If you could invite 3 lore characters to a dinner party

Just Sylvanas, I don’t find any other character in this game to be remotely interesting.

All things considered :fearful:, no idea but it will be interesting :ghost:

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Oh I would like me a dinner party just me and Wrathion :heart_eyes:

SHOULD I invite 2 more it would totally be T’paartos, and Maximillian of Northshire - Just in case I need rescue.

Seriously though - I just need Wrathion :grin:


Sorry, I think you’ll find that I grabbed him way back in the first reply on this thread. Get your mitts off my man! :dagger:

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I take Garrosh, Nazgrim and Malkorok so we can discuss that Garrosh did nothing wrong and how to fix the horde.

…excuse me? :joy:

you are blatantly taking advantage of the situation.

…how intriguing. :smirk:



And i’ll just hide in a corner with some popcorn and watch the fallout.

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Think yourself lucky I can’t delete your post… but I will fight you for him!

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Paladin Arthas, Lich King Arthas, and Uther.

I would be stood back behind a reinforced screen.


MVPs trying to abuse their powers! Starts the rumour that MVPs can delete and edit other people’s posts

That fighting kitty looks shockingly like one of my own cats - and he’s a lover, not a fighter so I think I’m safe. Safe with Wrathion… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Lies! :smiley:

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didnt know the picnic was free though. :smile: i was paying…attention. :rofl:


Khadgar, Thrall, Chen

It’s fine your dress is great :slight_smile:

Chen, Thrall, Muradin (or Brann) for a great, wholesome party.

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King Mechagon, and two others to mechanize.

I guess I’d bring Baine and some other Tauren. They’re so big you can make plenty of smaller mechanized soldiers out of their parts. Brains not required.

There would be plenty of screaming, followed by the sound of machines: nice, quiet buzzing.

Valeera, Alleria and Vereesa. Then who knows, perhaps we’ll jump into bed together.


Illidan, Tyrande and Malfurion
the topic: finally resolving their past

Good job you are a holy priest, they may need healing after the fight :slight_smile:

that might be necessary