If you could invite 3 lore characters to a dinner party

Let’s assume they absolutely had to sit through dinner and were not allowed to kill each other (or me) for the duration.

  1. Genn Greymane.
  2. Sylvanas Windrunner.
  3. Wrathion.

The first two for the entertainment, the last to offer witty commentary.

Alleria, Vareesa and Sylvanas. Then just sit back and eat popcorn.
Turalyon, Rhonin and Nathanos can also sit by another table and I can bet money on wich one explodes first.

Or… Wrathion, Wrathion and… Wrathion?

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Arthas, Illidan and Chen.

They gonna discuss the 3 Classes they invented in the game (Death Knight, Demon Hunter and Monk ofc).

Well and watch Illy and Arthas do a rematch and see if DK still stronger then DH :slight_smile: without op weapons cough Frostmourne* cough

Chen Stormstout, Lorewalker Cho and Illidan.

The two pandas just for a nice relaxed meal with some good stories and Illidan to provide an update every 2 minutes whether the food is prepared or not.


why exactly would you invite 3 wrathions? :flushed:

Arthas, kel’Thuzad and Neltharion. Then we would go raid Orgrimmar.

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Me saying the reason for that would be NSFW and I might get banned…


Well that might be quite hard for him, considering the Night Elves exiled Dath’Remar Sunstrider and not Anasterian Sunstrider…

Anyway, onto the topic:

I’d invite Valtrois, Rommath and Kayn.

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That came out of nowhere.
I like it.

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Nefaryas, Daestra and Punyelf (yes i know they are not lore characters, but they are characters i’d love to have over for dinner. And a slumber party with pillow fight after :smile:). And wrathion can come aswell :yum:


Attendees: Izira Gearsworn, Christy Punchcog, Niru Datagear.
Topic: Cling-clang, Bzzt, Brrr. Whirr.

jaina, so I could poison her to death.
the boy king, so I could poison her to death.
thrall, to ask him why hes such a lightweight nowadays.

GAACCCCHhh h hhhh im dying
GAACCCCHhh h hhhh im dying
I just am, go away

I’d invite some mald gnomes & give em malmelade.
It would be locker room talk with many KEKW 's and malding liquid

Yep, my bad … now correct name.

No Wrathion is coming to my room!

Or you come to my slumberparty aswell! With wrathion!

Erm, I think you will find I bagsied him first if you scroll up. You can have my sloppy seconds tho… but he may be a bit tired.

I imagine Black Dragons have a lot of Stamina :thinking:


Ah its fine, i have all the lovely elf ladies to pillow fight with while he rests :wink:

Stitches, Murky and Brightwing would make for a entertaining dinner party.

Stitches - FRESH MEAT!, STITCHES LIKE (eats the entire turkey whole… along with half the table)

Murky - Mrglglglg (plays with the food more then eats)

Brightwing - chicken fingers? silly, silly chickens have flappy wings, like brightwing