If you could married with lore characters, who would be?

May i ask one real question, does girls really love guys like this one?

It’s ok nowadays

Jaina so she can frost nova my dick.

Kyra Boucher


But seriously yes, they made him kinda hot. Then again I also find Sire Denathrius hot, dat cleavage and the voice acting is just

Jandice Barov for sure

Chen Stormstout and I’ll have the best beer for my entire life.

Tyrande because she’s the m ilf queen.


Alleria Windrunner, altough mostly based on the books. Wouldnt mind being her Turalyon if you know what i mean :d. I also like how they brought her back, the void elf line was quite brilliant

Lady Liadrin.

Then Jaina Proudmoore.
MY Jaina Proudmoore.

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Eh Jailer looks like my neighbour is he hot too for you?

Maybe because of the relevance of the character, people forgot about her? She’s a fine choice though.

As for myself I don’t want to marry anyone. I just want to be Bwonsamdi’s friend.

Elune. Thank you.

The bread vendor lady that walks araund in Ironforge :relaxed:.


Some of us like the lesser intresting NPC’s.


Jaina with red hair color? I haven’t seen that yet.


Not really no.

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Hm…ill stick with my blood elves so …eather Lor’themar or Kael’thas. Though i do have a soft spot for daddy Illidan too.

From shadowlands lore?
Than Niya, my soulbind, since we already have a bond between us.