Fine that we dont have to grind things but something is wrong with SL. Ive never seen my friendlist so empty. Ive never seen the guilds ive been into for years so empty. Ive never seen the lfgroupchat so quiet.
It was the opposite in BFA.
Its coronatimes… it shouldnt be like this.
I seriously want to enjoy Shadowlands and im not burned out. Honestly. Im not. I just dont have any motivation to go on in Shadowlands. Its like Cataclysm all over again.
I do have some motivation to go on, the 9.0.5 bg changes. Atleast bgs can be fun. But its still sad that years old content is more fun than SL itself…
Well…i don’t see many people…hating sl, more i see people seeing potential which potential blizzard doesn’t take advantage of. They are too slow with fixes or they just refuse to fix some things…because reasons (stubbornness).
Most of sub losses is because they are just too slow on fixes…and people won’t stay and pay and play and burn their head with something that’s annoying…
I feel like it’s true that burn out effect and just time going by in general is a big factor but we should never stop criticizing stuff (as long as it’s legit criticism).
I am not saying this to be negative because there is lot over-the-top negativity but criticism is important to make things better and it’s never good to try to silence it.
Yes often problem is the player not WoW but that is not rule, this is lot more complex than just “you are burnt out”, I disagree with lot of SL criticisms and agree with plenty, for many different reasons.
Practically the problem is timegating…and gating in general (gear, reps etc).
That enables catch up…which catch up enables the players mentality of…“i’ll get it next patch for free” .
Players tend to think like this…
And it’s wrong approach to keep casuals…
Look at gearing…you get 197 from freaking campaign…while LFR gives 187 and normal 200…M+ dungeon no vault rewards are… worthless up to +5-6… assuming that’s casual content…that didn’t need time investment… They see no progression unless they stop being casuals…why play it, when next patch…everything of this patch is meaningless…?
I know it’s copied from the US, but uhm, this made me chuckle.
And I am sorry, that some tender souls can’t handle players who leave feedback. Now sure, often enough the feedback given is not much to work on. But there’s still something underneath that triggers it. It’s almost always based on something, even though it’s worded like crap. And don’t forget that in many cases it’s just an old wound being opened up, an old love that got butchered, or whatever you want to call it. Many just have quite some passion for this game, not weird since it’s been around for so long.
There are many things or systems that take away the fun from the game, and it’s a shame. There is so much potential! They just don’t finish it, don’t make it player-friendly or just decide to make it last artificially longer to stretch the subs out.
During BFA i really enjoyed doing those things cause im d3 addict and i like to farm endlesly something when Season starts in d3 im online 30+ hours
But sl showed me that i can play this game in SLOWER phase and i kind like it
yes its the fancy word for anima since thats basically what it is in most fantasy settings mana is the soul it makes up your experience and mental capacity