I always thought that the forums are a place for those who care enough about a game to want to give their opinion about how they think it can be better.
Those who are happy enough with the game will be busy playing. Those who cannot stand the game have left or are leaving.
Well usually, when someone is criticizing is also open to discussion. Instead here I just see people saying that I am a mongrel because I don’t see it the same way they do lol.
And you have not answered my first question: am I not caring about the game if I enjoy playing it?
No one is doing that to you and in fact you’re the one that’s dismiss people criticism as crying and act condesending towards those that don’t think like you. https://pics.me.me/555-come-on-now-34279080.png
BFA had the same issues that SL here has, its a cycle that comes back, when a new expansion comes people are hyped enjoy it for a few weeks because its new, then they realise there is not so much to do at beginning of an expansion. People need to realise its NORMAL THAT A GAMING company never or ever will release a full game on launch day. NEVER. SL will be good very good in a few major patches.
However what seems to get worse is how controlled I feel about what I am allowed to do to progress. Because there are too many “systems” to follow.
Covenant Renown, Stygia, Torgast (Runecarving), Anima, Souls, Soulbinds,
Tiny tiny expac, very little to explore or do once you levelled up.
Insane grind, so nope to alts.
Various op and underpowered class’s.
Lazy central hub design.
Little to zero reward for doing harder content.
Little to zero reward for running raids.
Its beyond obvious that a lot of the time gating mechanics and lack of loot is there purely to bring in the monthly subscription and to add insult to injury, once they finally do release upgradable gear you have to grind it all out all over again, why not just simply increase the ilvl in gen then of the new drops?
And don’t even get me started on ilvl upgrades that are a downgrade because more meh stats.
Its also become one of the most elitist games in history with utterly stupid requirements to join M+ or rated bgs. There should be auto queues for both of these, but blizz refuse to add such a simple feature because again it would save a crap ton of time and people would complete things quicker.
I really don’t understand this burnout argument, I mean are you seriously arguing that you know me so well that you understand me better than myself ? To further my point even tough I have game time I am playing on a MoP private server atm, you know why ? Because even without M+ and WQs it still had more content and better class design than whatever SL is.
People who grinded islands like crazy were killing HC bosses in week 1-2 and Mythic bosses in next week
that’s why they did it because if you are going to kill raid in 1 month of release you need all POWER lvl you can find to help you
during AZshara raid in BFA i was grinding my 3 slot to help my team kill HC azshara in 3rd week of release so we can focus on HC farm and mythic raid
if you are going to progres on HC raid 6 months during patch
you will get your AP by default so there is no need to farm islands
There are different types of raiders and people play this game
my point was that dudes said ANIMA and AP is the same thing
it is not
becuase one is used to give you power
And the other one is used to give you cosmetic armor
You don’t need to grind anima because cosmetic armor will never give you power lvl to kill raid
it’s just the bonus and reward for doing wQ content or anyother content where ANIMA is reward
Nope. SL is not quality. I know exactly what is wrong with it, and I know exactly why I enjoy it less than other expansions I enjoyed. This attitude makes the game worse: blaming the player instead of trying to fix the game.