Where is the line then? Are we just gonna accept that something that they could do up till a few expansions ago now they can’t anymore?
This is a slippery slope of low expectations, they are paid to do this, if they can’t balance and add new things at the same time, then there is a problem, and they need to fix it, but it’s not my problem, it’s their.
Fact is that people are already pissed at bfa, if shadowlands also does badly then it’s pretty close to game over.
Is it too much to expect them to add new classes or specs every 2 expansions? Something that they managed to do up to this point?
I think the whole “there is no class that fits shadowlands” is just an excuse, it’s a piss poor excuse to do less.
When does it end? Does it end when we have a new class or spec every 3 expansions? Basically if you don’t call people out on something they will do less and less, at some point, things will change significantly, and i would say for the worse in this case.
No, adding back a few abilities that were pruned is not equivalent to a completely new spec and new abilities, especially since these abilities so far are mostly situational. I would be fine if they were adding back abilities that actually had a big impact on the rotations, but so far i haven’t seen many of those, just flavor stuff, they need to create new ones, or bring back abilities that have an impact, they have a large selection of those so there is no excuse. Personally i think something like talents or similar would be the best option, since many complained about the lack of talents in the last 2 expansion.
There are artifacts, leggos, trinkets, you name it… And this is just past abilities.
They could even make some of the pvp talents baseline, since some are extremely cool.