If you die 6 rounds in a row without pressing your immunities in solo shuffle

You should receive an automatic 24 hour ban from it for griefing.

If you do it again, 3 days.

Again, 7 days.

Then 14 days.

Then 30 days.

Then perma.


Griefing according to Oxford:

In online gaming: the action or an act of deliberately spoiling other players’ enjoyment of a game by playing in a way that is intentionally disruptive and aggravating.

So unless they’re shouting out very loud in text chat, that they want you to lose and/or are wintrading, not (being able to) use spells does not fall into this category. Can just be sheer incompetence or enemy team focusing 1 guy with everything from the start and zeroing them in a global.


People at top 50 of their spec are “incompetent” now? Why does the system allow them to get there if they’re “incompetent”?

That’s no reason to not press their immunity even once during all 6 rounds. If anything, that should make them pre-press it rather than not press it at all. However, most people that don’t press it are dying slowly over several global CDs before they finally die, they have plenty of time to press them before they die but they don’t

Even pressing the immunity to break a CC is better than not pressing it at all.

It’s simply griefing. And they should be banned from solo shuffle for it.

To take an example:

Mage is getting focused by bm hunter + warrior. I chastise the enemy healer. Mage is dropping. I MC the enemy healer. Mage is dying. I apotheosis and chastise the enemy healer again and MC him again. Mage doesn’t block before he dies.

It took a long time for him to die. It was most certainly not in a global but he still didn’t block before dying. You can’t tell me that’s not griefing.

So let me get this straight…mage was getting focused and you, instead of healing him because you yourself wasn’t in enemy CC and had the opportunity to free cast and keep him up, decided to scrw around with their enemy healer instead, probably trying to bug him out of the game with MC, because I see no other reason to play it in this heavy dam meta where people need to be kept up constantly.

His only mistake here, a common one for dps players in RSS, was probably trusting his healer to keep him up and not having to blow his biggest def cd while you were not in CC.



The mage was on the enemy team. The hunter and warrior was on my team.

That was unclear from your post.

Did he do the same thing while he was in rounds with you?

He didn’t block a single time during 6 rounds, yes. Every time he died he had block ready and either me or enemy healer was in CC.

I gained MMR from going 3-3, enemy healer lost MMR due to 3-3 against me because I was like 50 mmr lower than the average. All because of a mage that doesn’t block. Forced into a 3-3.

Crying again …

Damn it’s almost like those people are low rated because they’re… not very good?


Did you even read what OP said or are you just 50IQ?

Bad =/= griefing.

Hope that helps.

Do you even know what griefing means?

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You’re giving an impossible standard, and i do sympatize with what you’re saying but this is simply the nature of solo content.
Am I saying griefers shouldt be investigated ? Absolutely no.
But to put these bans of people who dont press defensives is a hilarious proposition. You realize that people who wonna grief will continue to do so. This will have an effect on day 1, on day 2 they will know to press their defensives in some random moment to avoid punishment.
Again, im not taking griefers side and im not trying to roast you but I feel like and I really mean this:

You fail to take accountability for the class you play(context: you constantly complain about priests) and the content(context: solo rated pvp comes with a great deal of risk of griefers) that you play and the risks (if you want to minimize this go 2v2 or 3v3 or even 10v10) that come with it.
This is why we see you frustration-post everyday.
You’re in a burnout my guy, get outside, touch sum grass.
Take your vitamins.
I can tell you’re in a terrible state of mind,
just close the game already.
Im not even trying to roast you or anything,
just take a few days off.

You did not say anything like that in your opening post.

They’re probably not. Guy never backs up what he says with evidence, just incessant whinging, hence why he posts on a Classic character. Nothing ever his fault, every loss = the other class is OP or his teammates did something wrong.

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is it griefing when i see some dps to perform like a god at 1.4 rating and then when he is in my lobby i pretend like healing him? Only because he has other 10 glad characters all about 2 k rating but he decided instead of pushing higher, to make another character and humiliate pugs at 1.4? My heal pretention should not be so obvious but he loses 3 rounds for sure.

You say all this and not once you think “mmh maybe my job was to heal him instead of toying with the enemy healer” ?

You refused to heal him, listed 4 different actions you chose to make while acknowledging he was dying, and you dare say HE was griefing ?


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Maybe it was a fire mage from argent dawn and he didn’t block because fire mages shouldn’t have ice block because it would melt. Based rp.

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Apparently the mage was on the enemy team that round, but still, I think 90% of the OPs like this (and especially from this poster) are overexaggerating.

At least this time he is not complaining about his arch nemesis, which is cyclone.

Sometimes yes, mages, hunters and palas are playing the “no immunity” challenge games but I think those cases are few and between.


I can’t heal the enemy.

Every other dps in the lobby was just like “go mage” after he died the first 2 rounds without blocking. Then he goes 0-6 without blocking once.

so because of people are bad in the game at your mmr level, they should get banned?

people complain pvp being dead, but in the same time, want every bad player to be banned is just gold lmao

if you dont have fun healing people in solo shuffle, because every individual is differently, u can still play 2v2 or 3v3, or just quit

I think you have often been in the situation where you failed and let someone die when u had cd´s rdy, but this is okay, but if a other guy dies with a cd rdy, its not okay?

na sry, but if u dont like this gamemode dont play it, or u just move to the next game and call it a “aight okay, next”

nice, sometimes u getting 60% - 0 in one global, or it was a fotm reroller/not experienced in the game player and got to higher mmr because of a winstreak

even r1 players die sometimes with block rdy, because the dmg isnt everytime predictable, and since u have no voice communication in solo shuffle, its even more difficult to trade cd´s in the right order.

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