Reforging was just gear tax, do the math first. It didn’t change power difference between items, item A was still worse than item B after reforging both of them.
It was needed only because of hit and exp caps.
Which everyone put the same gems because priority is mostly static. Anothe gear tax.
This point you are correct tho. Every other expansion had some support systems except SL. But you also forget that end-content wasn’t so tight as it is now. So there was no rush to get something better as you could clear content in really bad gear. TF was also similar system, because you could get base items pretty fast you could clear content pretty fast.
wouldnt call it a gear tax, if ur Stat priority is
Int > Mastery > Vers =/= Crit > Haste
annd u get a Mastery + Haste Item, u can Drop the haste to a Lower value to gain Some Vers. making the item as a whole a larger DPS Value to the player.
but again adds value to the player wielding his new item. it also gives a Proffession a Meaning and removes the fact we currently
Lose our gem slot, to farm the maw to get our gem slot. i’d agree with u if Gemslots were no longer a thing
but i’d argue the fact they removed gem slots only to Put a Mandatory grind upon achieving them as a Simple case of
Ok, explaining the obvious, try to keep up, no, don’t eat that shoe:
If MYTHIC PLUS with FIVE BOSSES drops TWO ITEMS RIGHT NOW if TIMED then with middle ground solution timed dungeon would give TWO ITEMS to TWO PLAYERS and the other THREE PLAYERS would get FIFTY badges (so it’s not always guaranteed loot, but at least something).
You state as it is now 2 per boss = on plaguefull 8 peaces per run.
We just want our sence of progression back, Thank you. I dont even need currencies back. I want a wider range of gear bumps.
This is an example:
That meaning, if sofft cap is 200(Normall Mythics)
Mythic + starts 203, and should end around 230.
LFR starts dropping at 215, norm drops at 230Heroic drops at 245 and mythic at 26
Or whatever you want to put in. This is an example and we would like our old amount per loot back w/o TF so we everyone can at least enjoy having a progression despite theyr time constraints.
Regular mythics dont have a loot problem.
And there’s also the huge problem of the fact that M6 and less soon effortwise is not worth it this early in this tier. And I say that as a casual player that allready just runs 1 m5 per week on a characcter solo because I know the loot’s probally not gonna drop for me and that I wijll take the GV gamble cause its just not fun and motivating anymore.
I’m sorry I’m just gonna have to correct your english because you write “dungean” everywhere and it’s triggering the grammar-n@zi in me. It’s dungeon* with an O. Cheers, mate!
At the end of the day the game is, and has always been, timegated. If you could grind your bis gear in one week then the game would grow boring pretty quickly, so even if there was a currency system blizz would make sure you need to run approximately the same aount of dungeon to get a piece as you need in our current system. People gearing up too fast kills the profitability of an mmo. Again this isn’t new, it just takes new forms. Back in the early days they just some bis trinkets and pieces of gear behind an absurdly low drop chance to force people to try and get it every week, even having people farming raids from previous tiers just because those items were so good they were still bis.
Whatever system blizz choose the endgoal and end result will always be the same, to keep us in the hamster wheel. Overall I like the current system, I think it is a good compromise between pure currency and pure drops. I don’t want to feel forced to farm dungeons just to get my currency cap, and pure drops leave me 0 control on my gearing. Right now I can just do what I want, raiding, m+, pvp, I don’t need to do much to have a garanteed piece in the GV but if I do I get more choice, so more likely to get a bigger upgrade.