If you could married with lore characters, who would be?

It is like my eventual ascendence to Supreme Overlord of a desolate and shorn of life Azeroth…

A matter of time.

Anyone, not only from Shadowlands lore but the other expansions.

Already announced our vedding and sent invitations :nerd_face:
Cant change anything now



Havent you chosen Thalyssra few posts earlier? :smiling_imp:

I did not know that you would be against of having 2 gfs? :thinking:

I am not a cheater, and i like loyal soul binds…


Maximum wife potential.

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Illidan -always partial to a bad guy,they are waay more interesting than the good guys

Sylvannas yup.

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Margrave Stradama: a little… liquid, but a good woman, loyal to her house

Thought of another one Talia and Valeera now that folk mention her, damn it im a wow sloot

idk Calia or Jaina. Most of these people have political power

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I’ll go marry Vol’jin. Since he is cool, good, sexy and best warchief

But, I’m sorrowed when he is died… But, I’m still meet him as loa/spirt~

sigh the choice for males is soooo limited tbh.­.

lets see

anduin is a no
velen as well
tirion already has a wife and is too serious
the only others left are medivh and khadgar.­. and the latter is meme

pandas are extinct

so guess im stuck with a bookworm

Arthas? is the son of the king, a paladin, wealthy and generous!

MY imagination put pictures in MY head, seeing horny nerds on there chair, googling wow characters… Instead sum different stuff a healthy boy should do…

Waiting for the whine topics crying about blizz, putting to much armor on Female chars.

The lack of Jandice Barov in this thread is concerning

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He is A deathknight…
And how is taking you’re soul being generous o.o