If you don’t like SL, it’s time to quit WoW

:smiley: Anima is not AP 2.0 srsly how ?..AP was needed because of Neck neck was your power lvl…now anima gives you only cosmetic no POWER lvl so anima is not AP 2.0 you don’t need to grind it

you need over 800.000 anima to unlock everything thats worse then ap :stuck_out_tongue:

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But AP was cancer for people becuase of Power lvl locked behind it xD
one more time for you … cosmetic are optional you can do it now or 3 month from now …AP was needed for raid and dungeons in the moment season started that’s why people grinded island expeditions

Finally someone who UNDERSTANDS.

Folks here play 72 hours a day and then complain on content and expansion pack. Like what the hell guys, get a different hobby, go out for a walk or make friends (friends who play WoW is even better).

There are countless posts of people crying here in “general discussion”, I don’t even get why they keep making them if they don’t like the game anymore. Just quit, go to LoL / HotS or the Witcher or Cyberpunk.

havent logged in a while now, soon my 6 months will end and no longer pay for this abomination.


Passengers can board at gate 2 direction “Nobody cares Island”

Excuse me, but how is the WoW from 15 years ago relevant to what one should expect from how to spend their time in the game?!

A trip to Classic can prove that this is quite wrong.
For the better or worse the WoW versions of old and the latest ones are different games with only the fundamentals being close enough.

Also as it has been said above, Shadowlands is a monument of wasted potential. It is a better expansion than BFA (this is an opinion for those who nitpick). That is nothing impressive.

To me it is good enough for the story so I only activate my sub these days to catch up to the story on new patches or after the renown catcup is active.

I guess sitting in lfg for 2-3 hours every day without any progress is a very fun experience, but we don’t get it. Yeah, the problem is with us.

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according to who ?
if its an opinion (which it is), express it as such.


Of course it is an opinion and it is not just mine. Seriously, nothing in SL is as bad as the Azerite gear.
I edited the previous post to satisfy your request

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You know why this logic fails?

I still like doing stuff from the older expansions i like collecting stuff and doing older quest chains but i still find SL boring as hell. During this expansion i have been finishing zone quests in old expansions and loved every moment of it and never felt exhausted or bored but i still would like the new expansion be fun which shadowlands is not.

Not really angry just disappointed about SL and i did like BfA a lot more it was not perfect but doing stuff in it was actually fun SL just feels too linear with no memorable characters at all.

Also if you find game so fun why are you reading negative stuff on the forum then? Or do you doubt the “fun” you have and come here to seek the validation that the SL is a good expansion.

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I think you just have too much nostalgia in your veins lol.

thats a big pile of bull.

poeople who grinded islands like crazy tried to get the best ilvl possible. but you never actually needed ilvl 198. you could easily beat mythic nyalotha with much less.
people just tried to get the best ilvl possible for absolutely no reason.

The OP in the US version of the topic is getting roasted so delightfully.

I was pretty sure “worse than BfA” was achievable for Ion back at the time.
But what would you need to do to make an expac worse than Shadowlands?

Most of the people it might be that they have invested so much time on WoW that when the game changes to crap for them they feel like they have been screwed over.

I learned long ago not to but my eggs on single basket which is why i divided my time with GW2 and STO. I still complain about wow because i liked older version of it better and when the time comes one day i probably go on WOTLK classic and if the dream comes true MoP classic server.

You could make it even worse if you add the option to pay with real money for getting past time gates, rep grinds, full raid sets etc.

Or if you make everyone to have to walk slowly when not in combat.

I still replay lot of games that i played when i played them in the 90’s like C&C and system shock and i still find them fun after 25+ years later.

I still find 90’s and early 2000 games far superior than crap we have now graphics might be better but older games feel like people who made them had heart and actually enjoyed what they built



The sheer gall of some people on these forums is wild bai haha constantly told what you’re thinking, why you’re thinking it and my favourite, why you’re wrong, all with a smug sh!tface, holier-than-thou attitude.

I gaurantee I could pinpoint where every, single, one is, on the political spectrum, here’s a clue…it aint to the right.

cyberpunk flopped and CD Red is being torn apart by their fans :stuck_out_tongue:

and going outside is not advised by the government’s health advisory in fact in some countries you can be fined for going outside that is not for necessary stuff like buying food