If you disagree with this thread, you're objectively wrong

Currency > RNG.

You’re free to have a different opinion, but if you do, please be aware that it’s not the right one.




It’s foolish to believe there’s only one solution to the problem.

Too much currencies is just as bad as too much rng. This is not a Korean MMORPG and I’d like it to stay that way.


I agree.
Remove anima and soul ash, and bring back justice and valor instead.


At first, I didn’t actually notice the first line of the thread, but even after I did I still agreed.

I’m fine with 1 item per 5 dungeons, as long as that item is guaranteed because each final boss dropped a token and all items cost 5.

Even then getting a random item for a slot you chose would be an improvement.
“Hey vendor, boots please!”
“Sure, here’s some with your worst stats.”
“Whelp, another 5 dungeons then…”

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Not debatable.


Yes i agree with you but there is one small problem with that when people grind out the currency and have what they need in a week or a month then what people will get bored again and run out of content to do.

And i believe Blizzard time gated the content with rng so the expansion will last longer then a few months.

While i don’t agree with their methods and want the currency option like back in wotlk.

There is still no denying that the impulse go go go players will finish that content within a month at most then what?.

I thought korean RPGs was ahout grinding that xbow 2 sockets at lvl 16 which was a specific drop from a specific mob where gear drops generally actually mean stuff… XD

No thanks I dont want to feel pressured into running mind numbingly boring Random HCs just to farm my weekly Currency cap.

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You prefer to run mind numbingly boring M+ for a RNG chance at 35 anima instead?

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JP, Valor Points + you know exactly what to buy and when you will get it > All RNG

Completely agree with you

The best system is both like it was.

JP/Valor Points Weekly.
Droppable items from content.
Reforging capabilities to reforge for optimisation.
Able to use Currency to rank up the ilevel of items.
Fixed Gem Slots onto gear.
Return of Glyphs.


Fairly sure grinding tons of currencies/items to get / upgrade your stuff is mostly an eastern mmo thing. Far more time consuming than anything Blizz ever threw at us.

Vote for me then.

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When did wow not have RNG :joy:

Well, but this isn’t fixing the issue either, you remove 2 currencies to add another 2.

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RNG was fine. but it had measurements to reduce how bad it felt.

Reforging gave the player a % of control over the stat list they had and make Non-optimised gear Usuable.

Having Gem Slots on all gear Ment u could further Prioritizer stats manually.

JP/VP armour gave you stable progression armour so ur Gear progression didnt stop dead in its tracks 2 weeks into a expansion.

the game was fashioned to have Low Drop rates. but having these extra things which supported the system and made that system feel good.

they’ve reimplemented a Design which only fills half of that by dropping the loot chances to the floor and simply calling it a day. without those other systems… gear progression feels non-existant, bad loot feels worse then ever and its become a absolute chore to try and progress through.

Litterally imagine making a alt currently… imagine the work per day u’d have to put in to even remainn even close to competitive.

U want this to work.

Make proffessions armour worthwhile. let us reforge stats, Give us back the ability to level up said items and really invest in the rewards we’ve earnt.

give the player Some control over the Optimisation of the gear we get.


I prefer to run ONE interesting M+ per week to get ONE guaranteed piece of loot.
If it is mind numbing to you,dont do it? Do 1 raid boss or one bg instead?

You have RNG and RNG. If everything would be just be purchasable with a currency without any chances (RNG) for a drop then it would just be as much of a grind-fest, just in a different way.

Loot Drop RNG has been in the game since the day this game was released, I don’t see it ever to leave the game.

Not my experience with korean rpgs XD