, but in 1v1 against a class that has a better toolkit the flaws quickly become apparent, most of the problems from enhancement stems from the fact that it has really bad healing that consumes a gcd, and bad defensives, the damage is fine, although not the best burst, but it has excellent sustained damage, so with support it can do pretty good.

Just an example.

But frankly as i said before it’s not my problem, should we forgive them because they don’t add new things because they cannot balance the current game? Well, they are paid for that, frankly it’s not my problem is they cannot keep up to something they have done up until now.

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When they released DK, it was busted.
When they released monk, it was busted.
When they released DH, it’s still busted.
Nah, I don’t want them to add a new busted class. It’s more frustrating than fun.

Besides, I would welcome gladiator warrior back. Even if it was a balance nightmare.

But I rather they fix current specs than trying to make more…

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Dk yes, the other classes are not nearly as busted as people make them out to be, even at release.

This is the usual, exaggeration i am talking about.

And i mean, what about other classes that were busted at times? It’s not that the new class is busted, the problem is that sometime blizzard can overbuff a class.

Oh please, its not. You couldnt hit MW monks in pvp when they were stunned on release. So not busted…

Nty, fix what we have right now. So many specs are dull, unfun and just don’t work anymore.

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I’d rather they removed a lot of “specs” and turned them back into talent choices. Things like BM and MM, Fury and Arms, 3 mage specs, 3 warlock specs, 3 rogue specs, feral and guardian spec. Why are we forced to make talent trees look the same and have as many choices for every spec and class? This kinda destroys the class identity that used to be a thing. Specs only make sense when your class role changes from tank to healer or dps. Those fake “specs” not only make stuff hard to balance, but also make it more bland, trying to force a different and wholesome playstyle, at the price of class identity.