ok. Next expansion, RNG currency reward it is.
ironicly the currancy gearing system is the same system ff14 has been using since launch … and it works very well … give or take the weekly caps.
Yes, because Mythic+ can be a challenge, Heroic Dungeons are not.
But not that this matters because you are a salty PVP-only player who finds any PVE boring.
its wat it is deal with it .
So Soul ashes are not time gated ? conquest is too? Sounds like magic but currencies can be limited. And that’s in the game right now.
Can’t recall what’s “challenging” about RNG, but alright.
This thread is stupid, and if you disagree with this you’re objectively wrong.
You’re not me so it doesn’t work. Only I know the Truth.
Idk as this has never been my point.
OP claims that the only solution is a fully deterministic system where you do stuff, get currency and after X iterations get your item from a vendor.
I claimed that it’s not the only solution, and that I wouldn’t want a full on “Everything on a checklist” grinding currencies all the time.
The RNG system is what it is but at the very least you get something every so often even if it’s not perfect. Has its own issues but as I said before too much currencies is just as bad as too much RNG.
Fundamental difference between what I’d qualify as Korean RPG and WoW : In WoW you grind to beat the timegating, you get most of the stuff with minimal time investment… Then you’ll spend hours trying to get more than that in the same timeframe.
If the 15% drop rate per raid boss is accurate then we’re talking about 2.5 = 1 (vault) +1.5 drops (10 bosses down) per week… And 1.45 if you only clear the first 3 bosses which is usually much more accessible than the later ones. So only what, 40% more gear for more than three times the efforts ?
These eastern grinds would instead imo lead to pretty much our current situation (as in no loot for dozens of runs) only that instead of getting a drop every so often you already know you won’t get anything noteworthy, and only after pretty much the same duration you’ll get to buy an item. Can’t see how weeks upon weeks of checklists is better for the moral tbh.
Just gotta be reasonable. Full rng is a plague, and fully deterministic isn’t much better. But no matter how we acquire gear, if Blizz decides that it’ll take two or three months to fully gear then it’ll take two or three months, with or without currencies and vendors.
I have seen quite a few posts from many people wanting a currency option like the valor system.
My only question would be: What item level should be appropriate for such a system?
200? How many badges would that cost? 30? How many badges should we get then per dungeon?
Different kind of badges from different kind of challenges? 1-6 drops one for 190 items, 7-11 drops one for 200 items, 12+ drops for 210, and the same for raiding?
How far do people want to push the ilvl to feel satisfied? Hope it makes sense!
You start with M+0 ilvl, and you can upgrade your gear for Valor points, similar to how the Conquest gear currently works.
And how far would you be able to upgrade it?
To Mythic quality.
I hear complaints about it being welfare gear, so you can lock the Mythic ilvl upgrade behind an achievement that proves you defeated at least one current raid boss in Mythic difficulty.
That is one I have never heard before tbf, I doubt the super casuals will agree with the achievement, but atleast you will have to work for it, to some degree.
I don’t mind such a system, so I’m all for it.
So… like unrated gear that upgrades based on your rating?
I personally do not care whether casuals get a high ilvl or not.
It’s just that I’ve submitted this idea, and Mythic raiders told me they wouldn’t like it if casuals could get mythic gear effortlessly.
So, I thought of this achievement middle ground.
Yes, pretty much. I feel like it’s a fair system.
No RNG frustration, what you do in game always contributes to gearing in a meaningful way, you never waste your time, and you eventually reach the ilvl you deserve.
You forgot the fact that conquest gear is pain in the backside to acquire initially.
Yes! I had a near 9 months break from WoW during the end of BFA, and I played FF14. Guess what, I NEVER got angry about not getting loot. Because there always dropped 8 pieces at the end of trials that you could roll for, and spare up until you had the gear, so everyone in your party got something every time. The raids are somewhat the same where you roll for a chance at some instant gear, but you also receive a weekly currency that you can use to buy gear.
I was NEVER, not once angry about not getting gear, because my time was never wasted. Blizzard needs to stop being ret@rded and adapt the same gear system. Honestly.
It’s a pain to get because the conquest cap is way too low.
But everybody is complaining about that right now.
They are?
Last time I checked it was “well, stop playing PvP in a PvE game, you neeeeeeeeeeerd!” among other stuff.
This is of course excluding the fact that PVP conquest gear has lot more value than m+ and raiding gear currently if one is smart about it…