If you die 6 rounds in a row without pressing your immunities in solo shuffle

Hes been saying and complaining about the same thing in every DF season. Even when resto druids were better than disc he still said disc were literal gods and because of popularity he started calling them rats.

Hes a prime example of someone who does the same thing over and over and never try to improve, simply because its “everyone elses fault” - “wintrading” - etc.

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You can’t action people for being bad at a game, that’s ridiculous.
But if they throw the game on purpose, that’s a different story. For simply sucking? No.

Yes. I believe the term is “hopeless imbecile”. At one point being polite becomes useless.

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If hes playing hpal, the best healer rn against h Priest, the worst healer ever while having higher mmr and then proceeds to not be able to carry a single round then he deserves to lose mmr.
Also yes it could happen that there was nothing He could do but still it happens in 1 lobby its not like IT happens every game.

Funny thing is they were able to make IT work on private server where you could spectate your last 10 games while they will never make it work on retail.

yeah, miss the times when blizzard was good in stealing things from other games/servers and made it better

some people underestimate how good the tool is, and so blizzard

Damn, I would love a way to spectate your own games after its done. Would help alot of people to realise their own mistakes without having to resort to video recording it.
I personally dont like the option of spectating other ppl games live though, would prefer a delay on that part. Feels like it could be abused.

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What ‘harsh punishment’?

If you lose 3 rounds, that means you’ve won 3 rounds. You gain 0 cr, lose 0 cr and lose or gain MMR depending on your MMR vs enemy healer MMR.

Is it possible, that maybe, just maybe, you aren’t as good as you think you are?

It happens way too often. They need to start penalizing them.

Well decent people are able to climb so i guess mage who did not block is not the reason people are at 1600 mmr.

The serial Rival/Duelist has never in his entire existence misused/not used a defensive cooldown and the reason he’s in the gutter every season is because of his teammates.


Btw, they’re penalised by losing points/not gaining as many as if they won, hence why they’re low rated, and finally the ultimate punishment of all: being grouped with you.

I usually pretend to not care about solo shuffle at all. But sometimes I get tilted like crazy if the people even start chatting or grief intentionally.

reading threads like this is just so enjoyable :see_no_evil:

I can feel Bad mates or opp classes won’t hold you back much longer, gl boss

ps. nerf melee mobility. buff warlock (all specs across the board) and most important also nerf resto druid with these cyclones. I even saw one of them in the wild lately

im free to say it majority of my loses, and alot of games are decided if guy gonna use defensive or not

the more games you play, the more RNG and luck (having your mates mess up) factor is cut out of the equation

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Funny coming from a priest when an astonishing amount of disc priests let people die without ever using power word: barrier or void shift. In my experience, healers are the biggest griefers when it comes to not using their CDs.

Record your gameplay and I’m pretty sure i’ll be able to find other reasons than your teammates not using cds.
I actually faced u Once in df and i believe you improved since then however back then for example you lost rounds cos of low healing output and bad positioning.

yep, thats why i dont get people with 500 games played at 1.8 what are saying “i stuck there because of rng/bad mates”

i think they just dont want to see the truth, and it is easier to blame other peoples instead of looking for the own mistakes

at higher rating, it is indeed Rng/luck based, because of many Wintraders, or people what threw on purpose “because it is funny to see people raging on stream” but at lower rating, it´s just like in every game other game/mode u can carry some lobbys, and other lobbys are uncarryable

yep, i mean i was able to get a 5:1 and 6:0 on a 1.9 and follow up 2.1 mmr lobby where ppl aready were 2k+ cr on my half green geared destro lock

fresh geared boomy was instantly on 2.1 mmr pushed in full green.

depends, mostly i just what lobby you have. You see ppl like fuseton playing ww monk on a 2.4 mmr lobby going 1:5 just because of the lobby setup itself

also i’d wish they pulled the + cr faster in solo rbgs aswell but my monks rated bg blitz mmr is somehow rigged anyways or i dont understand it at atll.

im at 11:0 in solo rbgs, so didnt lose any. the avarage mmv of the lobby on my first game was 1.7 and on my 11 win streak the lobby avarage was at 1.8 :person_shrugging:

my personal mmv is mvv and the rest is all at 1.8 and llower xD kinda lost the motivation to keep going on that one…

yeah i got tired of playing it, i had 3k mmr at 1.8 cr and got only 20+ per win while my mmr was over 1k higher, its such an troll system

watched some streams from r1 solo shuffle player, every lobby besides of bm hunt was full of double caster unfun trash, i think most of the melees besides of rogue/feral perform bad into double/tripple caster lobbys

it´s like, u come out of the pillar and u die while walking in slow walk to the next hiting league of legends tower

atleast your avarage group mmr goes up xD, mine is stuck at 1.8 while my personal is over 2.3 but everyone elses is 1.8 or lower^^ (MMV not CR!) if i will lose 1 game and on that avarage mmr its high cahnce of random dumb misplay by someone in the group my personal mmr will fall down lika a steelbar dropping

since im just playing from time to time my ww monks mmr is currently just on 2.2-2.3 so idk how it is on higher lobbies but ww monk feels pretty solid mostly

They basically made it based on the spirit that you become when you die in arena. You connect to someone’s arenas as that spirit. Nobody sees you and you walk around. Simple yet effective.

Actually there is spectator mode in WoW but it works only with Wargames and the issue is it bugs your whole UI after. I tried it - looks like AWC but… as I said weird things happen after.