There is a way to spec a Havoc DH talent tree in which you have zero defensive buttons to press. Actually zero.
I imagine someone who uses that certain talent tree would greatly tilt the OP. But then, how can you ban someone for not using defensives if they don’t have any in their spellbook? More mysteries.
Play resto druid and you will see… in evry game with resto druid there is a moment when mates must bear weight of enemy offensive, if they neglect their defensives at this point it is automatic lose. Start watching in 7:20, entire situation explained.
Truth is:
God tier healers like Disc and HPals, have overtuned defensive cooldowns and they put alot of DPS people to ratting they NOT BELONG. In any normal word, DPS player who is incappable to rotate his defensives shoud never be able to see above 1600 ratting, but with god tiered healers around those guys went above that treshold… When no god tier healer heals them we have circus, because their true skill is bring to surface at this point. And what we got? mage which die with block, pala which die with bubble, hunter which never turtle, shadow priest which never use defensive and die with mitigation and swap unused, warlock which use shield wall on 2% HP left…Shamans who cannot use his defensive and throw grounding… thats my friends ALL products of god tier healers. And this is awesome bad for the game. This is reason why there is so much hatred and disrespect in this game, because better do not win… This is no E-Sport way, god tiers cannot exist in competitive game.
General diference: When you play game with disc priest and hpal, if people not use their defensives it is not good, but not necessary automatic loses because those god tiered healers still have toolkit to pull throu that major mistake… While those same situations with resto druid are AUTOMATIC loses without a chance to do anyhting beside helpless watch in horror how you lose game and your mate have ALL his defensive toolkit aviable.
Can anyone decipher what he actually means by this? Where do they “belong”? What it means to “belong” when we are talking about MMR driven matchmaking in a setting where worse and better players are still playing with these “carrying” healers so it statistically evens out?
Or maybe that person is just really bad at low rating and somebody who is also low rating and believes is better and doesn’t deserve to be at that rating is mad at you
That’s how this post looks to me
If you’re stuck in donut land, get out of it and you’ll stop healing donuts
I will tell you example:
Player who are good only in his 123 burst window nothing else, situational awerness 0, defensive usage non existant… With Disc priest and Hpal this guy have still chance to see victory screen… when non god tier healer heals him its automatic lose. So this player went to rating he do not belong… Product is: Guy who die like p000p with ALL his defensives aviable on 1800 ratting? Lets stop there, in real world in 1800 ratting those mistakes shoud be rare occasion right? Since 60% of healers in this game according to statistics are Hpal or Disc priest, this guy got away with all his mistakes, his real ratting is 1600 but when god tiers healer heals him he is 1800+, see the issue there? Than this same guy come to play with other healers and this time he need to put his brain online and cannot just do his 123, and we have circus, spectacular loses when guy die with ALL his defensive toolkit aviable… Why is that? because guy dont have skill to play on his current ratting unless god tier healer heals him.
Ultimate insult in wow 2024 shoud be: " you are only good to be healed by disc or hpal"… if those healers cannot keep you alive who can?
Nah, it’s their right to play poorly. Nobody is required to be up to some invisible standard - that’s what rating is for.
It is right to play poorly indeed but they not get punished by their mistakes healer get punished…
I will easy fix this situation with following condition:
If DPS die with his major defensive unused , healer lose -50% less for that round
If DPS die with healer major healing cooldown unused DPS lose -50% less for that round
Problem solved…
For example, warrior charges behind the pillar, gets stunned, dies with no cooldowns used by either himself or the healer. Both get less losses because of “not their fault”.
Or a disc priest is stunned, has 2x charges of PS, and a rogue is also stunned, has trinket, cloak, evasion ready. Rogue decides not to trinket, priest doesn’t use PS, both get a milder penalty because “it’s not their fault”.
Countless other situations like this that you come to wonder what would be the point?
I honestly don’t understand how some can entertain this idea even for a second. Sometimes you die with a defensive cooldown because you made a call to trust a healer to cover you, and you save your cooldown for more appropriate time. If most cases that results in favorable cooldown trading and higher winrate in the long-term, you just accept the occasional fumbles and carry on.
Applying some sort of MMR or other penalties for cooldown usage that situationally encourage bad plays is just nonsensical. There are too many variables to consider to even have the slightlest chance of making such system non-terrible.
Using or not using defensive skills not affect evry healer the same
Not using defensives with hpals and discos = not good but not neccesary end of world
Not using defensives with resto druids and other healers = AUTOMATIC LOSE
So if you are not God-Tier healer, you constantly get harsh punishment for people not using their defensives. It become pandemic, if you not belive what im talking, roll resto druid, play some games and we can talk.
That is irrelevant to the point I am making and misrepresenting it. I understand that priests and paladins have ransacked your mind but unfortunately…
…will not bring healer balance as you would hope and it would just create incentive to make stupid decisions.
They ransacked anyone mind even to those who plays them and enjoy fake feeling about doing well… they are source of 90% problems in this game… from community disrespect and defiant behaviour to long que times… Why is that: because better do not win with them around. Just watch AWC…hpal disc over and over and over and over, to degree that it hurt the eyes.
Offcourse not… people will just play as normal, but this system will be there to fix injustices… Than your healer wont be punished for -50 points when you forget to use your CoS and you wont be punished that hard when your healer forget to use Pain suppresion.
What if your trinket is cooldown and you die within CC with unused defensives, or alternatively you are CC’d as a healer in similar case with unused defensive? Which cooldowns would that apply for anyway? In rogues case, would it be evasion or cloak? Both? What if you use one or the other? We would probably need to account for the enemy composition aswell in case either one of those doesn’t do anything, yes? Complicated already. I guess we need to add vanish to the mix. But we should not forget about crimson vial or feint? Hold up, what if you don’t run talented feint for non-aoe damage reduction? Would you propose then some sort of weighted avarage and complex (and impossible to determine) formula to determine how many points this nonsense idea of yours would alleviate the MMR penalty for others upon losing a round?
Although I admit it would be pretty funny to see shuffle gameplay evolve to a point where players run behind pillars to prevent their teammates from using their spell on them in case they know they’re gonna lose the round, in order to climb MMR with a negative winratio.
Unlikely, but they for sure are atleast 90 % your problems.
They do when enough games are played, actually.
They denying dignity and existance of other healers, besides them ALL others are cannon fodder, which is shown publicly on AWC with their 90%+ participation. This is no E-Sportish and it worth 0 respect. They are anyone problem, and one of reason why DPS happily sits on 45mins que time, and one of reason why some game modes are death. Other healers just dont want to be their free feed.
Offcourse not… I got multiple situations when I bounce on ±400 ratting in day or two while play the same? how is this possible? My answers us Luck: When I droped it was because I encountered alot of hard counters, alot of guys who die with all defensive aviable, when I pushed I encountered opposite… So pushing ratting is all about sating current MMR system which is win streak hungry beast, nothing else and for that some degree of luck is needed because its very hard to recover after black swan 0:6 lose.
Nobody is arguing that gaining rating is a linear process. Of course you swing back and forth but if, on avarage, you are better than your peers, you swing upwards more than swing downwards when the timeframe is long enough.
If your argument “better player doesn’t win” means that it’s unfair when you play against stronger classes, then boohoo I guess? That’s always been the case since the start of 2008 when arena was launched.
Just watch AWC, it shoud be holy manifestation where it matter how people play not what they play… in the end of America AWC we got mirror versus mirror because anything else is OBSOLETE… Screw the game balance when mirror is only possible answer for broken meta.
In E-Sport game there is no place or room to god tiered classes, classes can be slightly stronger than others under managable margins, but situation when something is MUST pick is sight of bad game balance, worth no respect in E-Sport world and in the end Better do not win. And of all balances healer balance is most broken.
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