If you die 6 rounds in a row without pressing your immunities in solo shuffle

Majority of my loses are death by mates who do not use their Defensives…

Main problem is, as healer im always punished for that, also its its psyhologicaly devastating and soul crushing, when you see you gonna win game, your DPS mate have ALL Defensive cooldowns, than bam, he dies with less dignity than boar in elwyn forest.

Good changes for SS woud be:
-If your mate die with his MAJOR Defensive unused = healer loses -50% less for that round
If you play DPS and you die without your healer use his major healing cooldown you lose -50% less

Its DEVASTATING gameplay experience when you lose 3 rounds with guy who never use defensive, than this same guy go against you and play like divine surgeon , 0 mistakes all defensives well rotated…

That’s true, something to be grateful for.

Also, sometimes the team is just playing bad. Personally I sometimes choose not to use a CD that I have if it is the wrong moment to use it, because well, it is the wrong moment to use it. If my team, healer or the 2nd DPS, decide not to use their CD that should answer the situation and I die, that’s fine, because they deserve the loss.

Playing like this might make you lose a round you could win here and there, but overall it has worked pretty well for me. Playing worse because of a mistake someone else makes is not the way. The only mistakes people should try to fix are their own.

It is not devastating for the enemy healer!

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Sometimes is the keyword here.

Not every round.

Let’s take a paladin from another shuffle, rogue, retri, spriest & aff lock in the lobby:

First death:

He’s dying to dots at 60% dampening. He doesn’t divine shield when I fear his healer and dies to the dots.

Second death:

He gets kidney shot into a smoke bomb, has no trinket. He sits the full kidney shot and dies without pressing divine shield.

Third death:

Dies at 70% dampening with divine shield ready.

Fourth death:

Dies at 80% dampening with divine shield ready.

Fifth death:

Dies at 80% dampening with divine shield ready.

Sixth death:

Dies to dots when I get coiled and spam feared without using divine shield.

None of those deaths were particularly fast. He had plenty of time to use divine shield before dying.

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For him its nothing else than Undeserved win… Also not all healers wears same weight of those people, for example disco priest have chance to save those guys, while for others no defensive usage is automatic lose.

But lose is lose, wining healer always need to be rewarded as intended… question is does healer who suffered such a incident need to be punished that harsh? That part is actualy devastating and soul shattering…

Tbh this happened to me many times that i was dying in situations when i Felt like i should be fine but would still die. Its a crazy difference when you have experienced healer and you just feel safe and then que soloq at 1500 with some random healer who for some reason struggles to outheal anything. Tldr i would refuse to wall air.


Playing this game, according to your post history, has not made you grow intellectually, so if it also “shatters your soul” it is time to wave goodbye.


Look im kinda of person who dont care for losing, if we lose and we spend all cooldowns good, enemy was better… but losing games because someone is incappable to press block or bubble or turtle, is devastating for me and enrages me… because Im geting punished for points as healer. Its same I decide, not to go in tree form, because i think guy dont need, then he die and I say ups…

About intelect growth…wanna hear holy truth… majority of guys on nowdays 1800+ do NOT BELONG there, healers like disc priest, or hpals pushed them there… in any normal world player who cannot use defensive which is usualy button or two, wont ever see 1600 in his life no matter who heals them…but since we have those god tier classes they are there, and then when they need to rotate their defensives we have circus. thats true story about intellect, and many will find themself there so you see how people actualy degrade…

Not pressing buttons is kinda deliberately spoling other players enjoyment because you queue for PvP without reading what your buttons do. Pressing them wrong is just making a mistake but not pressing anything is just inting. I played healer a bit last expansion and I know how frustrating it is when someone doesn’t press anything and then next round when you give him CD he presses his whole spellbook at once. Shuffle overall is frustrating. If you don’t want to ruin your mental health just don’t play it.

It’s impossible to play this game perfect. Even the best players do a lot of mistakes and sometimes don’t press their cooldowns. How you play this game is you take decisions - better/worse. Depends on the situation but you have to take them. Sometimes people greed their CDs to press then on absolute nothing or press them on extremely low HP.

Regarding healer’s balance yes. It’s scuffed at the moment not going to lie. One guy from our discord who was one of the highest H Priests in shuffle tried the spec few weeks ago and played agaisnt random Paladin who literally ran behind him whole game and pressed constantly Repentance that he SW:D, Fade, Shadowmeld and still that guy had easier time healing it. That’s why he is full on Disc at the moment but it is what it is. Blizzard isn’t the best at tuning and probably never will be.

This. And it’s even funnier when you make a fresh alt when guys don’t press dispel at all. Literally not even once. I don’t blame them as default Blizzard’s UI is just garbage and doesn’t show enough data. If you are a newb who leveled up a character and played some dungs then tried PvP you will play like this. Damage reduction is damage reduction for a reason when low CR healers press their CDs because you are low HP and not when enemies press CDs then they cannot heal anything.

According to whom? Player opinion? What matters, is Blizzard’s definition on when they will step in to do something about it. Not pressing buttons, is not part of it.

And when the definition is made, that people may intentionally toe the line and say “I did press it, at the start” while that was entirely worthless to Divine Shield at spawn. Will you also penalise them for that? When is it OK to DS? After 60 seconds? When you think you get a Greater Pyroblast to the face? What if they cancel their spell and you waste it?

Sometimes, I never use certain spells because I never need them until I do and then wonder where I left the spell in question.

As was said, some people are just not good at the game. They may not even know the existence of what their spells do. That is not deliberate action, but lack of knowledge of their classes and cannot be proven as intent of griefing.

Kind of is. Because that’s how you play the game. It’s like if you played Tennis and didn’t try to hit the court. It’s kinda inting anyway. Also the definition that you posted is quite loose and has a lot of space for interpretation.z

This doesn’t sound as a legit argument because Saneko nobody asks for advanced gameplay here just for use of your basic defensive toolkit. Mage is actually a hard example here but a lot of specs have quite simple and logic toolkit. Not knowing your spells and going to play max level content sounds a bit ridiculus. I get it - you don’t need some CC and utility in M+ but in arena you kinda need everything. As Shaman the only buttons I don’t press in arena are Waterwalking, Reincarnation (rather not use) and Astral Call (the HS thing).

I mean maybe Blizzard should make short tutorials for every class at max level that you have to finish once on certain character/spec before you can queue ranked. Let’s say teaching you to use Alter Time, Greater Invis and Ice Block. A lot of things can be done here but first of all people need to want to be decent. If someone is ignorant and didn’t even read his spells he is kinda intentionally ruining the game for others. Ban would be too much but not being able to queue shuffle for some time - for me would be fair.

Doubtful - nobody plays it anymore btw and people truely don’t die in one global anymore. Blizzard made a lot of changes to the game that it doesn’t happen. Sounds like you last played PvP in Shadowlands buddy.

And that’s fine. Not everybody can be great at the game but at least you should try. If you don’t know what your defences are then what are you doing in solo shuffle. If someone literally doesn’t press a single defensive then what can you do as a healer? Guy is uncarryable. Mistakes and being bad at the game is rather pressing things in the wrong moment for me.

This is true, however, those mistakes shoud be occasional as ratting progress higher, not almost evry game like they are now…
As RDruid if people do not rotate their defensive its automatic lose, I dont have toolkit to fix this circus, while some other healer still have options and chance to fix. Main problem there is: Mistake forgiving healers as HPals, Discs pushed ARMY of DPS players high to the places they do not belong, sorry bro but having 1900 ratting and being incapable to press bubble or block is something unimaginable and sight of low skill, with that playstyle players shoud NEVER be able to see above 1600, but those guys see more ratting because god tiered mistake forgiving healers have toolkit to negate their mistakes. Problem arises when those guys start to play with other healers… than we have this circus.

Main question there is, does healer who losed 3 rounds with guy who didnt use bubble or block need to be punished that harsh in the end of game? Or blizzard can make system which make healer lose -50% less points for that round if DPS die with his major defensive aviable.

I think it would be nice to be able view every players PoV at the end of the 6 rounds, so we can see what they were doing.

My question to you (and every healer) is why would you play solo shuffle to begin with. You can literally make a LFG group and have it filled in 1mn. I’m not trying to look down on you, I’m genuinely curious why healers would go through this sh*t hole solo shuffle is when you can actually play the better version (without spending 30mn in lfg applying to groups like DPS have to)
As a noob DPS myself it’s really hard to get into actual 3s because I never meet the requirements so SS is my only option when I want to do PvP content, but I see tons of groups LF healers and I bet they would even take a healer with less experience than them if it means actually playing the game.

You don’t play almost 2300 rounds of solo shuffle to be at 1850 CR because the ‘majority’ of those losses are not your fault.

How about you stop blaming other people and focus on yourself? Because I am absolutely positive that you’re overestimating your own ability here.

I play SS because I dont have time to reform group each time I want to jump into action, my playtime ability is very fragmented (specific situation).

In LFG there is not that much groups, unless you want to play with guys much lower than you which tank your ratting hard if lose yet rewards almost nothing when win, also 90% of guys there have mindset to leave after one lose, or make drama after one lose. I got situation when guy for first time in his noob life got 10wins in a row and hot streak achievment, than we lose one, this doesnt prevent the guy to curse my mom.

Offcourse there is loses with my fault for example when I eat unecessary CC etc…but

Majority of loses are resolved around this:

  1. Defenisve cooldown is not used at all (Example, pala not bubble, mage not block etc)
  2. Defensive cooldowns are used into nothing (Example war uses his frenzied regen while not even targeted, than they just swap him and GG)
  3. Defensives are completly missused ( Example lock wall when he have 3% HP left)

I think if you not play god tier healer, majority of games are resolved around if your mates gonna use defensive or not… Example: There is palyer who never bubble, you lose 3 rounds, enemy healer lose two… it looks like draw, but then guy by miracle decide to use bubble one game and they win.

Im not blaming people I just say system is busted, balance is terrble, MMR system is terrible… not all healer suffer the same weight from people who not use defensive… Example: When someone dont use defensive with Disc priest this not good but not necessary end of world, with RDruid its automatic lose, without output, toolkit or anything to stop guy death…

So question is the same, Does healer who lose 3 rounds because someone was incapable to use his major defensive deserve harsh punishment? or do we need system which woud punish that healer less in those situations. Imagine you losing rounds because Disc priest just not want to Pain supression you for who know what reason? he is not in CC, you are not in LoS, he have 2 stacks , you die… thats how game feels when we lose when DPS not use defensive, so who need to pay the ratting price there? remember healer is ALWAYS punished.

Banning bad players, just makes the queues endlessly long. Don’t forget about that.

If to ban someone, then its should be kinda players personal ban/banlist ( kinda as ignore) so player dont get matched with banned player in same group.

This happens however it doesnt happen every game. In a long run if youre better than enemy you push if youre both unable to carry then its a draw. Sometimes theres nothing you can do, that happens in every multiplayer game. Also going 3-3 means you you end up with +0 which is not punishment?

No, it doesn’t.

I played against a holy paladin where I went 3-3 and gained a ton of mmr and he lost a ton of mmr because I was like 90 mmr below him judging by the average mmr.

There was a 0-6 mage in the lobby. He died 4 times without blocking.

It only results in no changes if you’re both at the same mmr, which is quite rare for healers.

yeah exactly, thats the difference (besides of good lobbys/rng) why people are 2.4 in this Gamemode instead of being 1.8

wish the other guys here could realize how this Gamemode really works, but i doubt, it is easy to blame other peoples for the own mistake and i think some peoples here, exaggerate instead of improving

yeah happens, do you think it doesnt happen for everyone else? ofc as a dps u have more “impact” to win a game, but even as a dps player it happens multiple times, that u are close to win, and need 10 seconds more, and then randomly your mate threws the game without using defensive cd´s

keep in mind, that some guys also dont want to overlap the cds, it happens so often with my wall, i use wall, and getting in the same time ps because the healer trinket randomly a coil or dr fear for no reason

and solo shuffle can be really rough sometimes, where your hp bar ping pong up and down and sometimes 2 sec cc is enough to bring someone down from 100% to 0%

sometimes u have bad lobbys, sometimes u have good lobbys, other healers are also be able to climb

is healer as easy as dps? no, but it is still possible, just try to improve and carry these hopeless lobbys, thats basically the game concept about this gamemode

“to carry the weak one” sometimes it is possible, sometimes its not, but it isnt everytime impossible. or as you claim

thats a nice idea, i used it in league because they have it there, u can also see what the enemy team is doing, it helped me out from Gold elo, to Platin, because it is easier to recognize the own mistakes