If you aren't gonna do a new class for shadowland

you claim that people are saying stupid BS but even if i dont work at blizz its still easy enough to see that the classes are not balanced because there are more than enough ways to find this kind of information out

one of these would be to look at raid parses in raiding. if you look at the parses on warcraft logs for the classes currently in the game the difference between the top spec and the bottom spec is like 20%, which means people will feel forced to play some of the stronger specs, or if you play a certain spec you will be a lot less likely to get a position in a raid team because of the spec being weaker,

that is one definitive way you can see class balance is a problem, and adding more classes or more specs would make it even worse.

so saying someone is saying stupid BS when you clearly have no idea what your talking about isnt helping anything

its also worth pointing out that the top end content as it is right now has a limit of 20 people, and there is 36 specs in the game, so that means that there is always going to be at least 16 specs that are sitting on the bench, if you also take into account class stacking is a thing you can easy assume that somewhere between 20-25 specs out of 36 are likely to be sitting on the bench

and if there is more specs/classes added to the game then thats just going to dilute the pool even more meaning that classes will just get even less chance to shine in the top level of content.

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It seems that shaman tried his Lightning lasso too much.

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Caster spec for death Knight. Necromancer or rework the unholy spec and allow cloth with staff gear available.

You think i do not know what the difference between the strongest and weakest spec is?

It’s about 15 %.

If we go strictly by dps on a target dummy, if we add other things on top of it, the results will change based on which class is more appropriate, again, the main offender is usually utility and toolkit, dps is just number crunching, different utility is what has the biggest impact on a boss fight.

There is a case where classes that have very similar dps might have different results, and that depends on whether the fight rewards sustained damage or burst, and of course aoe fights, since some classes just have way better aoe than others.

Personally, i think they should keep differences between specs, but the difference should not be too substantial, what should change is mostly the gameplay, but whether it is aoe or st, specs should do relatively the same damage, 15 % difference in st on dummy is too much, it should be no more than 8 to 10 %.

Ideally every class should have access to some form of burst, sustained damage, utility etc… to lesser and greater degrees based on the theme of the spec, but not to a degree where some classes are just way better at doing something.

Of course, flavor stuff that is specific to a class should remain, like shroud, that is the kind of thing that should differ the most between classes.

But this wasn’t really the point about the dumb comments.

Great idea, make the game more unbalanced than what it is.

the point i made had nothing to do with target dummies at all, im looking at warcraft logs which takes the DPS numbers from players logs and averages them. so it has literally nothing to do with utility, neither did what i said.

i was talking about the balance of the specs, and i looked at warcraft logs as i was typing it out and the difference between the top and bottom spec was pretty much exactly 20%

you literally called someone dumb based on them talking about not adding more specs because of it bring more inbalance to the game, you cant change your mind on that now

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Good luck tryna have decent conversation if that’s the stank attitude you chose to roll with.


Ok, this tells me that you did not read the thing properly.

Moe, i’m gonna be very straight, i do not care for other’s validations, someone said something stupid, so i pointed it out.

I am here because i wanted to point something out, if people agree with me, fine, if you disagree fine, but don’t come in and say stupid bs, there have been quite a few people who disagreed with me here, i only responded in that way to someone who said some really stupid garbage.

I care little for flattery and i also care little for shame, i am not here for your validation.

The fact is that if it rolls out that way, and nothing really good is added in shadowlands, chances are that i will be vindicated on this matter, and no amount of forum man to save the day to tell us that the game is 100 % fine, will change that, and if not in shadowlands, than the next expansion surely.

LMOA there you go again with the same counter.

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This isn’t overwatch, throwing in a new class of the sake of throwing in a new class is a bad idea


bUt diD yOŪ rEad ?!! aNswEr iS nO



I mean at least i am not pretending.

If only people were actually honest.

edit : whats the point of saying something and then going back to edit it into another so that people see something completely different.

Stick your words Ryura

Just about what i expected, goodbye.

exactly what i expected too. sure edit out the condescending response all you want but you cant edit out that stank attitude :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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One can dream…


I just wanted my Mechagnome Tinker ._.

cries in baby Yoda

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I want 4th spec and dont care about balance that does not exist anyway.

Fire DK, Blood Healer, Ranged Necronancer’ish~

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Judging from the past F-ups i would say its insanely difficult as our classes are gutted husks after all the pruning and we still have nothing that even resembles balance.

Not necessarily, it may not be a problem on balance, but rather of design.

Dps is just number crunching, the disparity comes from different utility, and different types of damage, for example, a bursty class vs a sustained damage class, burst in cd, or burst with certain abilities, cleave, aoe etc… that may make some classes better for some encounters.

To understand better what i mean, think of chaos blades dh in legion, which basically was insane burst during a small window of time, basically cds, and destro lock, where most damage comes from a single ability that does massive damage, or frost mages when they get flurry proc, or glacial spike for example, instead enhancement shaman, rarely has big hitting abilities but does lots of smaller damage, that is basically sustained damage through lots of small hits with a few hard hits.

Theoretically you do not necessarily have to sacrifice class fantasy to reach a goal, for example, enhancement shaman can still have burst if you have a cd that greatly improves the damage of your skills but not the lots of hits factor. For example ascendance does pretty much that.

It’s not easy i think, but the point was that he, we do not really know how hard it actually is to balance, we can assume but not be certain.

As i said before i think every spec should have a base toolkit that allows them to do pretty much everything to lesser or higher degrees based on the “fantasy” of the spec, but the effectiveness is not too different so much that it makes some classes just better, that is what i would want optimally.

Now there are other problems, for example, they should have never made the gcd change in bfa, sometimes it gets really ridiculous, that you have to waste up to 4 gcd to actually start doing dps, it’s just dumb.